Ukrainian, Russophone, (Other) Russian: Hybrid Identities and Narratives in Post-Soviet Culture and Politics (Vol. 8 – Book series: Postcolonial Perspectives on Eastern Europe), Peter Lang, Berlin 2020.
- Edited issues in journals:
(with A. Krasteva) The Balkan Migration Route Between Securitarian and Humanitarian Policies, “Southeastern Europe”, Vol. 41, Issue 3, 2017.
- Articles in scholarly journals (double-blind peer-review):
Russophonia as an Epistemic Challenge, “Ab Imperio. Studies of New Imperial History and Nationalism in the Post-Soviet Space”, Issue 1, 2023: 76-98.
(with N. Vukoslavcevic) Strengthening the State-Religion Nexus in Post-Maidan Ukraine. The Autocephaly of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church as Nation-Building Strategy after Revolution, “Cristianesimo nella Storia”, 44, 1, 2023: 215-233.
(with A. Achilli) Beyond War: Russia, Ukraine and the State of the Field, “eSamizdat – Rivista di Culture Slave”, Vol. XV, 2022: 19-24.
“How the Writer R. Left the City of Z for the Country U, and Along the Way He Died and Wrote a Novel”: Ukrainian Russophonia through the Lens of Vladimir Rafeenko’s Literary Experience, “Russian Literature”, 127, 2022, pp. 71-97.
(with Marco Zoppi) The Balkan Route (and Its Afterlife): The New Normal in the European Politics of Migration, “Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies”, 2021, DOI: 10.1080/19448953.2021.2015658.
Values for the Sake of the (Post-Soviet) Nation: Patriotism(s) and the Search for the ‘True’ Self in Ukraine, “Southeastern Europe”, Vol. 43, Issue 3, 2018: 350-375.
Hybridity Reconsidered: Ukrainian Border Crossing After the "Crisis", “Ab Imperio. Studies of New Imperial History and Nationalism in the Post-Soviet Space”, Issue 2, 2017: 257–286.
Ukraïns’kyi, Rosiis’komovnyi, Rosiis’kyi: Self-Identification in Post-Soviet Ukrainian Literature in Russian, “Ab Imperio. Studies of New Imperial History and Nationalism in the Post-Soviet Space”, Issue 2, 2014: 367-397.
- Chapters in edited volumes:
“In Search of ‘New Roots’: Towards a Situational Ideology in Putin’s Russia”, in S. Bianchini, A. Fiori (eds.), Rekindling the Strong State in Russia and China: Domestic Dynamics and Foreign Policy Projections, Brill, Leiden-Boston (MA) 2020: 17-39.
“Engaging with European (Dis-)Integration. Russia in dialogue with Europe/s”, in S. Bianchini, A. Fiori (a cura di), Rekindling the Strong State in Russia and China: Domestic Dynamics and Foreign Policy Projections, Brill, Leiden-Boston (MA) 2020: 298-322.
Member of the Editorial Board in Scientific Journals: