Foto del docente

Matteo Golfarelli

Full Professor

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Academic discipline: IINF-05/A Information Processing Systems

Director of Second Cycle Degree in Digital Transformation Management

Curriculum vitae

Matteo Golfarelli is Full Professor at DISI - University of Bologna. In 1998, he received his PhD in Computer Science and Engineering from DISI, University of Bologna, with the research theme “Autonomous Agents” and he completed his education at Brown University (Providence - USA) were he joined the artificial intelligence group. He currently teaches “Information Systems”, “Database laboratory” and "Data Mining" at the Computer Science and Information Technology degree course. He is also in charge of the laboraory board of the same degree course.

He has devoted his research activity to various aspects of Computer Science, including biometric systems, autonomous agents, business intelligence and bioinformatics. He has published over 80 research papers, a didactic book and a scientific one titled  "Data Warehouse Design- Modern Principles and Methodologies", published world-wide by McGrawHill in 2009 (translated in Chinese too) and his activity is the result of an extensive cooperation with several research institutions and industries. He extensively served as referee for a number of international conferences and journals and he is currently in the editorial board of the International Journal of Data Mining, Modeling and Management (IJDMMM), he is also co-chair of the miproBIS and DOLAP conferences. He participated to research projects funded by C.N.R. (National Research Council), MIUR (Ministry of Education, University and Research) and European Community.

Within his main research issue - business intelligence - he studied the main issues related to data warehouse design and proposed a complete methodology that his centred on Dimensional Fact Model (DFM). DFM is successfully adopted in several real-world projects. He gave several courses and seminars. In particular in 2001 he gave a tutorial on data warehouse design at the 17th International Conference on Database Engineering (ICDE), in 1998 and 2002 he organized 2 workshops on the same theme at the University of Bologna. Currently his main research topics are related to BI 2.0, in particular he is working on Social BI and Big Data, NO-SQL DBMS and Open Data Warehouse.

His applied works consist of a long list of various consultancy projects, within contracts between University of Bologna and public and private corporations supporting the governance quality assurance teams in complex projects. He coordinated several technology transfer and innovation projects in the BI and Data mining fields.


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