N. Arcozzi; S. Barza; J. L. Garcia-Domingo; J. Soria, Hardy's inequalities for monotone functions on partly ordered measure spaces, «PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF EDINBURGH. SECTION A. MATHEMATICS», 2006, 136, pp. 909 - 919 [Scientific article]
N. Arcozzi; F. Ferrari, The Hessian of the distance function in the Heisenberg group., in: 1022nd AMS Meeting - University of Arkansas -Fayetteville, Arkansas: Program, s.l, AMS, 2006(atti di: 2006 Fall Southeastern Section Meeting of the AMS
Meeting #1022, Fayetteville, AR,, November 3-4, 2006 (Friday - Saturday)) [Abstract]
N. Arcozzi; E. Casadio-Tarabusi; F. Di Biase;
M. Picardello, Twist points of planar domains, «TRANSACTIONS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY», 2006, 358, pp. 2781 - 2798 [Scientific article]
N. Arcozzi; E. Casadio-Tarabusi; F. Di Biase; M.A. Picardello, A potential Theoretic Approach to Twisting, in: New Trends in Potential Theory, BUCAREST, Theta Foundation, 2005, pp. 3 - 15 (atti di: The 2-nd IMAR WORKSHOP
Potential Theory, Bucarest (Romania), September 9 - 29, 2002) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
N. Arcozzi; D. Girela; L. Kovalev; R. Laugesen; J. Manfredi; G. Weiss, Analysis Conference
on the Interplay of Complex Variables,
Probability and Partial Differential Equations, 2005. [Exhibition]
N. Arcozzi, Carleson Measures for Analytic Besov Spaces: The Upper Triangle Case, «JOURNAL OF INEQUALITIES IN PURE AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS», 2005, 6 [Scientific article]
N. Arcozzi, XXV Convegno Nazionale di Analisi Armonica, 2005. [Exhibition]
N. Arcozzi; F. Ferrari, The horizontal Hessian matrix of the distance function
in the Heisenberg group., in: AMS, Special Session on Geometric Analysis and Partial Differential Equations in Subelliptic Structures, III, PITTSBURGH (PENNSYLVANIA), AMS, 2004(atti di: AMS Meeting #1002
2004 Fall Eastern Section Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA (USA), November 6-7, 2004) [Abstract]
N. Arcozzi; R. Rochberg, Topics in dyadic Dirichlet spaces, «NEW YORK JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS», 2004, 10, pp. 45 - 68 [Scientific article]