Foto del docente

Rachele Raus

Full Professor

Department of Interpreting and Translation

Academic discipline: FRAN-01/B French Language, Translation and Linguistics

Curriculum vitae


Full Professor of French Linguistics and Translation, Department of Interpretation and Translation at the University of Bologna (Forlì Campus) (Italy).

Doctoral Supervisor at the University of Genoa and University Turin in “Digital Humanities – Digital Technologies, Arts, Languages, Cultures and Communication” PhD.


2000: PhD in French Linguistics and Translation, University of Trieste, Italy

1996: M.A. in Foreign Languages and Literatures, specialization in French, University of L’Aquila, Italy


2018: National Qualification for full Professor of French Linguistics and Translation (10/H1).

2013: National Qualification for Associate Professor of French Linguistics and Translation.


2021-present: Professor of French Linguistics, DIT, University of Bologna (UG and PG levels)

2002-2020: Professor of French Linguistics at the Univesity of Turin (UG and PG levels)

2020 (12 October-11 November): Visiting professor at the University of Paris La Sorbonne (CELSA).

2019 (November): Visiting professor at the University of Paris Descartes (Paris 5).

2017 (October): Visiting professor at the University UNICAMP in Campinas and at the University UNIVAS in Pueso Alegre (Sao Paulo – Brazil)

2016 (November): Visiting Professor at the University of Paris 7 (Centre Linguistique inter-langues / CLILLAC - Axe 3 : Langues de spécialité, corpus et traductologie).

2012 (November): Visiting Professor at the University of Paris 8 (Centre d’études féminines et d’études de genre).

2007-2008: Professor of French Linguistics, Faculty of Political Science, University of Cuneo (UG level)

2004-2006: Professor of French Linguistics, Faculty of Political Science, University of Biella (UG level)

2002-2003: Professor of French Language, Faculty of Foreign Languages, University of L’Aquila (UG level)


From 2020-present:Head of Linguistics Team in the project Empowering Multilingual Inclusive Communicationof the Politecnico of Turin and the University of Bologna. Since June 2023, the project has obtained national funding from the Ministry of National University and Scientific Research (PRIN 2022WEFCFP).

2019-2023: Head of research activities on Linguistic Rights and Language Varieties in Europe in the Age of AI for the European Project Artificial Intelligence for European Integration (AI4EU) - Jean Monnet Centres of Excellence.

2017: Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF) Research Project Grant Program DREO-2017-S0132CQS84719 on Discours d’Europe, discours sur l’Europe. Peurs anciennes et actuelles

2015: Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF) Research Project Grant Program BEO-2014-s01 32CQS84531 on Le guide touristique: lieu de rencontre entre lexique et image du patrimoine culturel

2014-present: Research project DORIF-ADARR about Analyse du discours, argumentation et rhétorique


2023-present: Doctoral Supervisor, University of Bologna, PhD in Traduzione, Interpretazione e Interculturalità.

2021-2024 (December): Director of the University Linguistic Centre for the Romagna at the University of Bologna.

2020-2022: Chairperson of the Europe Research Centre (TO-EU) of the University of Turin – Department of Culture, Politics and Society.

2014-2020 (October): Director of the Europe Research Centre (TO-EU) of the University of Turin – Department of Culture, Politics and Society.

2017-2023: Doctoral Supervisor, University of Genoa and University Turin, PhD in Digital Humanities – Digital Technologies, Arts, Languages, Cultures and Communication.

2009-June 2012: Director of the Research Centre for Women’s and Gender Studies (CIRSDe) of the University of Turin


2024-present: Member of the Scientifi Board of the journal AI-Linguistica. Linguistic Studies on AI-Generated Texts and Discourses (University of Dresden)

From 2020: Managing editor of Book Series Traduco (Rome: TabEdizioni). The Book Series is sponsorised by DORIF.

From 2018: Member of the Editorial Board of the interdisciplinary Journal De Europa – European and Global Studies Journal.

2015-present: Member of the Scientific Committee of the Journal Le Langage et l’Homme. Revue Francophone de Didactique des Langues et des Cultures (Editions Modulaires Européennes – InterCommunications; Editions L’Harmattan)

2015-present: Member of the Italian Network Rete per l’eccellenza dell’italiano istituzionale (REII)

2015-present: Member of the International Language Sciences Association (Association des Sciences du langage – ASL)

2014-present: Member of the international Pan-Latin Terminology Network (REALITER)

2014-present: Member of the Research Center on Lessico multilingue per i beni culturali(LBC) of the University of Florence

2012-present: Member of Board of Experts of the Journal of Interdisciplinary History of Ideas (JIHI - University of Turin)

2012-present: Member of the Scientific Committee of the Gender Journal AG About Gender (University of Genoa)

2011-present: Member of the Scientific Committee of the Linguistics and the Discourse Analysis Journal Entremeios dell’Universidade do Vale do Sapucaí (UNIVÁS - Brazil).

2011-present: Member of the International Association of Translators Réseau de Lexicologie, Terminologie, Traduction

2010-present: Member of the Scientific Committee of the Semiotics Journal Revista do Laboratório de Estudos Urbano (RUA) published by the University of Campinas (Brazil).

2010-present: Member of the Interdisciplinary Group on History of Ideas (GISI).

2008–present: Member of the Scientific Committee organizing the annual Conference on Linguistic Rights in collaboration with the LEM (Langue de l’Europe et de la Méditerranée)

2005-present: Member of the Editorial Board of the French linguistics Journal Synergies Italie, published by the "International research group on promoting French language" – GERFLINT. From 2019 Managing editor of “Synergies Italie”.


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