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Nicola Arcozzi

Professore ordinario

Dipartimento di Matematica

Settore scientifico disciplinare: MATH-03/A Analisi matematica


Coordinamento del progetto: Geometric and Harmonic Analysis with Interdisciplinary Applications.

Iakovidis, Isidoros; Arcozzi, Nicola, Improved convergence rates for some kernel random forest algorithms, «MATHEMATICS IN ENGINEERING», 2024, 6, pp. 305 - 338 [articolo]Open Access

Arcozzi N.; Monguzzi A.; Salvatori M., Ahlfors regular spaces have regular subspaces of any dimension, «RIVISTA DI MATEMATICA DELLA UNIVERSITÀ DI PARMA», 2023, 14, pp. 19 - 32 [articolo]Open Access

Arcozzi, Nicola; Mozolyako, Pavel; Perfekt, Karl-Mikael; Sarfatti, Giulia, Bi-parameter potential theory and Carleson measures for the Dirichlet space on the bidisc, «DISCRETE ANALYSIS», 2023, 2023, Article number: 22, pp. 1 - 57 [articolo]Open Access

Arcozzi N.; Levi M., Equilibrium measures on trees, «COLLECTANEA MATHEMATICA», 2023, 74, pp. 61 - 79 [articolo]Open Access

Arcozzi N.; Chalmoukis N.; Levi M.; Mozolyako P., Two-weight dyadic Hardy inequalities, «ATTI DELLA ACCADEMIA NAZIONALE DEI LINCEI. RENDICONTI LINCEI. MATEMATICA E APPLICAZIONI», 2023, 34, pp. 657 - 714 [articolo]Open Access

Arcozzi, Nicola; Chalmoukis, Nikolaos, Riesz capacities of a set due to Dobiński., «COMPTES RENDUS MATHÉMATIQUE», 2022, 360, pp. 679 - 685 [articolo]Open Access

Arcozzi, N; Holmes, I; Mozolyako, P; Volberg, A, Bellman Function Sitting on a Tree, «INTERNATIONAL MATHEMATICS RESEARCH NOTICES», 2021, 2021, pp. 12037 - 12053 [articolo]Open Access

Arcozzi, Nicola; Chalmoukis, Nikolaos; Monguzzi, Alessandro; Peloso, Marco M.; Salvatori, Maura, The Drury–Arveson Space on the Siegel Upper Half-space and a von Neumann Type Inequality, «INTEGRAL EQUATIONS AND OPERATOR THEORY», 2021, 93, Article number: 59, pp. 1 - 22 [articolo]Open Access

Arcozzi N.; Holmes I.; Mozolyako P.; Volberg A., Bi-parameter embedding and measures with restricted energy conditions, «MATHEMATISCHE ANNALEN», 2020, 377, pp. 643 - 674 [articolo]Open Access

Arcozzi N.; Domelevo K.; Petermichl S., Discrete hilbert transform à la gundy-Varopoulos, «PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY», 2020, 148, pp. 2433 - 2446 [articolo]Open Access

Nicola Arcozzi, Silvia Benvenuti, Daniele Gouthier, Alessia Cattabriga, TEACHING MATHEMATICS IN TIMES OF CRISIS. A CASE STUDY ABOUT DISTANCE LEARNING AT ALMA MATER STUDIORUM - UNIVERSITÀ DI BOLOGNA, in: ICERI2020 Proceedings, 2020, pp. 6073 - 6079 (atti di: 13th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, Online Conference, 9-11 November, 2020) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

Nicola Arcozzi, Giovanna Citti, Pierluigi Contucci, Valeria Simoncini, Intelligent Machines and Mathematics, 2019. [mostra o esposizione]Open Access

Arcozzi, Nicola; Monguzzi, Alessandro; Peloso, Marco M.*; Salvatori, Maura, Paley–Wiener Theorems on the Siegel Upper Half-Space, «JOURNAL OF FOURIER ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS», 2019, 25, pp. 1958 - 1986 [articolo]

Arcozzi N.; Mozolyako P.; Perfekt K.-M., Some properties related to trace inequalities for the multi-parameter Hardy operators on poly-trees, «ANALYSIS AND MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS», 2019, 9, pp. 937 - 954 [articolo]

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