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Marina Timoteo

Full Professor

Department of Legal Studies

Academic discipline: GIUR-11/A Comparative Private Law

Short Bio

Marina Timoteo teaches Private Comparative Law, Asian Law and Law and Business in China at the University of Bologna. She has been Visiting professor at Renmin University, Chuo University-Tokyo, CUPL-Beijing. She has served as expert in EU-China Cooperation Programs (amongst which the “EU-China Project for the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights/IPR 2”, implemented by the EPO) and took part as local coordinator in international research and cooperation networks (amongs which “EU-China environmental governance programme ” in 2012-2014 and Jean Monnet Network on EU-China Legal and Judicial Cooperation -EUPLANT in 2018-2022. She currently coordinates the Jean Monnet Module 2023-2026 "ReLaTe - Law and Business in China in the Framework of EU and China Investments and Trade Relations: the Challeges of the Dgital-Tech Age". Visit the project website

Go to the Curriculum vitae


+39 051 20 9 4290

Dipartimento di Scienze Giuridiche
Via Zamboni 27/29, Bologna - Go to map

Online Resources

Office hours

The office hours of prof. Timoteo are on Monday at 12.50 PM, Private Comparative Law Room, Department of Legal Studies, via Zamboni 22, Bologna. It is recommended to send an e-mail to the Professor to fix a previous appointment. It is possible to carry out the office hours remotely, through the MS TEAMS platform, by appointment.
The office hours of prof. Angela Carpi are on Monday at 12.50 PM, Private Comparative Law Room, Department of Legal Studies, via Zamboni 22, Bologna. It is recommended to send an e-mail to the Professor to fix a previous appointment. It is possible to carry out the office hours remotely, through the MS TEAMS platform, by appointment.

Dr. Barbra Verri: it is possible to carry out the office hours remotely, through the MS TEAMS platform, by appointment. It is possible to carry out the office hours in person, only by appointment to be agreed via email at, on Mondays from 11am to 12pm.