Foto del docente

Marina Timoteo

Full Professor

Department of Legal Studies

Curriculum vitae



Education and career

Marina Timoteo has an interdisciplinary background in law, history and economic institutions. She studied Law (final dissertation on the Evolution of modern constitutionalism in China, Magna cum laude) at University of Macerata and specialized at Cagliari University where she got a phd in History and Institutions of Modern and Contemporary Africa and Asia, after a one-year research period in China at the Bejing Language University and Beijing University.

Teaching assignments

Since 2007 she is full professor of Comparative Private Law at the University of Bologna, where she also teaches Asian Law and Law and Business in China.

She lectured and has been appointed as a Visiting professor at People’s University and Beijing University (within the European Union - China Higher Education Cooperation Programme) (1998), Chuo University of Tokyo (2001), China’s University of Political Sciences and Law (2004-5), where she currently is Visiting professor and lectured at University of International Business and Economics (Bejing) and China Normal University (2019).

Since 2008 is responsible of the module on “European Private Law” of the Master Program in European and International Law of the China-Europe School of Law of Beijing.

Academic and scientific assignments

Coordinator of the Jean Monnet Module 2023-2026 "ReLaTe - Law and Business in China in the Framework of EU and China Investments and Trade Relations: the Challeges of the Dgital-Tech Age".

Coordinator of the PhD Program in European Law (2019-2022) at the University of Bologna, co-founder and Deputy director of the Interuniversity Research Centre on Comparative Law (Universities of Bologna, Milan, Insubria (Como) and Trieste), Marina Timoteo has been participating to Academic Councils and Organs at the University of Bologna since 2009 (Member of the Scientific committee of the Institute of Advanced Studies from 2009 to 2012, Deputy-Dean of the Law School from 2010 to 2012, Member od the Board of Administration of the University of Bologna from 2012 to 2018). Since 2009 she is the Italian Director of the Confucius Institute at the University of Bologna and since 2015 she is Director of the AlmaLaurea, Interuniversity Consortium, which includes the Ministry of University and Research and 75 Italian Universities.

She has served as advisor and/or expert in Italian and European committees on issues related to Sino-Italian and Sino-European relations and issues related to graduate career (National Committee for the celebrations of the 750 anniversary of the birth of Marco Polo, established by the Italian Ministry for cultural activities in 2004-2006, “EU-China Project for the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights/IPR 2” in 2011-2012, Technical Panel for S&T Cooperation with China, established at the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 2014-2015, Commission expert group on Graduate Tracking, established by European Commission, 2018-2020).

She has been coordinating several international research and cooperation networks (research project “The Legal Framework of Environmental Protection: EU and China in a Global Perspective” within the China-Europe School of Law in 2009-2010; cooperation project “ The capacity building of environmental justice and guarding environmental rights in Western China ” within the “EU-China environmental governance programme - EGP” in 2012-2014, unit of Bologna team of the Jean Monnet Network on EU-China Legal and Judicial Cooperation -EUPLANT (2018-2022).

In 2018 she has created, in cooperation with the Confucius Institute at the University of Bologna, the Project Law in Chinese (Laic) on languistic and translation issues of Chinese law.

Membership at associations and editorial boards

She is member of several academic boards of scientific associations (since 2001 member of the board of the Italian Association for research in Comparative Law, from 2008 to 2017 member of the Board of the Europe China Law Studies Association, where she was one the co-founders in 2007, since 2001 member of the International Academy of Comparative Law, since 2010 she is member of the directory board of the “Annuario di diritto comparato e studi legislativi” and member of the editorial board of the “Rivista Trimestrale di diritto e procedura civile”, since 2019 member of the editorial board of “Opinio Iuris in comparatione”, since 2010 editor of the “China and WTO review”).

Research fields

Contemporary Chinese Law: processes of legal modernization and integration in the international and global law setting with a focus on Europe-China cooperation; contracts, intellectual property, environmental law, digital innovation and law reforms in contemporary China; law and language issues.

Comparison and history of law: interdisciplinary research paths.


