Big Data
Data warehouse
Design process
Data Mining
Social business intelligence
Opinion mining
Preference queries
What-if Analysis
Precision Farminig
Machine Learning
Trajectory data analysis
Business intelligence refers to technologies, applications and
practices for the collection, integration, analysis, and
presentation of business information aimed at helping decision
makers to take decisions at best. The research activity in this
field concerns design issues. The most relevant result obtained so
far we report a complete design methodology centered on a
conceptual model named Dimensional Fact Model (DFM). DFM is
successfully adopted by several companies and designers. Currently,
the research activity is devoted to the study of advanced
techniques for querying data warehousing systems as for example
preference queries.
Bioinformatics: is the application of information technology to the
field of molecular biology. Bioinformatics entails the creation and
advancement of databases, algorithms, computational and statistical
techniques, and theory to solve formal and practical problems
arising from the management and analysis of biological data.
The research activity in this field is devoted to the
classification of proteins based on surface properties.
Surface-based classification entails the adoption of proper pattern
recognition and data mining techniques that allow recurrent surface
patterns to be identified based on a detailed representation of the
protein surface.
Data mining: he is studying algorithms and data structure for
similarity search on multidimensional data. He is also involved in
projects related to text mining and opinion minig