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Mariachiara Russo

Full Professor

Department of Interpreting and Translation

Academic discipline: SPAN-01/C Spanish Language, Translation and Linguistics

Delegate for multilingualism

Curriculum vitae

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Curriculum Vitae

She graduated in Conference interpreting from the Advanced School of Modern Languages for Interpreters and Translators (SSLMIT) of the University of Trieste in 1987 and is a freelance conference interpreter  ever since. In 1993 she became Associate Professor at the SSLMIT of Trieste where she taught simultaneous and consecutive interpreting from Spanish into Italian. In 2001 she moved to the SSLMIT of the University of Bologna at Forlì where she also teaches Interpreting Theory. Between November 2005 and October 2012 she has been Director of the Post Graduate Degree Program in Conference  Interpreting. She coordinated the EPIC (European Parliament Interpreting Corpus) project which is an on-line resource freely available at   In January 2014 she obtained the national scientific  habilitation for Full Professorship and in February 2016 took office as Full Professor.

See attached CV for further details


Full Professor of Spanish Linguistics and Interpreting

Coordinator of the MA Program in Interpreting, Department of Interpreting and Translation (DIT), University of Bologna at Forlì Campus (1/11/2015-30/10/2021)

Delegate for Multiligualism and Interculturality of the Rector of Unibo

Member of the Board of the Conférence Internationale Permanente d'Instituts Universitaires de Traducteurs et Interprètes (CIUTI) (2018-) and of the Steering Committee del Knowledge Center on Interpretation of the Interpreting Services of the UE Commission and Council DG-SCIC (2018-2020).


 Fields of research and relevant publications:


Comparative linguistics and interpreting: 

 Interferences: She started with an experimental research to investigate the effects of morphosyntactical asymmetries between cognate languages (Spanish and Italian) during simultaneous interpreting with a view to detect those asymmetries which most disrupt interpreter's linguistic output and transfer the results into interpreting training. 


 Russo, M. (1990) "Disimetrías y actualización: un experimento de interpretación simultanea (español-italiano), in  Aspects of applied and experimental research on conference interpretation , Udine, Campanotto Editore, 158-225. 


Russo, M. (1990) Dissimmetrie morfosintattiche tra la lingua spagnola e la lingua italiana, Trieste, Scuola Superiore di Lingue Moderne per Interpreti e Traduttori.


Russo M. (1997) "Morphosyntactical asymmetries between Spanish and Italian and their effect during simultaneous interpreting", in Transferre necesse est. Ed. by K. Klaudy e J. Kohn, Scholastica,Budapest, 268-272. 


Russo M. (1998) "Effetti delle dissimmetrie morfosintattiche nella simultanea dallo spagnolo in italiano", in Lo spagnolo d'oggi forme della comunicazione. A cura dell'Associazione Ispanisti Italiani, Bulzoni, Roma, 107-117.   


Russo, M. (2011)   “Text Processing Patterns in Simultaneous Interpreting (Spanish-Italian): a Corpus-based Study”, in Ingeborg Ohnheiser, Wolfgang Pöckl, Peter Sandrini (eds) Festschrift in Honour of Prof. Lew Zybatow Translation – Sprachvariation – Mehrsprachigkeit, Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 83-103.

Russo, M. (2012) Interpretare lo spagnolo. L'effetto di dissimmetrie morfosintattiche nella simultanea, Bologna: Clueb.


Error analysis, Faux amis, cultural differences and LSP (economic and legal): 

 Russo M. e Rucci M. (1997), "Verso una classificazione degli errori nella simultanea spagnolo-italiano, in Nuovi orientamenti di studi. A cura di Gran L. e Riccardi A., Se.R.T., SLMIT, Trieste, 179-200. 


Russo M. (1997) "La memoria, il tempo e le suggestioni, ovvero i faux amis giuridici in interpretazione simultanea", in La lingua del diritto, difficoltà traduttive- applicazioni didattiche. A cura di Leo Schena, CISU, Roma, 163-189. 


Russo M.(1998) "El contexto y la interpretación simultánea del español al italiano", in II Estudios sobre Traducción e Interpretación. A cura di L. Félix Fernández y E. Ortega Arjonilla, Malaga, Universidad de Malaga, 815-822. 