Selected Presentations in International Conferences (last 10 years)

2022, 10-14 January, Conference “EUPLANT Agora on “EU-China Legal and Judicial Cooperation” organized by Tsinghua University and Queen’s Mary University in the framework of Jean Monnet Network on EU-China Legal and Judicial Cooperation –EUPLANT. Presentation’s title (11 January): “Ethical guidelines for AI: Europe and China compared”

2021, 29 March, China-EU Comprehensive Investment Treaty” organized by University of International Business and Economics, Beijing, Presentation’s title: “Comparative law analysis of China-EU Comprehensive Investment Treaty

2021, 28 May, Conference “ The Development of Legal Education for the Future”, Organized by China-Europe School of Law, (CESL), Presentation’s title: “Being Lawyers Today: between Hard and Soft skills

2021, 2 November: Conference “New Chinese Civil Code: a Law for Transition”, organized by University of Bologna and Queen’s Mary University in the framework of Jean Monnet Network on EU-China Legal and Judicial Cooperation -EUPLANT. Presentation’s title: “The Chinese style: a Civil Code for XXI Century China

2019, 2 October, Conference “Le regole dell’e-commerce fra Europa, Stati Uniti e Cina. Le grandi tendenze, il confronto con la disciplina internazionale (“E-commerce rules in Europe, United States and China. Major Trends and Internactions with international regulations”), organised by the University of Bologna with the support of UNIDROIT and UNCITRAL. Conclusive remarks at the Conference

2018, 13-14 October, Conference “Roman Law, Chinese Law and Codification of Private Law”, organised at the China University University of Political Science and Law (Beijing). Presentation’s title “Civil law between written norms and applied norms: paths in the process of elaboration of civil law rules

2016, 18 February, International Workshop “Comparing Legal Languages and creating common/uniform terminologies”, organised at the Law School of the University of Bologna by the LASTJD PhD program. Presentation’s title “Linguistic uncertainties in Contemporary Chinese legislation: some paths of evolution in civil law”.

2015, 25-27 September, Annual General Conference of the European China Law Studies Association “New Perspectives on the Development of Law in China”, held at the University of Cologne. Presentation’s title “A Civil Code for the XXI Century China: Comparative Law Perspectives”.

2013, 18-20 September, Annual General Conference of the European China Law Studies Association takes part at the annual conference “New Approaches and New Questions in Chinese Law”, held at the University of Oxford.Presentation’s title, “Sustainability of legal transplants: problems of legal translations in shaping Chinese rules on liability for environmental pollution”.

2013, 13-14 June, Conference “The remedies for the victims of environmental torts: legislation and justice”, organized by China University of Political Science and Law in the framework of EU-China environmental governance programme - EGP. Presentation’s title “Environmental damage and environmental liability: paths of legal transplants between Europe and China” .




- Grammatiche del diritto. In dialogo con Paolo Grossi, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2020.

- La difesa dimarchi e brevetti in Cina. Percorsi normativi in un sistema in transizione, Torino, Giappichelli, 2014

- Circolazione di modelli e riforme giuridiche: il caso est-asiatico, Bologna, Bonomo editore, 2005.

- Il contratto in Cina e Giappone nello specchio dei diritti occidentali, Padova, Cedam, 2004.

- Le successioni nel diritto cinese. Evoluzione storica ed assetto attuale, Milano, Giuffrè, 1994.

Works with co-authors:

M. Timoteo, Z. Shengli, G. Hongbing, Leading Court Cases on Chinese Intellectual Property, Beijing, Intellectual Property Publishing House, 2011, pp. 85-153.

- Timoteo, Ajani, Serafino, Diritto dell'Asia orientale, in Trattato di diritto privato comparato diretto da R. Sacco, Torino, Utet, 2007 pp. 477 (parte Timoteo: pp. 1-14; 47-105; 215-227; 320-331; 387-393; 437-450)

- Voce “Cina”, in Digesto di Discipline Privatistiche, Sez. Civile, Aggiornamento ***** A-Z, Torino, Utet, 2010, pp.181-238.

