Foto del docente

Paola Maria Carmela Italia

Full Professor

Department of Classical Philology and Italian Studies

Academic discipline: LIFI-01/B Philology of Italian Literature

Curriculum vitae

Download Curriculum Vitae (.pdf 269KB )




Surname: ITALIA


Unique researcher identifier: Full Professor – ORCID 0000-0002-6281-7708


Date of birth: 03.11.1966


1995-1998 PhD in Italian Studies (10th cycle), University of Pisa (Italy)

1994-1995 Scholarship for Graduate Studies Abroad from the University of Pavia, carried out at the University of Geneva (CH).

1991-1992 “Massimo Bontempelli” scholarship from the ‘Lincean Academy’ (Italy)

1990-1991 Bachelor’s degree in Italian Literature from the University of Pavia (Italy).

CURRENT POSITION Full Professor of Italian Literature and Scholarly Editing and Digital Approach

9 December 2019 Dep. of Classic Philology and Italian Studies, University of Bologna (Italy)


2017- Department of Classic Philology and Italian Studies, University of Bologna (Italy)

2011-2017 Faculty of Latin and Greek, Italian, and Scenic-Musical Studies, Faculty of Literature, the Sapienza University, Rome (Italy)

2005-2011 Faculty of Philology and Literary Criticism, Faculty of Literature, University of Siena (Italy)


2007 International Prize Calabria: Barbara Colli, Paola Italia, Giulia Raboni (2006), for the critical edition Alessandro Manzoni, I promessi sposi, Vol. I. Fermo e Lucia. Prima minuta (1821-1823), Milano, Casa del Manzoni, 2017 [19.10.2007].

2004 Domenico Rea Prize for Essay Writing 2004 for the volume Il pellegrino appassionato. Savinio scrittore (1915-1925), Palermo, Sellerio.


2015-2020 22 post-graduate (Master’s) students (12 at the Sapienza University of Rome, 10 at the Bologna University), 8 PhDs (4 at the Sapienza University of Rome, 2 at the University of Pisa; 2 at the University of Bologna); Dott.ssa Monica Zanardo [] : MSCF (ITEM, Paris), successfully appointed a Rita Montalcini Fellow and hired as a Junior Researcher (Padua University) 2019; Dott.ssa Claudia Bonsi [] : post-PhD, successfully hired as a Senior Researcher (University of Milano Bicocca).


2015-2017 Head of Bologna Unity Manzoni Digital Edition [] : Manzoni on line: carte, libri, edizioni, strumenti, PRIN 2015 (PI Prof.ssa G. Raboni, University of Parma); Total funding: €254,000; Bologna Unity Funding: 51,000.

2014-2015 Head of Multidisciplinary Project with Sapienza Physics Department: THESMA PROJECT €20,000.

2009-2011 Digital Critical Edition Study GaddaMAN – C.E. Gadda Literary Manuscripts Collections PRIN 2009 (PI Prof. C. Vela, University of Pavia); Total funding: €86,551; Siena Unity Funding: 36,424.


2019 International Conference: Carte, penne, inchiostri. Imaging, 3D e restauro digitale, Bologna, 6 December 2019 ( - [] ).

2019 Intorno all’Infinito, Seminario Internazionale di Studi, Naples, Biblioteca Nazionale Vittorio Emanuele III, 25 October 2019 ( - [] ).

2016 Conference: Manoscritti 2.0. Filologia, Paleografia e nuove tecnologie, Rome 20 May 2016 ( - [] )

2015 International Conference + Workshop: ECD/DCE. Edizioni Critiche Digitali/Digital Critical Editions and Workshop Photonics for Humanities, Rome 27 March 2015 ( [] ).


2019- Quality Assurance Committee, Classic Philology and Italian Studies Department, University of Bologna (Italy).

2019- Level II Degree “Italianistica” Orientation and Traineeship Activities Committee, Classic Philology and Italian Studies Department, University of Bologna (Italy).