Russo M. e Rucci M. (1999), "Economia come lingua speciale e problematiche contrastive: l'espressione della causalità in spagnolo ed in italiano"in  Didattica delle lingue di specialità: problemi e difficoltà traduttive . A cura di C. Taylor, Stea, Trieste, 229-240. 


Russo, M. (2019) “Un reto concreto: los falsos amigos”, in Introducción a la traducción jurídica y jurada (español-italiano). A cura di Carmen Mata Pastor, Granada, Editorial Comares.


 Aptitude for Conference Interpreting: 

 This is another field which has been thoroughly investigated over the years. In 1989 she started to collect data to carry out an observational study based on a test consisting in an on-line, endolinguistic, oral paraphrase from Italian into Italian whose results were published over the years. The suggested aptitude test was applied with other types of tests for the admission examination at the SSMIT of Trieste and together with clozing and recall tests has been applied at the SSLMIT of Forlì.  


Russo, M. (1989) "Text processing strategies: a hypothesis to assess students' aptitude for simultaneous interpreting", The Interpreters' Newsletter, 2, 57-64. 


Russo, M. (1990) "Ipotesi valutativa dell'attitudine all'interpretazione simultanea: risultati preliminari", in Zeta14/15, Udine, Campanotto Editore, pp. 401-412. 


Russo, M. (1993) "Testing aptitude for simultaneous interpretation: evaluation of the first trial and preliminary results", The Interpreters' Newsletter, 5, 68-71. 


Russo, M. (1995) "L'interpretazione simultanea ed i test attitudinali", Il Traduttore Nuovo , periodico semestrale di informazione dell'Associazione Italiana Traduttori e Interpreti, vol. XLIV, 37-46. 


Russo, M. (1995) "Self-evaluation: the awareness of one's own difficulties as a training tool for simultaneous interpretation", The Interpreters' Newsletter , 6, pp.75-86. 


Pippa, S. e Russo, M. (2002) “Aptitude for Conference Interpreting: a Proposal for a Testing Methodology Based on Paraphrase” in Garzone, G. e Viezzi, M. (eds.), Interpreting in the 21st Century. Challenges and Opportunities, Amsterdam-Philadelphia, John Benjamins Publishing Company, 247-258. 


Russo, M. &  Pippa, S. (2004) “Aptitude to Interpreting: Preliminary Results of a Testing Methodology Based on Paraphrase”, Meta, 49 (2), 409-432. 


Russo, M. (2011) “Aptitude testing over the years”, Interpreting 13 (1): 5-30. 

Russo, M. (2014) “Testing aptitude for interpreting. The predictive value of oral paraphrasing, with synonyms and coherence as  assessing parameters”, Interpreting16 (1), 1-18.  

Shang, X., M. Russo and C. Chabasse (eds.) (2023) Revisiting Aptitude Testing for Interpreting. Special Issue – The Interpreter and Translator Trainer (ITT) – 17 (1).



Simultaneous interpreting of films: 

 A third field of professional experience, training and research is simultaneous interpreting of films, an interpreting performance required especially during film festivals, but neglected in Interpreting Programs. She introduced this specific training in her simultaneous interpreting courses in Trieste and offered the students the opportunity to practice it in a real-life working environment: the Latin American Film Festival of Trieste. The collaboration with the SSLMIT and the Festival started in 1996 and is still going on. 

Russo, M. (1995) "Media Interpreting: Variables and Strategies", in Audiovisual Communication and Language Transfer. International Forum, Strasbourg, Council of Europe 22-24/6/95, Translatio - FIT Newsletter , Nouvelle série XIV - nos 3-4,Parigi, 343-349. 


Russo M. (1997) "Film Interpreting: Challenges and Constraints of a Semiotic Practice", in Conference Interpreting: Current Trends in Research . Ed. by Y. Gambier, D. Gile, C. Taylor,  Benjamins, Amsterdam, 188-192.


Russo M. (2000) “L'interpretazione simultanea dei film e la didattica: l'esperienza di un festival” in Traducir Interpretar textos de la(s) cultura(s) hispánica(s). A cura di A. Melloni, P. Capanaga e R. Lozano, Bologna, CLUEB, 267-285. 