Edited books

- Towards a Smart Development. A Legal and Economic Enquiry into the Perspectives of EU-China Cooperation, Bologna, Bononia University Press, 2016

- Law and sustainable business in China, Bologna, Bononia University Press, 2015

- Marina Timoteo, Wang Canfa, Fei Anling (a cura di), Legislative and Judicial Remedies for Environmental Torts Victims. A study in the framework of EU-China Cooperation, Bologna, Bononia University Press, 2013

- Environmental Law in Action: Eu and China Perspectives, Bologna, BUP, 2012

- Sistema giuridico romanistico e diritto cinese. Regimi e Tutela della proprietà intellettuale in Cina, Roma, Tiellemedia, 2008

- Pozzo B. – Timoteo M. (a cura di), Europa e linguaggi giuridici, Milano, Giuffrè, 2008


- M.Timoteo, B. Verri, Wang Yukai, Ethic Guidelines for Artificial Intelligence: Comparing the European and Chinese Approaches, China and WTO Review, 2021, n. 2, pp. 305-329

- China codifies. The First Book of the Civil Code between Western Models and Chinese Characteristics, in Opinio Juris in Comparatione, 2019, vol. 1, pp. 23 – 44.

- "Minfa Zongze". Verso una codificazione civile con caratteri cinesi, in Rivista Trimestrale di diritto e procedura civile, 2018, n. 4, pp. 1417-1435.
- Contemporary Chinese Law: A Linguistic Perspective, in J. Visconti (ed.), Handbook of Communication in the legal sphere, Berlin, De Gruiter Mouton, 2018, pp. 402-422
- Of Old and New Codes: Chinese Law in the Mirror of Western Laws, in G. Abbattista (a cura di), Law, Justice and Codification in Qing China. European and Chinese Perspectives. Essays in History and Comparative Law, Edizioni Università di Trieste (EUT), 2017, Trieste, p. 177-192.

- Sustainability and Law-Assessing: The New “Green Rules” for Foreign Companies Doing Business in China, in Beretta S., Berkofsky A., Zhang Lihong (eds.), Understanding China Today. An Exploration of Politics, Economics, Society, and International Relations, Cham, Springer International Publishing AG, 2017, pp. 247-259

- Il trasferimento della proprietà immobiliare nel diritto cinese. Questioni di lingua e diritto, in Ugo Mattei, Albina Candian, Barbara Pozzo, Alberto Monti, Carlo Marchetti (a cura di), Un giurista di successo. Studi in onore di Antonio Gambaro, Milano, Giuffrè editore, 2017, pp. 863-875

- L'autonomia negoziale nella giustizia arbitrale cinese, in L'autonomia negoziale nella giustizia arbitrale, Napoli, Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane (ESI), 2016, pp. 57-70

- Legal Transplants and the Chinese Legal Process: the Case of Circulation of the Rules on Civil Liability for Environmental Harm from Europe to China, in Marina Timoteo (ed.), Towards A Smart Development. A Legal and Economic Enquiry into the Perspectives of EU-China Cooperation, Bologna, Bononia University Press, 2016, pp. 145-155.

- Fare cose con gli emblemi. Termini e categorie del nuovo diritto civile cinese, in Michele Graziadei, Barbara Pozzo (a cura di), Categorie e Terminologie del diritto nella prospettiva della comparazione, Milano, Giuffré Editore, 2015, pp. 249-271

- Diritto cinese e diritto ambientale: un itinerario nella giustizia civile, in Sulla via del Catai, 2015, vol. 12, pp. 163-173

- Incentives and Rules of the Game for Foreign Companies Doing Business in China, in Marina Timoteo (a cura di), Law and Sustainable Business in China, 2015, pp. 19-29

- Diritto di proprietà, diritto di uso e circolazione dei beni immobili nel diritto cinese, in Notariato, 2015, vol. 6, pp. 629-633

- Law and language: issues related to legal translation and interpretation of Chinese rules on tortious liability of environmental pollution, in China-EU Law Journal, 2015, vol. 4, pp. 121-133

- Il diritto per immagini. Aspetti del linguaggio giuridico cinese contemporaneo, in Pozzo (a cura di), Lingua e diritto: oltre l'Europa, Giuffré, Milano, 2014, pp. 73-101.