2018- Level II Degree “Digital Humanities and Digital Knowledge” Scientific Commitee, Classic Philology and Italian Studies Department, University of Bologna (Italy).

2017-2019 Erasmus + Research Night Coordinator for Classic Philology and Italian Studies Department, University of Bologna (Italy) with [] .



2018- European Book Review and Contributing Editors – Editorial Committee of the international Journal “Textual Cultures” (OJS) []

2016- Editorial committee of the international journal "Genesis" (ITEM’s journal, Paris) [] .

2014-2018 Editorial committee of the international Journal “Annali Manzoniani” (National Centre for Manzonian Studies) ( [] ).

2010- Editorial and Co-editorship [2014-] committee of the journal “Ecdotica”, University of Bologna (Italy) () [] .

2010 Design and editorship of the Authorial Philology portal [] and the didactic channel WIKI GADDA YouTube []


2017- Co-editorship (with S. Albonico and G. Raboni) of the Series “Filologia d’autore”, Carocci editore (Rome, Italy) ( - [] ).

2014- Co-editorship of the Paper/Web Series “BITeS” Biblioteca Italiana Testi & Studi, Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, Roma (

2011- Co-editorship (with Giorgio Pinotti and Claudio Vela) of the Opere (Works) of Carlo Emilio Gadda, Adelphi editore (Milan, Italy) ( [] ).


2020- Alma Mater Cultural and Creative Industrial interaction Centre ( [] ).

2020- Alma Mater Research Institute for Human-Centered Artificial intelligence ( [] ).

2019- Digital Advanced Research Centre ( [] ) Scientific Commitee, University of Bologna (Bologna, IT).

2014-2019 Scientific Committee of the National Centre for Manzonian Studies (Milan, Italy) []


Project Title

Funding source

Amount (Euros)


Role of the PI

Relation to

current ERC proposal

The Italian Art of Political Correctness: Patronage, Censorship, and Authorship in Florentine

Renaissance Historiography (1548-1574)

Social Sciences and Humanities

Research Council of Canada



Collaborator to Varchi’s Digital Scholarly Edition within UniBo DH.arc

The proiect develops a case study of 16° century (1537) Authorial Manuscript. Linked to the study of authorial corrections, but focused on a single author.

Digital Manuscript: Imagine, 3D, and Virtual Restoration

Emilia Romagna Funding (High Competences Grant)



Head of One-year Post-PhD Research on Digital Manuscript

The project develops the Leopardi 3D project, through the application of RTI technology for the digital reproduction of Leopardi's manuscripts.

Linked to the study of Digital Philology but focused on a single author.

Manzoni On line2: new documents, tradition and translations

PRIN 2017

(PI Prof. G. Raboni, University of Parma)




Head of Bologna Unity

The project aims to develop the DH infrastructure and the scholarly digital editions of Alessandro Manzoni's work, in order to represent the typologies of corrections in the transition from the 1827 edition to the 1840 one.

Linked to the study of digital infrastructures and scartafacci corrections, but focused on a single author.



A large selection of earlier and project-related PI's 190 Publications (6 monographs, 3 philological handbooks, 7 critical editions (Manzoni, Leopardi, Gadda), 55 peer-reviewed articles, 45 essays in volume, 15 proceedings, etc.). These can be viewed at:

Top 10

1. [Monography] Paola Italia, [], Rome, Salerno, 2020 (press review [] ).

2. [Peer-reviewed article] M. Giuffrida, P. Italia, S. Nieddu, D. Schmidt, From print to digital: A web edition of Giacomo Leopardi’s Idilli, “Digital Scholarship in the Humanities”, fqaa022, [].

3. [Peer-reviewed article] Aux origines de la “Critique des brouillons”, “Genesis”, 2019, pp. 47-59.

4. [Peer-reviewed article] Filologia d’autore, critica genetica e critica delle varianti, «Manuscrits italiens du Settecento: une approche génétique», proceedings, Paris, 19-20 marzo 2015, in “La Rassegna della Letteratura Italiana”, 2 (2018), pp. 33-48.