Russo M. (2003) “L'interpretazione simultanea dei film: dalla preparazione all'improvvisazione” in Le questioni del tradurre: comunicazione, comprensione, adeguatezza  traduttiva e ruolo del genere testuale. A cura di M.G. Scelfo, Edizioni Associate Editrice Internazionale, Roma, pp. 57-68. 


Russo, M. (2005) “Simultaneous Film Interpreting and Users' Feedback”, Interpreting, 7 (1), 1-26.


Russo, M. (submitted) “Film interpreting”, in F. Pöchhacker (Ed.) Routledge Encyclopedia of Interpreting Studies, London: Routledge.


Conference interpreting and research methodology: 

 Other research interests have centered over Conference Interpreting, focussing on consecutive interpreting and research methodology:  

Russo M. (1998) Prefazione  a Elementi di grammatica per l'interpretazione consecutiva   di S. Allioni, Se.R.T. 10, Università degli Studi di Trieste, Trieste, xi-xlvii. 


Russo M.(1999) "La conferenza come evento comunicativo", in L'interpretazione simultanea e consecutiva. Problemi teorici e metodologie didattiche . A cura di C. Falbo,  M. Russo e F. Straniero Sergio, Milano, Hoepli, 89-102. 


Russo M. (1999) "Sviluppo morfologico del codice dell'interpretazione consecutiva", in L'interpretazione simultanea e consecutiva. Problemi teorici e metodologie didattiche . A cura di C. Falbo,  M. Russo e F. Straniero Sergio, Milano, Hoepli, 245-262. 


Falbo C., Russo M. e Straniero Sergio, F. (a cura di) (1999) L'interpretazione simultanea e consecutiva. Problemi teorici e metodologie didattiche , Milano, Hoepli. 


Russo M. (1999) "Verso quale metodologia scientifica?" in Quality forum 1997- Esperienze, problemi, prospettive.  A cura di M. Viezzi, SERT 13, Trieste, Università degli Studi di Trieste, 81-99. 


Riccardi A., Giambagli, A. e Russo M. (2001) “Interpretation research at the SSLMIT of Trieste- Past, Present and Future” in Getting Started in Interpreting Research . Ed. by D. Gile, H. Dam, F. Dubslaff, B. Martinsen and A. Schjoldager, Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, pp.87-99. 


Russo, M. (2005)"Language and Culture: Forms of Interpreting. A Journey into Interpreter's Human, Cultural and Linguistic Awareness,


Russo, M. (2005) L'interpretazione consecutiva dallo spagnolo in italiano. Conoscere altri sistemi per sviluppare il proprio , Gedit, Bologna. 


Russo, M. (2008) “Formazione e ricerca in interpretazione di conferenza presso la SSLMIT di Forlì: il progetto European Parliament Intepreting Corpus (EPIC)”, in C. Robustelli e M. Benedetti (a cura di) Le lingue d'Europa patrimonio comune dei cittadini europei, Atti del Convegno 3-4 luglio 2007, Accademia della Crusca e Commissione Europea Direzione Generale dell'interpretazione, Firenze/Bruxelles, 217-229. 


Russo, M. (2010) “Simultaneous Interpreting”. Handbook of Translation Studies, Y. Gambier & L. van Doorslaer (eds), Amsterdam/New York,: John Benjamins, 333-337.


Russo, M. (2013) “El intérprete en la prensa”, in M. I. Fernández García e M. Russo (a cura di) Palabras con aroma de mujer. Studi in onore di Alessandra Melloni, Intralinea, Special Issue


Fernández García, M. I. e M. Russo (a cura di) (2013) Palabras con aroma de mujer. Studi in onore di Alessandra Melloni. Special Issue Intralinea.


Riccardi, A. and M. Russo (eds.) (2013) Expertise in conference interpreting. Special issue, The Interpreters' Newsletter18.



Russo, M. (2014) “A journey into the interpreter's human, cultural and linguistic awareness” in Cross-linguistic Interaction: Translation, Contrastive and Cognitive Studies. Liber Amicorum Professor Bistra Alexieva: In Honour of her 80th Birthday. Ed. by D. Yankova, Sofia, St. Kliment Ohridski University Press, 167-180.