- Marina Timoteo, Zhou Jie, Channelling Foreign Law Models into Domestic Legislation: A First Inquiry on the Making of the Chinese Environmental Protection Law, in Nicola Lupo, Lucia Scaffardi (eds.), Comparative Law in Legislative Drafting. The Increasing Importance of Dialogue Amongst Parliaments, The Hague, Eleven International Publishing, 2014, pp. 285-296

- Marina Timoteo e Wang Lebing, Le classificazioni dei sistemi giuridici dalla prospettiva del nuovo diritto cinese, in Annuario di diritto comparato e studi legislativi, in Annuario di diritto comparato e studi legislativi, n. 1, 2013, pp.223-238

-La circolazione del modello legislativo italiano in Cina , in Lanni-Sirena (a cura di), Il modello – scientifico e legislativo – italiano fuori dell'Europa, Napoli, Edizioni scientifiche italiane (ESI), 2013, pp. 393-404.

- Sustainability of Legal Transplants and Legal Borrowings in Chinese Rules on Environmental Liability: Lessons from Comparative Law, in Marina Timoteo, Wang Canfa, Fei Anling (eds.), Legislative and Judicial Remedies for Environmental Tort Victims. A study in the Framework of EU-China Cooperation, Bologna, Bononia University Press (BUP), 2013, pp. 271-280

-Développement, environnement, droit: quelques tendances récentes en Chine, in Droit de l'environnement, Juillet/Aout 2012, pp. 226-229

- Doing Green Business in China: Some Rules of the Game for Foreign Companies, in Marina Timoteo (ed.), Environmental Law in Action. EU and China Perspectives, Bologna, Bononia University Press (BUP), 2012, pp. 253-258.

- La tutela dei marchi notori, in Mondo Cinese, 2011, pp. 66-74.

- Sviluppo, ambiente, investimenti esteri in Cina: un primo giro d'orizzonte, in Rivista giuridica dell’ambiente, 2010, pp. 891-901

- Vague Notions in Chinese Contract Law: The Case of Heli, in European Review of Private Law, 5-2010, p. 939-951.

- Marriage Law and Ethnic Identity. The Case of Marriage Endogamy in China's Muslim Minoritites , in Pozzo (ed.), Multiculturalism. Different Meanings and Perspectives of Multiculturalism in a Global World, Berne, Staempfli, 2009, pp. 307-315.

- Nozioni vaghe e diritto: Lo standard di Heli nella giurisprudenza cinese in materia di contratti, in Ajani G., Luther J. (a cura di), Modelli giuridici europei nella Cina contemporanea, Napoli, Jovene, 2009, p. 283-300.

- Un paese, due sistemi: il diritto cinese fra Civil Law e Common Law, in Rivista Trimestrale di diritto e procedura civile, n. speciale Due Iceberg a confronto: le derive di common law e civil law, 2009, pp. 91-100.

- Voce “Diritto Cinese”, in Pegoraro L. (a cura di), Glossario di diritto pubblico comparato, Roma, Carocci, 2009, pp. 90-92.

- Il diritto d'uso su fondi per costruzione, in Schipani S., Terracina G. (a cura di), Sistema giuridico romanistico e diritto cinese. Le nuove leggi cinesi e la codificazione. La legge sui diritti reali, Roma, Tiellemedia, 2009, pp. 185-191

- La tutela deidiritti di proprietà industriale nell'ordinamento cinese: rimedi amministrativi e giudiziari, in Orlandi, Lipparini, Polvani, Tunioli (a cura di), La tutela della proprietà industriale in Cina, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2008, pp.127-146.

- Economic Development and Property Rights in China, in Groppi T., Piergigli V., Rinella A. (eds.), Asian Constitutionalism in Transition. A Comparative Perspective, Milano, Giuffré, 2008, pp. 339-349.

- Look Alike in Cina: il caso Ferrero nelle sentenze delle due corti di Tianjin, in Giurisprudenza Commerciale, 2008, fasc. 3, pp. 561-575.

