Home > Useful contents > DSE THESIS AVAILABLE (2024-2025)
DIGITAL SCHOLARLY EDITING THESIS (2024-2025) - write to paola.italia@unibo.it to book Thesis extra office hours.
1. DSEI - Digital Scholarly Editing Infrastructure (starting from Dr. Martina Dello Buono's Shivadharma Project https://shivadharmaproject.com/)
2. MLOL LISTS/STORIES Status of art, paradigms and case studies (with Traineeship in Horizons Unlimited) https://www.medialibrary.it/media/esplora.aspx
3. MANZONI ABROAD. Manzoni's The Betrothed European translations and annotations of the multilingual comments: Digital Environment, Scholarly Editing & annotation (Pundit, Muruca) - (also could become a PhD project)
4. MANZONI RELOADED: The Betrothed Storytelling - Scholarly Editing/Storytelling of Fermo e Lucia > Sposi promessi > Promessi Sposi.
5. HAWTER Hand Writing Time Recognition with Montale's Posthumous Diary as a Case study: Hand Writing Recognition (ML & IA with Imaging for identification through dating letters of undated manuscripts): Transkribus, Python, NLP and the NEW NEONEURO [https://neoneuro.com/it/2018-10-19-00-50-07/2-uncategorised/284-authorship-attribution-it?fbclid=IwAR17wPsCA6yeJdotfcjHyy4bU_cArXx78TVrVRc-QZ-yhzt01wXkPpNw5zs]
6. DDP (DIGITAL DIDACTIC PATHWAYS) (A Teaching Literary Library of Italian Ancient Books from '500 to '900) with Traineeship in ADLab (see a SAMPLE with Bembo's Prose della volgar lingua
7. EUROTVM: EURO TEXTS VARIANTS MINING: Mapping Creativity through Variants (Italian, French, English and German Literary Texts) (read before: https://umanisticadigitale.unibo.it/article/view/12627)
8. "E-READER". A PLATFORM FOR DIGITAL EDITIONS: see before www.bitesonline.it and read "Il libro digitale" http://amsacta.unibo.it/6348/ + traneeship (also could become a PhD project).
9. OPEN SAVINIO/TOBINO/BASSANI XX century Italian Authors Digital Libraries and Archives (Savinio, Tobino, Bassani) - DataBase and Data Visualization (also with other Authors).