Foto del docente

Pietro Celo

Fixed-term Assistant Professor working in a different University

Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna

Curriculum vitae

July 1983

Scientific high school degree

April 1993

Degree in Modern Letters of the Università Statale di Milano.


License of interpretation in Italian sign language organized by the Italian Association of the deaf

23-26 June 1994

Intensive Workshop for interpreters in Italian Sign Language (LIS) by Dr. Nancy Frishberg, organized by the Mason Perkins Deafness Fund (Rome)

July 1994

American sign Language ASL courses in the summer session of Gallaudet University in Washington DC, USA.

July to October 1995

Courses and linguistic research on sign languages in the Department of American Sign Language, language and interpretation of Gallaudet University in Washington DC, USA

23-25 March 1999

Workshop: "Communication strategies and communication for deaf - blind children" by the Cultural Exchange Commission between Italy and the United States and Mason Perkins Fund Deafness.

23-28 August 1999

Residential Workshop "Assessment and intervention for students with multiple disabilities ", organized by Association of Blind in Milan.

3-8 July 1999

Intensive training for professional interpreters of Italian Sign Language (LIS): " Discourse analysis: 12 measures to improve interpretation skills." by Anna Witter - Merithew AND organized by the Mason Perkins Deafness Fund and the Commission for cultural exchange between Italy and United States.

3-8 January 2003

Workshop for professional interpreters of Italian Sign Language (LIS) : " aspects of interpretation process : diagnosis and recovery. " by Dr. Dennis Cokely , organized by Mason Perkins Deafness Fund


Erasmus Intensive Programme: Doctoral Studies in Research Methodologies at University of Eastern Finland June 5-19, 2014 Joensuu Finland


PhD. in Educational Sciences and Communication at the Department of Human Sciences "R. Massa",Università di Milano Bicocca

Professional experience

2020-21 Istituto d’Istruzione Superiore Carducci-Volta-Pacinotti di Piombino LI, progettista e docente presso il corso base A1 di Lingua dei Segni Italiana.

2021 Università degli Studi Alma Mater di Bologna, Dipartimento di interpretazione e traduzione DIT Forlì. Docente di Lingua dei segni italiana presso il Corso di alta formazione in Linguaggi per l'accessibilità e l'inclusione LACCI.

2020-21Scuola Superiore per Mediatori Linguistici San Domenico di Fermo in collaborazione con Università di Parma e OSSMED. Docente di American Sign Language presso il corso Laurea triennale sperimentale in Scienze della Mediazione Linguistica per mediatori delle Lingue dei Segni.

20202 MIUR IPSEOA Carlo Porta Milano Docente di materie letterarie

2019 OSVIC-Oristano/Associazione tunisina Ichara, Progetto Tunisia. Docente corso sulla lettura e scrittura dei bambini sordi presso l’Università di Tunis.


Huawei Italy Story Sign and Schools project consultant

From 2018 to 2019

Oto-logopedic Center Sant'Eugenio Institute of Locarno. Pedagogical Direction.


Schweizerischer Gehörlosenbund SGB-FSS Federazione Svizzera dei Sordi. Expert collaborator for Sign Language teachers and CEFR certification.


Contract professor at Civica Scuola Interpreti e Traduttori “Altiero Spinelli” - Fondazione Milano. Lingua dei Segni I


Contract professor at University of Bologna, School of languages and literature, translation and interpretation of Forlì. Teaching Italian signs language.


OPPI Organization for preparation of the Teachers, Milan. Responsible for the project and teacher of interpreters training and teachers of integration and scholastic inclusion


Responsible for research and collaborator of teacher’s training at the School Effatà for deaf children in Ouagadougou in Burkina Faso

from 2007

Professor for Italian Ministry of instruction

from 2005 to 2009

Contract professor for educational project at SUPSI University of Applied Sciences of Italian Switzerland SUPSI, for training educational interpreters in sign language

from 2006

Responsible for educational courses of Sign Language at Università di Milano Bicocca, Department of Human Sciences.


Contract professor for teaching the language, culture and history of the Deaf at Università Ca 'Foscari, Venezia, Linguistics Department.


Consultant for Public Education at the Federal Department of Special Education, Canton Ticino (CH).

from 1994 to 2016

Responsible and consultant at the bilingual school of Cossato (Biella) for the supervision and coordination of the experimental project of bilingualism "for the integration of deaf children in the primary school."


Contract professor for teaching language, culture and history of the Deaf and educational methodology for deaf children at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de l’Ecuador- Esmeraldas