- Le controversie fuori dalle corti: il caso cinese, in Varano (a cura di), L'altra giustizia, Milano, 2007 pp.301-315.

- L'evoluzione della giustizia: verso la normalità?, in Osservatorio Asia (a cura di), Cina: la conoscenza è un fattore di successo, Bologna, 2007, pp. 253-264.

- Cura e commento del titolo II (Della Proprietà), Libro III (Della Proprietà), artt. 832-951, pp. 642-732, del Commentario breve al codice civile, diretto da F. Galgano, La Tribuna, 2006, pp. 642-732.

- Investimenti e commercio estero in Cina: il punto di vista del giurista, in Orlandi-Prodi, A volte producono: Le imprese italiane in Cina, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2006, pp. 241-260.

- Le riforme costituzionali: Cina e Giappone-La riforma del business law in Cina e Giappone- La famiglia fra tradizione e modernità, in Deaglio (a cura di), La bussola del cambiamento. 80 tavole per capire il mondo, Torino, 2005, alle pp. 40, 42,120.

- Autonomia del diritto privato europeo?, in L'uso giurisprudenziale della comparazione giuridica-Quaderni della rivista trimestrale di diritto e procedura civile, Milano, 2004, pp. 95-97.

- Matrimonio e religione nell'ordinamento cinese: il caso delle minoranze islamiche, in Daimon, 2002, n. 2, pp. 235-244.

- The Harmonization of Contract Law and the Role of Comparative Law, in Comparative Law Review, n. 4, 2002, pp. 27–47.

- Il Pacte civil de solidarité: mariage bis o contrat?, in Contratto e Impresa/Europa, 2001, n. 2, pp. 683-705.

- Overview of Chinese Court Decisions on CISG, in Revue de Droit des Affaires Internationales/International Business Law, 1999, n.4, pp. 471-479.

- La costituzione di Equity Joint Ventures in Cina. L'investitore occidentale a confronto con il diritto cinese, in Diritto del commercio internazionale, 1998, 12, pp. 249-268.

- Modelli antichi in leggi moderne: l'adozione in Cina, in Rivista trimestrale di diritto e procedura civile, 1998, pp. 623-632.

- Contratto e tempo. Note a margine di un libro sulla rinegoziazione contrattuale, in Contratto e impresa, 1998, pp. 619-626.

- Desequilibrios contractuales y adecuación del contrato en los Principios Unidroit, in Revista de derecho mercantil, 1998, pp. 1269-1283.

- Note sul processo di riforma del diritto contrattuale in Cina, in Mondo cinese, 1998, n. 98, pp. 11-19.

- Nuove regole in materia di squilibrio contrattuale: l'art. 3.10 dei Principi UNIDROIT, in Contratto e Impresa/Europa, 1997, pp. 141-175.

- La giurisprudenza cinese e i suoi modelli, in Rivista trimestrale di diritto e procedura civile, 1996, pp. 909-915.

- Riforma economica e diritto: la disciplina giuridica dei contratti economici internazionali e domestici, in Mondo cinese, 1995, n. 90, pp. 9-30.

- Family Law in Italy, in C. HAMILTON - K. STANDLEY (eds.), Family Law in Europe, London, Butterworths, 1995, pp. 263-298

- Italy: Some Recent Judicial Interpretations of Family Law, in University of LouisvilleJournal of Family Law, 1995, vol. 33, pp. 409-416.

- Il notariato in Cina, in Rivista del notariato, 1994, n.4, pp. 753-768.

- Il contratto di vendita internazionale di beni mobili dell'ordinamento cinese: profili generali, in Mondo cinese, 1994, n.87, pp. 21-32.

- La nuova legge cinese sul diritto d'autore, in Il diritto d'autore, 1992, n.1, pp. 133-149.

- Il sistema cinese di conciliazione popolare. La giustizia informale in Cina fra tradizione e modernità, in Mondo cinese, 1990, n. 71, p. 37-65.

- L'evoluzione del diritto di famiglia nella Repubblica popolare cinese, in Mondo cinese, 1988, n.63, pp. 31-63.