Foto del docente

Marco Troncossi

Associate Professor

Department of Industrial Engineering

Academic discipline: IIND-02/A Applied Mechanics

Curriculum vitae

Download Curriculum Vitae (.pdf 942KB )
  • Marco Troncossi was born in Ravenna (Italy) in 1975.

  • Degree in Mechanical Engineering at the ALMA MATER STUDIORUM University of Bologna, in 2002, with the dissertation: "Upper limb prostheses: state-of-art and research of new solutions" (Italian written), Prof. V. Parenti Castelli (advisor).

  • Qualification for professional practice in 2003.

  • April 2005 to July 2019: Assistant professor of Mechanics of Machines at the Second Faculty of Engineering (Forlì, Italy) of the University of Bologna.

  • Diploma of Ph.D. in Mechanics of Machines in June 2006, with the dissertation “A Procedure for the Synthesis of Upper Limb Prostheses. A case study: Prototype Manufacturing of a Novel Two–Dof Myoelectric Shoulder”, Prof. V. Parenti Castelli (advisor).

  • National Scientific Qualification for Associate Professor (2013).

  • July 2019to date: Associate professor of Mechanics of Machines at the Department of Industrial Engineering of the University of Bologna (Italy).
  • National Scientific Qualification for Full Professor (2020).

  • Teaching activity:
    - 2023 to date: Module 1 of the teaching of “Industrial Robotics” for the 2nd Cycle Degree International Course in Advanced Automotive Engineering (joint degree at the University of Bologna and the University of Modena).
    - 2020 to 2022: instructor in charge of the teaching of “Industrial Robotics” for the 2nd Cycle Degree International Course in Advanced Automotive Engineering (joint degree at the University of Bologna and the University of Modena).
    - 2014 to date: instructor in charge of the teaching of Mechanics of Robots and Automatic Machines for the 2nd Level Degree Course in Mechanical Engineering (at the Second Faculty of Engineering in Forlì).
    - 2011/2012: instructor in charge of the teaching of Foundation of Mechanics 1 for the 1st Level Degree Course in Engineering of Automation (at the Tongji University in Shanghai, China, within the framework of the AlmaTong project).
    - 2011 to date: instructor in charge of the teaching of Applied Mechanics and Automation Control for the 1st Level Degree Course in Mechanical Engineering (at the Second Faculty of Engineering in Forlì).
    - 2006 to 2011: instructor in charge of the teaching of Mechanics of Robots for the 2nd Level Degree Course in Mechanical Engineering (at the Second Faculty of Engineering in Forlì).
    - 2003 to date: assistant instructor for a number of teachings relative to the Mechanics of Machines for the 1st and the 2nd Level Degree Courses in Mechanical Engineering, Automation Engineering and Management Engineering.

  • Author of a number of papers, mainly published in international journal, books or international conferences proceedings, about the synthesys and design of rehabilitation robots, the elasto-dynamic modeling of machines and the experimental analysis of vibrations.