Raffaella Di Sante graduated cum laude in Mechanical
Engineering at the University of Ancona (now Università Politecnica
delle Marche) and obtained her PhD in Mechanical Measurements for
Engineering in at the University of Padua. Since 2004 she has been Assistant Professor of Mechanical
and Thermal Measurements. From 2004 to 2009 she worked at the
University of Lecce (now University of Salento) at the Department of Innovation Engineering and as a
member of the Research Center for the Energy and the Environment
(CREA). In 2009 she has been appointed as Assistant Professor at
the University of Bologna and as a member of the Department of
Industrial Engineering (DIN). She became Associate Professor in 2020.
She is member of the
Interdepartmental Industrial Research Center (CIRI) for
Aeronautics and of the Interdepartmental Industrial Research Center for Advanced Applications in Mechanical Engineering and Materials Technology, CIRI MAM. In 2014 she obtained the National Scientific
Habilitation (ASN 2013) to become Associate Professor and in 2020 the National Scientific Habilitation (ASN 2018) to Full Professor.
In 1999 she worked at the Leveun Measurement Systems (LMS)
company in Leuven, Belgium, and in 2005 she obtained from the
European Commission a Marie Curie Outgoing Intenational Fellowship
to perform a research period at the Massachusetts Institute
of Technology (MIT) in Boston, MA, USA.
She participated to different european and national research
projects in the field of mechanical and thermal measurements and is
author of more than 90 publications in national and international
congresses and reviews.
She is a referee for Measurement Science
and Technology, SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers), Optical
Fiber Technology, Measurement, IEEE Sensors Journal, Review of
Scientific Instruments, IET Science Measurements and Technology,
Sensors, Energies, Journal of Energies and Fuels, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, Shock and Vibration, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Advanced Engineering Materials, Journal of Optics, Optics Letters, International Journal of Automotive and Mechanical Engineering, Applied Sciences, Experimental Mechanics, Journal of Composite Materials, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Smart Materials and Structures, Structural Health Monitoring, Optics Communications, Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, Diagnostics and Prognostics of Engineering Systems, Experimental Techniques, Materials, Journal of Composites Part A, Sensor Review, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, Results in Optics, Engineering Research Express, Optik, Actuators, Automation in Construction, Sensors and Actuators: A. Physical
She is a member of the Topical Advisory Panel of the Sensors journal and of the Editorial Board of the Shock and Vibration journal.
She has been a referee for the "Future of Research" - FIRB programme of the Italian Ministry for University and Research - MIUR, for the Reasearch Quality Assessment in Italy and for different programmes of the National Centre of Research and Development - NCBR, in Poland, the Foundation for Science and Technology -FCT, in Portugal, the Research Council in Estonia, the Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science in Denmark and the Latvian Council of Science (LCS).
Since 2009 she has served the European Commission as an external expert in the aeronautics calls of the FP7, H2020, Clean Sky 1 e 2, Horizon Europe, Clean Aviation programmes and for the EUREKA-Eurostars and EURAMET-EMPIR programmes.