Community interpreting: 

This is a recent field of interest: 

Russo, M. e G. Mack (a cura di) (2005) Interpretazione di trattativa. La mediazione linguistico-culturale nel contesto formativo e professionale, Hoepli, Milano. 


Russo, M. Introduction to the volume: L'interpretazione di trattativa. La mediazione linguistico-culturale nel contesto formativo e professionale , a cura di M. Russo e G. Mack, Hoepli, Milano, xi-xix. 


Baigorri, J. Alonso I., Palacio E., M. Russo e C. Otero (2005) “Presentación de una red temática interuniversitaria en el área de la mediación lingüística y cultural en los servicios públicos”, in Traducción como mediación entre lenguas y culturas. Translation as Mediation or How to bridge Linguistic and Cultural Gaps. Ed. by C. Valero Garcés, Servicio de Publicaciones Universidada de Alcalá, Alcalá, 213-223.


Russo, M. (2005) Community interpreter, liaison interpreter, ad hoc interpreter, intercultural mediator…what kind of curriculum for such a multifaceted profession?    


Alonso, I., Baigorri, J., Otero C. & M. Russo (2010) “Elaboración de materiales didácticos para la mediación: una experiencia interuniversitaria”, in M. Carrerras i Goichea y María Enriqueta Pérez Vázquez (eds.) La mediación lingüística y cultural y su didáctica. Un nuevo reto para la Universidad, BUP, Bologna, 239-260.

Russo, M. (2012) “Liaison Interpreting”. The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics, ed. C. Chapelle, C.A. Oxford:Wiley-Blackwell, 3394-3400.


 Corpus-based Interpreting Studies:

She coordinated a major research project at the Department of Interdisciplinary Studies on Translation, Language and Culture (SITLeC) of the University of Bologna (at Forlì) on Directionality in simultaneous interpreting . The first step was the creation of a large digital multimedia archive of original and interpreted speeches delivered at the European Parliament recorded from the channel Europe by Satellite. The recorded material was edited and transcribed. At present, over 250 video clips have been produced, together with 500 audio clips. The second step was the implementation of an on-line, open, parallel, multilingual, POS-tagged and lemmatised, electronic corpus named ‘EPIC' (European Parliament Interpreting Corpus). The corpus  contains 9 sub-corpora: 3 of original source speeches and their transcriptions (English, Spanish and Italian) and 6 of interpreted target speeches and their transcriptions (English into Italian, English into Spanish, Spanish into English, Spanish into Italian, Italian into English and Italian into Spanish).   The aim of the project is to study recurrent lexical patterns and morpho-syntactical structures across all the possible language combinations and directions, and verify empirically whether different strategies can be detected when interpreting from a Germanic language into a Romance one and vice-versa, or between two Romance languages. EPIC is freely available on-line for the research community to use and contribute to. The full Corpus (audio, video and transcripts) is also distributed by the European Language Resource Association (ELRA)


Russo, M. e Sandrelli, A. (2003) “La direccionalidad en interpretación simultánea: un estudio sistemático sobre el tratamiento del verbo”, in La direccionalidad en traducción e interpretación. Perspectivas téoricas, profesionales y didácticas. Ed. by Dorothy Kelly, Anne Martin,  Marie-Louise Nobs, Dolores Sánchez, Catherine Way, Granada, Editorial Atrio, 407-425.



Bendazzoli, C., Monti,C., Sandrelli, A., Russo, M., Baroni, M., Bernardini, S., Mack, G., Ballardini, E., Mead, P. (2004) “Towards the creation of an electronic corpus to study directionality in simultaneous interpreting”, in Compiling and Processing Spoken Language Corpora. LREC 2004 Satellite Workshop IV International Conference on  Language Resources and Evaluation. Ed. by Nelleke Oostdijk, Gjiert Kristoffersen and Geoffrey Sampson. Paris: European Language resource Association-ELRA, 33-39.



Monti, C., Bendazzoli, C., Sandrelli A. and M. Russo (2005) “Studying Directionality in Simultaneous Interpreting through an Electronic Corpus: EPIC (European Parliament Interpreting Corpus)” paper presented at the  International Symposium “Pour une traductologie proactive” organised for the 50° anniversary of  META, University of Montreal, 6th-9th April 2005, (vol 50:4).



