Foto del docente

Paolo Torroni

Associate Professor

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Curriculum vitae

I obtained my PhD in Electronic and Information Engineering, in 2002, from the University of Bologna's Department of Electronics, Informatics and Systems (DEIS), with a dissertation on "Reasoning and interaction in logic-based multi-agent systems" under the supervision of Paola Mello and Maurelio Boari. From 2000 to 2003, I spent several periods abroad, mainly at Imperial College London's Department of Computing, as an occasional PhD student and later an academic visitor, working with Francesca Toni and Fariba Sadri. From 2002 until 2005 I obtained several post-doc scholarships. In 2005 I was appointed Assistant Professor at the University of Bologna. In 2012 I obtained the national qualification for Associate Professorship. In 2015 I was appointed Associate Professor in Information Processing Systems at the University of Bologna's Department of Computer Science and Engineering, where I currently carry out most of my professional activity. In 2018 I was awarded the national scientific qualification as full professor in information processing systems and informatics.

My research interest lies in the broad area of artificial intelligence, with a particular focus on natural language processing, argumentation, reasoning and multi-agent systems.

I am the head of the language technologies lab. The lab is involved in numerous national and international research projects and has research collaborations with several research groups. I have co-authored 180+ articles, obtaining some awards, and edited several international journal special issues and proceedings volumes with renown international publishers. According to Google Scholar's data over 5000 citations to my work, my H-index is 35.

I have organized several events, on multi-agent systems, computational logics, and argumentation, including spring schools and international workshops. I have been a member of several steering and programme committees for prestigious international conferences. I have served as a reviewer for national and international project proposals for the European Commission, for the Ministries of Research and Education of Luxembourg, Switzerland, Chile and Canada, and for various Italian and European universities and consortia. I have served in the editorial board of international newsletters and scientific journals, including Intelligenza Artificiale, Fundamenta Informaticae, Argument & Computation, and ACL Rolling Review and PLOS ONE. I have been a member of PhD and MSc committees in Italy, UK, Portugal, Cyprus and Canada.

At Alma Mater, I am the director of the international masters degree in Artificial Intelligence, a tutor of the Collegio Superiore, a member of the academic board of the PhD School in Computer Science and Engineering, and a former member of the academic board of the PhD School in ICT and Law. I teach Real Time Systems, Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Representation in various masters degrees.

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