Foto del docente

Paola Maria Carmela Italia

Professoressa ordinaria

Dipartimento di Filologia Classica e Italianistica

Contenuti utili



DIGITAL SCHOLARLY EDITING THESIS AVAILABLE (2023-2024) - write to to book Thesis extra office hours.

1. DSEI - Digital Scholarly Editing Infrastructure (starting from Dr. Martina Dello Buono's Shivadharma Project

2. MLOL LISTS/STORIES Status of art, paradigms and case studies (with Trainsheep in Horizons Unlimited)

3. LEGGO LEOPARDI Leopardi's Lyrics Annotation Platform see before  Dante Dartmouth Project and LEGGO MANZONI (also could become a PhD project)

4. MANZONI ABROAD. Manzoni's The Betrothed European translations and annotations of the multilingual comments: Digital Environment, Scholarly Editing & annotation (Pundit, Muruca) - (also could become a PhD project)

5. MANZONI RELOADED: The Betrothed Storytelling - Scholarly Editing/Storytelling of Fermo e Lucia > Sposi promessi > Promessi Sposi.

6. HAWTER Hand Writing Time Recognition with Montale's Posthumous Diary as a Case study: Hand Writing Recognition (ML & IA with Imaging for identification through dating letters of undated manuscripts): Transkribus, Python, NLP and the NEW NEONEURO []

7.  DDP (DIGITAL DIDACTIC PATHWAYS) (A Teaching Literary Library of Italian Ancient Books from '500 to '900) with Traineeship in ADLab (see a SAMPLE with Bembo's Prose della volgar lingua

8. EUROTVM: EURO TEXTS VARIANTS MINING: Mapping Creativity through Variants (Italian, French, English and German Literary Texts) (read before:

9. "E-READER". A PLATFORM FOR DIGITAL EDITIONS: see before and read "Il libro digitale" +  traneeship (also could become a PhD project).

10. XX century Italian Authors Digital Libraries and Archives (Savinio, Tobino, Bassani) - DataBase and Data Visualization (also with other Authors).