Russo, M., Bendazzoli, C. e A. Sandrelli (2006) "Looking for Lexical Patterns in a Trilingual Corpus of Source and Interpreted Speeches: Extended Analysis of EPIC (European Parliament Interpreting Corpus)", Forum, vol. 4:1, 221-254



Russo, M. (2007) “European Parliament Interpreting Corpus (EPIC): rasgos distintivos de la interpretación simultánea de los discursos en español” (Relazione presentata al Coloquio de Lingüística Hispánica Textos españoles versiones y conversiones , Università di Pisa, 15-16 Febbraio 2007), Rivista di Filologia e Letterature Ispaniche Anno 10, 2007, 289-304.



Russo, M. (2008) “Herramientas lexicográficas para intérpretes de conferencias: de usuarios a productores”, in E. Sánchez García y A. Nomdedeu Rull (eds.) Perspectivas de la lexicografía del español en el siglo XXI, Atti del Convegno internazionale, Università degli Studi “L'Orientale” di Napoli, 6-7 Marzo 2006, 53-69.



Russo, M. (2008)  “Formazione e ricerca in interpretazione di conferenza presso la SSLMIT di Forlì: il progetto European Parliament Intepreting Corpus (EPIC)”, in C. Robustelli e M. Benedetti (a cura di) Le lingue d'Europa patrimonio comune dei cittadini europei, Atti del Convegno 3-4 luglio 2007, Accademia della Crusca e Commissione Europea Direzione Generale dell'interpretazione, Firenze/Bruxelles, 217-229.



Sandrelli, A., Bendazzoli, C. & M. Russo (2010) “European Parliament Interpreting Corpus (EPIC):  Methodological issues and preliminary results on lexical patterns in SI”, International Journal of Translation22 (1-2), 165-203.


Russo, M. (2010) Prefazione a Corpora e interpretazione simultanea, di Claudio Bendazzoli, Alma-DL.Saggi


Russo, M. (2010) “Reflecting on Interpreting Practice: Graduation theses based on the European Parliament Interpreting Corpus (EPIC)”. In Zybatow, Lew N. (ed.) Translationswissenschaft – Stand und Perspektiven. Innsbrucker Ringvorlesungen zur Translationswissenschaft VI (= ForumTranslationswissenschaft, Band 12). Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 35-50.



Russo, M. (2011) “Text Processing Patterns in Simultaneous Interpreting (Spanish-Italian): a Corpus-based Study”, in Ingeborg Ohnheiser, Wolfgang Pöckl, Peter Sandrini (eds) Festschrift in Honour of Prof. Lew Zybatow Translation – Sprachvariation – Mehrsprachigkeit, Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 83-103.



Bendazzoli, C., Sandrelli, A. & M. Russo (2011) “Disfluencies in simultaneous interpreting: a corpus-based analysis”, in Alet Kruger, Kim Wallmach & Jeremy  Munday (eds.) Corpus-based Translation Studies: Research and Applications, London /New York: Continuum, 282-306.



Russo, M., Bendazzoli, C., Sandrelli A. & N. Spinolo (2012) “The European Parliament Interpreting Corpus (EPIC): implementation and developments”. In F. Straniero Sergio & C. Falbo (eds.) Breaking Ground in Corpus-Based Interpreting Studies. Bern: Peter Lang, 35-90.

Russo, M., Bendazzoli, C. e Defrancq, B. (eds) (2018) Making Way in Corpus-based Interpreting Studies. Series: New Trends in translation Studies. Singapore: Springer.



Reviews: Bibliography of Translation Studies . Ed. by L. Bowker, D. Kenny, J. Pearson, St. Jerome Publishing, Manchester (1998-2003)


Referee for the following Interpreting and Translation Journals:  

Trans, (University of Malaga, Spain), Puentes (Università di Granada), MonTI. Monografías de Traducción e Interpretación (Università di Alicante), Intralinea and MediAzioni(University of Bologna), The Interpreter's Newsletter(University of Trieste), Interpreting(John Benjamins Publisher).

Referee for Peter Lang.


Member of the International Interpreting Research Group Alfaqueque based at the University of Salamanca (Spain). of the European Society for Translation Studies (EST).


Professional activity:  She is a practising conference interpreter with over 1600 working days with Italian (A), English (B) and Spanish (B).