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Marco Puleri

Senior assistant professor (fixed-term)

Department of Political and Social Sciences

Academic discipline: SPS/06 History of International Relations


marco puleri, Da una guerra "di" parole a una guerra "in" parole. La comunità intellettuale ucraina e i linguaggi del conflitto politico, in: Russia: Anatomia di un regime, Milano, Corriere della Sera, 2022, pp. 157 - 174 [Chapter or essay]

Marco Puleri, “How the Writer R. Left the City of Z for the Country U, and Along the Way He Died and Wrote a Novel”: Ukrainian Russophonia through the Lens of Vladimir Rafeenko’s Literary Experience, «RUSSIAN LITERATURE», 2022, 127, pp. 71 - 97 [Scientific article]

Marco Puleri, Las relaciones ruso-ucranianas en la encrucijada de la política del nation-building y las perspectivas de integración regional. ¿Dos vectores divergentes de evolución histórica postsoviética?, «ISTOR», 2022, 89-90, pp. 15 - 42 [Scientific article]Open Access

Marco Puleri; Stefano Bianchini; D.R. Troitino; T. Kerikmae; R. M. De la Guardia; G. A. Sanchez; M. P. Pando Ballesteros; C. Cancela Outeda; O. Hamul'ak, Репатриация военнопленных под эгидой Нансена после Первой мировой войны: пример гуманитарного международного сотрудничества, «VOPROSY ISTORII», 2021, 9, pp. 204 - 215 [Scientific article]

Marco Puleri; Ilja Gerasimov, “Alla ricerca di un nuovo nome per la regione post-sovietica”. Un dialogo con Ilja Gerasimov sulla paralisi della politica del futuro nei “paesi formalmente post-sovietici ma non propriamente postcoloniali”, «ESAMIZDAT», 2021, XIV, pp. 171 - 183 [Scientific article]Open Access

Marco Puleri; Anita Frison, eSamizdat XIV - "Oltre il 'post-'. L'esperienza (post-)sovietica sotto la lente (post-)coloniale., Roma, Aracne, 2021, pp. 385 . [Editorship]Open Access

marco Puleri; marco zoppi, GlocalEAST National Report on Migration Policies and Dynamics - Italy, 2021, pp. 36 . [Technical report]

Marco Puleri, GlocalEAST Review of the HE programs in migration, diaspora and border studies - Italy, 2021, pp. 14 . [Technical report]

Marco Puleri, “Incontri possibili e impossibili tra culture”. Un dialogo con Silvia Albertazzi e Gabriella Imposti sulla storia degli studi postcoloniali in Italia, «ESAMIZDAT», 2021, XIV, pp. 219 - 225 [Scientific article]Open Access

Marco Puleri, Oltre l''anomalia bielorussa'? Nuove concettualizzazioni dell'autonomia politica e culturale nazionale nella Bielorussia d'età post-sovietica, «RICERCHE SLAVISTICHE», 2021, 4 (LXIV), pp. 85 - 104 [Scientific article]Open Access

Marco Puleri, Ripensare il post-sovietico. Un’introduzione, «ESAMIZDAT», 2021, XIV, pp. 7 - 17 [Scientific article]Open Access

Marco Zoppi; Marco Puleri, The Balkan Route (and Its Afterlife): The New Normal in the European Politics of Migration, «JOURNAL OF BALKAN AND NEAR EASTERN STUDIES», 2021, X, pp. 1 - 18 [Scientific article]

marco puleri, A Response to the Review by Alexander Chertenko: Reflections on Today's Russophone Studies, «THE IDEOLOGY AND POLITICS JOURNAL», 2020, 2 (16), pp. 392 - 395 [Comment or similar]

Marco Puleri, Engaging with European (Dis-)Integration. Russia in dialogue with Europe/s, in: Rekindling the Strong State in Russia and China: Domestic Dynamics and Foreign Policy Projections, Leiden-Boston (MA), Brill, 2020, pp. 298 - 322 (INTERNATIONAL COMPARATIVE SOCIAL STUDIES) [Chapter or essay]

Marco Puleri, In Search of ‘New Roots’: Towards a Situational Ideology in Putin’s Russia, in: Rekindling the Strong State in Russia and China: Domestic Dynamics and Foreign Policy Projections, Leiden-Boston (MA), Brill, 2020, pp. 17 - 39 (INTERNATIONAL COMPARATIVE SOCIAL STUDIES) [Chapter or essay]

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