Arcozzi, Nicola; Levi, Matteo, On a class of shift-invariant subspaces of the Drury-Arveson space, «CONCRETE OPERATORS», 2018, 5, pp. 1 - 8 [Scientific article]Open Access
Nicola, Arcozzi; Giulia, Sarfatti, From Hankel operators to Carleson measures in a quaternionic variable, «PROCEEDINGS OF THE EDINBURGH MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY», 2017, 60, pp. 565 - 585 [Scientific article]
Arcozzi, Nicola; Ferrari, Fausto; Montefalcone, Francescopaolo, Regularity of the distance function to smooth hypersurfaces in some two-step carnot groups, «ANNALES ACADEMIAE SCIENTIARUM FENNICAE. MATHEMATICA», 2017, 42, pp. 339 - 356 [Scientific article]Open Access
Arcozzi, Nicola; Domelevo, Komla; Petermichl, Stefanie, Second Order Riesz Transforms on Multiply–Connected Lie Groups and Processes with Jumps, «POTENTIAL ANALYSIS», 2016, 45, pp. 777 - 794 [Scientific article]
Nicola, Arcozzi; Karl-Mikael, Perfekt; Pavel, Mozolyako; Stefan, Richter; Giulia, Sarfatti, Some Hilbert Spaces related with the Dirichlet space, «CONCRETE OPERATORS», 2016, 3, pp. 94 - 101 [Scientific article]Open Access
Arcozzi, Nicola, Invariant metrics for the quaternionic Hardy space, «THE JOURNAL OF GEOMETRIC ANALYSIS», 2015, 25, pp. 2028 - 2059 [Scientific article]Open Access
Arcozzi, Nicola; Giulia Sarfatti, The orthogonal projection on slice functions on the quaternionic sphere, «JOURNAL OF PHYSICS. CONFERENCE SERIES», 2015, 597, Article number: 012011 , pp. 1 - 6 [Scientific article]
N. Arcozzi; R. Rochberg; E. Sawyer; B. Wick., Potential Theory on Trees, Graphs and Ahlfors Regular Metric Spaces, «POTENTIAL ANALYSIS», 2014, 41, pp. 317 - 366 [Scientific article]
N. Arcozzi; R. Rochberg, Invariance of capacity under quasisymmetric maps of the circle: an easy proof, in: Trends in harmonic analysis. Selected papers of the conference on harmonic analysis, Rome, Italy, May 30--June 4, 2011, BERLIN, Springer, 2013, pp. 27 - 32 (atti di: XXXI Convegno di Analisi Armonica, Roma, 30/05-3/06 2011) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
N. Arcozzi, Beltrami's models of non-Euclidean geometry, in: Mathematicians in Bologna 1861--1960, BASEL, Birkhauser, 2012, pp. 1 - 30 [Chapter or essay]
N. Arcozzi, Capacity of shrinking condensers in the plane, «JOURNAL OF FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS», 2012, 263, pp. 3102 - 3116 [Scientific article]
N. Arcozzi; R. Rochberg; E. Sawyer; B. Wick, Distance Functions for Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces, in: Function Spaces in Modern Analysis: Sixth Conference on Function Spaces Cont. Math. series of the AMS, BOCA RATON, American Mathematical Society., 2011, pp. 25 - 54 [Chapter or essay]
N. Arcozzi; R. Rochberg; E. Sawyer; B. Wick, Function spaces related to the Dirichlet space, «JOURNAL OF THE LONDON MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY», 2011, 83, pp. 1 - 18 [Scientific article]
N. Arcozzi; R. Rochberg; E. Sawyer; B. Wick, The Dirichlet space: a survey, in: Special volume. Conference proceedings: Recent Advances in Function Related Operator Theory, ALBANY, NY, University of New York, «NEW YORK JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS», 2011, 17a, pp. 45 - 86 (atti di: Recent Advances in Function Related Operator Theory, Rincon, Puerto Rico, March 22-26, 2010) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
N. Arcozzi; R. Rochberg; E. Sawyer; B. Wick, Bilinear Forms on the Dirichlet Space, «ANALYSIS & PDE», 2010, 3, pp. 21 - 47 [Scientific article]