Degree in Medicine and Surgery at the Bologna University on 1990
with 110/110 points cum laude.
In 1991, he spent six months receiving training in Molecular
Biology methods at the Cytogenetic Laboratory directed by Prof.
Luigi Pegoraro at the Torino University, tutored by Dr. Gian Carlo
From 1992, member of the Italian Society of Experimental
In January 1992, he won the concourse for admission to 3-years
“Dottorato di Ricerca” (PhD) in Cytomorphology, molecular branch.
In this period he has conducted research in the field of
experimental hemathology at the Institute of Histology and General
Embriology, Bologna University, in the Laboratory directed by Prof.
Gian Paolo Bagnara.
He discussed the thesis and got the title of “Dottore di
Ricerca” (PhD) on November 2, 1995.
From January 1, 1995 to June 30, 1997: fellowship of the Italian
Association for Cancer Research (AIRC) at the same Institute.
From July 1, 1997: Post-doctorate fellow.
From February 1, 1998, enrolled as Researcher at the University
of Bologna, at the Institute of Histology and General Embriology,
where he has organized since 1998 a Laboratory of Genomics, leading
a research group in human genomics and bioinformatics.
From 1998, member of the Italian Association of Biology and
General and Molecular Genetics.
From March 1, 2005, enrolled as Associate Professor at the
University of Bologna, at the Department of Histology, Embriology
and Applied Biology.
He has published 75 international full papers in the field of
molecular biology, genomics and bioinformatics.
He was member of Research Units funded by Italian Association
for Cancer Research, Italian Ministry for University and Scientific
and Technologic Research, Fondazione CARISBO, University of
Bologna. He was leader of the project “Genomic analysis of human
chromosome 21” funded by Bologna University.
Main research themes: Molecular Biology of proliferation and
differentiation of normal and neoplastic hemopoietic cells;
Molecular Genetics of blood diseases: Fanconi's Anemia, Diamond
Blackfan Anemia, Thrombocytopenias.
Down Syndrome: Molecular Genomics analysis of human chromosome
21 sequence by bioinformatics and gene discovery methods.
Colorectal cancer: search for mRNA candidate markers for colorectal cancer in peripheral blood.
Pierluigi Strippoli has been teaching in several academic
courses since its enrollment at Bologna University:
• Molecular Genetics and Biology and Genetics at the Faculty of
• Genetic II - Recombinant DNA Technology at the Biotechnology
• Genetic Technologies at the School of Specialization in
Ginecology and Obstetrics
• General Genetics at the Nursing course
He was invited to hold seminars at Pediatrics School of Parma
(1992) and Bologna (1997), at the Hemathology Division of the
University of Rome “La Sapienza” (1997), at Medical Embriology PhD
course at University of Ferrara (1998) and at MedConference at Florham Park, NJ - USA (2013).
He visited the Moffitt Cancer Center Research Institute
(University of South Florida, Tampa, FL - USA), Laboratory of Prof.
Domenico Coppola, from January 20, 2003 to February 7, 2003.
Recently, Dr. Strippoli has focused on starting a systematic study of Down Syndrome by integrating clinical, biochemical, genetic and bioinformatic data in order to identify novel therapeutic targets for this form of trisomy.