Foto del docente

Marco Montagnani

Associate Professor

Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences

Academic discipline: MEDS-10/A Gastroenterology

Curriculum vitae

Date of birth: 26/11/1966.


25/10/1991: Doctor of Medicine Degree conferred at the University of Bologna;

October 1995: completed residency training in Gastroenterology -University of Bologna;

November 1999: completed residency training in Microbiology and Virology-University of Bologna;

Scientific Activity:

Since the beginning of his scientific activity, Dr Montagnani has worked on new methods for the study of the enterohepatic circulation of bile acids; in particular he participated to development of new methods for the evaluation of the  transport kinetics in the intestine and in the liver, by means of in vivo systems in different animal models and using in vitro systems (brush border membrane vesicles and transfected cells).

He studied the primary bile acid malabsorption in adult patients with adult onset of  the disease, using molecular assays for the evaluation of mutations and polymorphisms in different genes involved in the bile acid transport and metabolism (SLC10A2, FXR, PPARA);

He participates in studies on the cholestasis in pregnancy;

He participates in clinical studies and clinical trials for the antiviral therapy in HBV and HCV related hepatitis;

October 1995: completed residency training in Gastroenterology -University of Bologna;

November 1999: completed residency training in Microbiology and Virology-University of Bologna;

Scientific experience Abroad:

January-April 1993: research fellow at the Division of Gastroenterology, Medical University of South Carolina, USA;

June-August 1995: research fellow at the Center for Molecular Biology and Gene Therapy, Loma Linda University, California, USA;

June 1999 - November 2000: research fellow at the Department of Gastroenterology-Wake Forest University Medical School a Winston Salem, USA.

Professional activity:

-Since November 1999 he works as Researcher of Gastroenterology at the University of Bologna, Department of Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology;

-Since November 2000 he is a Teacher of the Specialty School in Gastroenterology-University of Bologna;

-Since November 2000 he is a Staff Physician at the Sant'Orsola Hospital, Gastroenterology Unit, University of Bologna;

-In 2008-2009 he has been teacher of Internal Medicine for the Nursery Students-University of Bologna;

-2019-2020: Gastroenterology Topics (Malabsorption and Inflammatory Bowel Diseases) for medical students.

-Since December 2022 he is an associate professor of Gastroenterology at the University of Bologna.