Foto del docente

Pier Giorgio Cozzi

Full Professor

Department of Chemistry "Giacomo Ciamician"

Academic discipline: CHIM/06 Organic Chemistry

Useful contents

Current research interests

 Laboratory of Stereoselective  Metal Catalysis and Organocatalysis" of the chemistry department G. Ciamician (Prof PG Cozzi) Research subjects:

-New stereoselective reaction for the preparation of isoquinoline alkaloids.

-Photoredox synergystic catalysis with Nickel, Cobalt, Copper, Manganese complexes -New chiral atropoisomeric Bronsted acids

-Stereoselective preparation of deoxypolypropionates

-Al(Salen) mediated Photoredox catalytic reactions

-New stereoselective zinc-mediated reaction

-Use of titanium, vanadium and chromium in catalysis.

-New rotaxane ligands

-Fluorinated aminacids (in collaboration with Prof Cristina Puzzarini)

-New organic dyes for photoredox catalysis (in colalboration with Cyanagen and prof Marco Garavelli)


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