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Paolo Torroni

Associate Professor

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Academic discipline: IINF-05/A Information Processing Systems


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Publications prior to 2004

Marco Alberti, Marco Gavanelli, Evelina Lamma, Paola Mello, and Paolo Torroni. An abductive computational model for open societies. In Angelo Cappelli and Franco Turini, eds., Proceedings of the 8th National Congress on Artificial Intelligence, AI*IA 2003, Pisa, Italy, September 23-26, 2003. LNAI 2829, pp. 287-299. © Springer-Verlag, 2003.

Marco Gavanelli, Evelina Lamma, Paola Mello, Michela Milano, and Paolo Torroni. Interpreting abduction in CLP. In Luigi Palopoli, ed., APPIA-GULP-PRODE Joint Conference on Declarative Programming, Reggio Calabria, Italy, September 3-5, 2003. Università Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria.

Marco Alberti, Marco Gavanelli, Evelina Lamma, Paola Mello, and Paolo Torroni. Specification and verification of agent interaction using social integrity constraints. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, Vol. 85 No. 2. Special Issue on Proceedings of the Workshop on Logic and Communication in Multi-Agent Systems, LCMAS 2003, Eindhoven, the Netherlands, 29 June 2003, edited by Wiebe van der Hoek, Alessio Lomuscio, Erik de Vink, and Mike Wooldridge. @ Elsevier Science, October 2003.

Fariba Sadri, Francesca Toni, and Paolo Torroni. Minimally intrusive negotiating agents for resource sharing. In Georg Gottlob, ed., Proceedings of the 18th Biennal International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI 2003, Acapulco, Mexico, August 12-15, 2003. @ AAAI Press.

Marco Alberti, Marco Gavanelli, Evelina Lamma, Paola Mello, and Paolo Torroni. Modeling interactions using social integrity constraints: a resource sharing case study. In João Leite, Andrea Omicini, Leon Sterling, and Paolo Torroni, eds., Declarative Agent Languages and Technologies. First International Workshop, DALT 2003, Melbourne, Australia, July 15, 2003, Revised Selected and Invited Papers. LNAI 2990, pp. 243-262. © Springer-Verlag, 2004.

Marco Alberti, Anna Ciampolini, Marco Gavanelli, Evelina Lamma, Paola Mello, and Paolo Torroni. A social ACL semantics by deontic constraints. In Vladimír Marík, Jörg Müller, and Michal Pechoucek, editors, Multi-Agent Systems and Applications III. Proceedings of the 3rd International Central and Eastern European Conference on Multi-Agent Systems, CEEMAS 2003, Prague, Czech Republic, June 16-18 2003. LNCS 2691, pp. 204-213. © Springer-Verlag, 2003.

Marco Alberti, Anna Ciampolini, Marco Gavanelli, Evelina Lamma, Paola Mello, and Paolo Torroni. Logic based semantics for an agent communication language. In Barbara Dunin-Keplicz and Rineke Verbrugge, eds., Proceedings of the 1st international Workshop on Formal Approaches to Multi-Agent Systems (FAMAS), Warsaw, Poland, April 12, 2003, pp. 21-36.

Anna Ciampolini, Evelina Lamma, Paola Mello, Francesca Toni, and Paolo Torroni. Co-operation and competition in ALIAS: a logic framework for agents that negotiate. Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, Volume 37 Nos. 1-2, pp. 65-91. Special issue on Computational Logic in Multi-Agent Systems, edited by Jürgen Dix, Fariba Sadri, and Ken Satoh. @ Kluwer Academic Publishers, January 2003. ISSN 1012-2443. A preliminary version can be downloaded from here. cited by...

Fariba Sadri, Francesca Toni, and Paolo Torroni. A multi-stage negotiation architecture for sharing resources amongst logic-based agents (extended abstract). Short paper. In Peter Mc Burney and Michael Wooldridge, eds., Proceedings of the Special Interest Group on Multi-Agent Systems, (UKMAS'02), Liverpool, London, December 2002 (2 pages).

Paolo Torroni, Paola Mello, N. Maudet, Marco Alberti, Anna Ciampolini, Evelina Lamma, Fariba Sadri, and Francesca Toni. A logic-based approach to modeling interaction among computees (preliminary report). In Peter Mc Burney and Michael Wooldridge, eds., Proceedings of the Special Interest Group on Multi-Agent Systems, (UKMAS'02), Liverpool, London, December 2002 (14 pages).

Paolo Torroni. A study on the termination of negotiation dialogues. In Cristiano Castelfranchi and W. Lewis Johnson, eds., Proceedings of the 1st International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS-2002), Bologna, Italy, @ ACM, July 2002. ISBN 1-58113-480-0 pp. 1223-1230.

Anna Ciampolini, Evelina Lamma, Paola Mello and Paolo Torroni. Coordinating the safe execution of tasks in a constrained multi-agent system. Short paper. In Cristiano Castelfranchi and W. Lewis Johnson, eds., Proceedings of the 1st International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS-2002), Bologna, Italy, @ ACM, July 2002. ISBN 1-58113-480-0 pp. 940-941. Extended version in Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Distributed Constraint Reasoning (DCR), July 2002 (9 pages).

Fariba Sadri, Francesca Toni, and Paolo Torroni. An abductive logic programming architecture for negotiating agents. In Sergio Flesca, Sergio Greco, Giovambattista Ianni, and Nicola Leone, eds., Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Logics in Artificial Intelligence (JELIA'02), Cosenza, Italy, September, 23-26, 2002. LNAI 2424, 2002, pp. 419-431. © Springer-Verlag, 2002.

Anna Ciampolini, Evelina Lamma, Paola Mello and Paolo Torroni. A Proof-system for the Safe Execution of Tasks in Multi-Agent Systems. In Sergio Flesca, Sergio Greco, Giovambattista Ianni, and Nicola Leone, eds., Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Logics in Artificial Intelligence (JELIA'02), Cosenza, Italy, September, 23-26, 2002. LNAI 2424, 2002, pp. 14-26. © Springer-Verlag, 2002.

Andrea Roli and Paolo Torroni. Logics, local search, and resource allocation. Short paper. In Thierry Vidal and Paolo Liberatore, eds., Proceedings of the STarting Artificial Intelligence Researchers Symposium (STAIRS'02), Lyon, France, July 22-23, 2002. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Vol 78, pp. 119-120. © IOS Press, Ohmsha, 2002.

Anna Ciampolini, Evelina Lamma, Paola Mello and Paolo Torroni. LAILA: a language for coordinating abductive reasoning among logic agents. Computer Languages, Vol. 27 No. 4, @ Elsevier Science, 2001. pp. 137-161.

Fariba Sadri, Francesca Toni, and Paolo Torroni. Dialogues for negotiation: agent varieties and dialogue sequences. In John-Jules Meyer and Milind Tambe, eds., Intelligent Agent VIII, revised papers from the 8th International Workshop on Agent Theories, Applications, and Languages (ATAL'01), Seattle, WA, USA, August 1-3, 2001. Best paper award. LNAI 2333, pp. 405-421. © Springer-Verlag, 2002.

Paolo Torroni and Francesca Toni. Extending a logic based one-to-one negotiation framework to one-to-many negotiation. In Andrea Omicini, Paolo Petta and Robert Tolksdorf, eds., Engineering Societies in the Agents World II, Proceedings ESAW'01, LNCS 2203, December 2001, pp. 105-118. © Springer-Verlag, 2001.

Fariba Sadri, Francesca Toni, and Paolo Torroni. Logic agents, dialogues and negotiation: an abductive approach. In Kosthas Stathis and Michael Schroeder, eds., Proceedings of the Symposium on Information Agents for E-Commerce, AISB'01, York, UK, March 2001.

Anna Ciampolini, Evelina Lamma, Paola Mello and Paolo Torroni. Expressing collaboration and competition among abductive logic agents. AI*IA Notizie - Anno XIII No. 3, Settembre 2000, pp. 19-24.

Rosy Barruffi, Michela Milano, Paolo Torroni. Planning while executing: a constraint-based approach.In Sasha Ohsuga and Zbigniew W. Ras, eds., Foundations of Intelligent Systems, Proceedings ISMIS'00, LNAI 1932, pp. 228-236, December, 2000. © Springer-Verlag, 2000.

Anna Ciampolini, Evelina Lamma, Paola Mello, Cesare Stefanelli and Paolo Torroni. An implementation for Abductive LogIc AgentS. In Paola Mello and Evelina Lamma, eds., AI*IA 99: Advances in Artificial Intelligence, LNAI 1792, pp. 61-71. © Springer-Verlag, 2000.

Anna Ciampolini, Evelina Lamma, Paola Mello and Paolo Torroni. Expressing collaborative and competitive coordination among abductive logic agents. In Ken Satoh and Fariba Sadri, eds., Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Computational Logic in Multi-Agent Systems (CLIMA'00), Imperial College, London, 2000.

Rosy Barruffi, Michela Milano, Paolo Torroni, Interactive constraints for plan construction and execution, In Proceedings of the Eighteenth Workshop of the UK Planning and Scheduling Special Interest Group, Gary J. Petley, Alex M. Coddington, Ruth Aylett, eds., University of Salford, UK, 1999

Anna Ciampolini, Evelina Lamma, Paola Mello and Paolo Torroni. The dynamic composition of abductive agents in ALIAS. In Antonio Brogi and Particia Hill, eds., Proceedings of the Workshop on COmponent-based software developement in Computational Logic (COCL'99), Paris, 1999.

Anna Ciampolini, Evelina Lamma, Paola Mello and Paolo Torroni. Rambling abductive agents in ALIAS. In Fariba Sadri, Francesca Toni, and Stephen Rochefort, Proceedings of the ICLP Workshop on Multi-Agent Sytems in Logic Programming (MAS'99), Las Cruces, New Mexico, 1999.

Maurelio Boari, Carlo Polacchini, Francesco Panciroli, and Paolo Torroni. Modello di un sistema per la programmazione didattica dell'Ateneo di Bologna. Dicembre 1999 (in Italian, 28 pages). Stampa TECHNOPRINT, Bologna. Disponibile su richiesta.

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