5. [Proceedings] Alle origini della filologia d’autore. L’edizione del “Codice degli abbozzi” di Federico Ubaldini, in La filologia in Italia nel Rinascimento, eds. C. Caruso, E. Russo, Rome, Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, 2018, pp. 379-98.

6. [Monography] Paola Italia, Come lavorava Gadda, Rome, Carocci, 2017 (Collana “Filologia d’autore”, n. 1) [French translation on publishing: Dans l’Atelier de C.E. Gadda, trad. Claire Riffard]).

7. [Monography] Paola Italia, Il metodo di Leopardi, Rome, Carocci, 2016.

8. [Peer-reviewed article] C. Bonsi, A. Di Iorio, P. Italia, F. Vitali, Manzoni's electronic interpretations, The Mechanic Reader. Digital methods for literary criticism, “Semicerchio”, LIII (2015/2), pp. 91-99.

9. [Proceedings] A. Di Iorio, P. Italia, F. Vitali, Variants and Versioning between Textual Bibliography and Computer Science, in F. Tomasi, R. Rosselli Del Turco and A. M. Tammaro. Eds. Humanities and Their Methods in the Digital Ecosystem (AIUCD Conference 2014).

10. [Methodology] Paola Italia e Giulia Raboni, Che cos’è la filologia d’autore, Roma, Carocci, 2010 (“Le Bussole”). (IT/EN version of some chapters, WIKI platform about Gadda's Eros e Priapo's digital critical edition - spanish translation in "Creneida", P. Tanganelli ed.,

Other ERC related publications (critical editions):

· C. E. Gadda, Eros e Priapo. Versione originale, a cura di P. Italia e G. Pinotti, Milano, Adelphi, 2016 [ed. P.I.: pp. 339-344 e pp. 371-426] (ed. unpublished manuscript) [OA WIKI Gadda here [] ].

· G. Leopardi, Canti e Poesie disperse, critical edition: F. Gavazzeni dir.; P. Italia coord., Florence, Accademia della Crusca, 2009 [P. Italia ed. vol. II, pp. 1-369) + DVD] (ed. unpublished manuscript) [ []].

· A. Manzoni, Fermo e Lucia, D. Isella dir., B. Colli, P. Italia, G. Raboni eds., «Edizione Nazionale ed Europea delle Opere di Alessandro Manzoni», Milan, 2006 [P. Italia edited: cap. 2, 5, 6 (I vol.); 7, 8, 9 (II vol.); 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 (III vol.)].

Digital Projects and Digital Editions:

Project title


Role of the PI

VASTO (Varchi Storia Fiorentina) edition []

DH.arc (University of Bologna)


Philoeditor Manzoni []

DH.arc (University of Bologna)


Wiki Leopardi [] – Leopardi Ecdosys []

University of Rome-Bologna



· 04.2019-05.2019 Fellowship Concordia University (Outgoing Mobility Alma Mater Bologna-Concordia University and Italian Cultural Institute of Montreal) The "Neapolitan notebook" and the method of "Infinity" by Leopardi Concordia University - Montreal (CA).

· 11.2017 International Fellowship, Wellesley College with lectures: Sponsored by the ECCO, the Department of Italian Studies and the Blended Learning Initiative; Wellesley - Boston (USA).

· 2011-2012 ‘Twentieth-century Editing: problems and proposals. within ERASMUS PROGRAMME- Teaching Staff Mobility - Edinburgh (UK).

3. INVITED PRESENTATIONS at peer-reviewed, internationally established conferences and/or advanced international schools

23.03.2021 Dante and the XIX Century, Lincean Academy for 2021 “Dante 700” Celebrations (Invited International Conference).

25-27.03.2021 The double text. The history of “alternative variants” in Italian tradition, ESTS 2020 Oxford Conferences (abstract accepted – conference delayed due to Covid-19).

06.12.2019 , [] Seminario internazionale, Bologna, 6 dicembre 2019 (video here [] ).

