Reformatsky reaction
enantioselective alkynylation
chiral ligands
quaternary sterocenters
catalytic enantioselective reactions
The reseacrh group has opened numeros research line in
stereoselective catalysis and organometallic catalysis.The floowing
research lines are actually pursued.
Stereoselective SN1 type reaction with carbenium ion.
Stereoselective reaction for teh synthesis of alkaloids. .
New methodogies with chiral Bronsted acids, and new design for
Bronsted acids
New organocatalysis based on porphyrins
Total syntehsis of Baulamycin A and B, abnd their applications
against resistent bacteria gram negative (in collaboration with
Sant Orsola, Bologna)
Photocatalysis with Bodipy
Stereoselective photocatalysis with earth abudant and not toxic
Synthesis of new chiral rotaxane ligands.
Use of privileged ligands (BOX, BINOL, Salen, PHOX, etcc) in new
catalytic stereoselective processes.
Organometallic catalysis with iron, cobalt and manganese complexes.
New stereoselective hydrogenation based on iron or cobalt ligands
(in collaboration with Matthey Catalysis, UK)
Organometallic catalysis with chromium, zinc, iron, cobalt, and
manganese complexes.
Stereoselective redox catalysis.
Enantiselective Reformatsky type reactions.
New methodlogies with titanium and chromium complexes.
Catalis redox organometallica