25.10.2019 [], Seminario Internazionale di Studi, Napoli, Biblioteca Nazionale Vittorio Emanuele III, 25 ottobre 2019 (press review here [] ).

07.11.2019 [], PhD Lecture - Lugano USI (Università della Svizzera Italiana), 7 november 2019 Lugano (CH).

3-31.10.2019 Filologia, letteratura e psicoanalisi in “Eros e Priapo” di Carlo Emilio Gadda, 15h. Advanced Seminar in Scuola Galileiana di Studi Superiori (University of Padua), Padova (IT).

12-13.11.2018 Filologia d’autore digitale. Da Manzoni a Gadda, in Ecdotica digitale e nuovi approcci critici del testo, ULiège, FNRS, Labex COMOD, 12-13 november, Liège (BE).

19.10.2018 Alle origini della “critica degli scartafacci”, in "Génétique dans le monde" au congrès de cinquantenaire de l¹ITEM - La critique génétique comme processus, Congrès du cinquantenaire (1968-2018), 17-20 october, Paris (FR).

26.01.2018 La filologìa de autor. Ediciòn de textos e historia de la lengua, Lezione di Dottorato Internazionale Lenguas, Textos y Contextos, Granada (ES).

29.03.2017 Paola Italia e Fabio Vitali, Philoeditor 3.0, PhD Advanced School Lecture: Humanities & Technologies: an integrated research path, Naples (IT).

17.03.2017 La filologia de autor, in V Jornadas sobre editión de textos e historia de la lengua: Filología y Ecdótica (Universidad de Sevilla, Aula Magna de la Facultad de Filología), Sevilla (ES).

30.05-01.06.2016 Filologia d’autore nel Seicento: le edizioni di Federico Ubaldini, L'attività filologica in Italia tra Quattro e Seicento, 30 maggio - 1 giugno 2016, Sapienza Università di Roma - British School at Rome, Roma (IT).

12-14.05.2016Una sorta di poema”. Strategie della visione e della narrazione in Bassani, in Giorgio Bassani. La passione per le immagini, Colloque international, 12-14 maI 2016, Université Paris-Sorbonne, Maison de la recherche, 28, Rue Serpente 75006, Paris (FR).

12.02.2016 Il lettore di Bassani e il caso Deliliers, Bassani dans son siècle, Colloque international, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris 3, CIRCE, Paris (FR).

23.11.2015, Stratigraphies et variantes: nouvelles perspectives autour de la philologie d’auteur, Le séminaire suivi par la présentation du projet Thesma Lieu: Université Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3 –Séminaire « Critique génétique et philologie d'auteur. Rencontre(s) méthodologique(s), Paris (FR).

12-13.06.2015, Promessi Sposi's Genetic Analytic Edition: a new way to study texts, The mechanic reader, Siena-Certosa di Pontignano, Centre for Comparative Studies, Siena (IT).

19-20.03.2015 Filologia d'autore, critica genetica e critica delle varianti: diacronia, sincronia e tassonomia, in Manuscrits italiens du XVIIIe siècle: une approche génétique, Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3, Paris (FR).

02-3.12.2014 Terahertz Imaging of Unreadeable Manuscripts – Workshop Internazionale Thz-ARTE, ENEA, 2-3 Dicembre 2014, Frascati, Roma (IT) .


· 2019-2020 Contributor of Comparative History of the Literary Draft in Europe Project (International Comparative Literature Association), directed by Dirk Van Hulle and Olga Beroborodova, with Italian traditions’ section, Oxford (EN).

· 2015- Membership of ITEM "Groupe Manuscrits italiens du Settecento - Équipe Écritures des Lumières ", responsible: Nathalie Ferrand ( ): conferences and lectures on THESMA project; project membership of "Genesis"; Paris (FR).

· 2014- Membership of University of Barcelona e University of Leida Catedra Marius Torres Group de recerca "A cura de" (SGR 552-AGAUR): [], Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 7 de juny de 2013 as a consultant for "Italian case"; Barcelona (ES).