Marco Lamandini is a member of the Appeal Panel of the Single Resolution Board (SRB) and of the Board of Appeal of the European System of Financial Supervisors (ESFS) appointed by ESMA.
He is a member of ICLEG, the EC Expert Group on Company Law, advising the EU Commission on regulatory actions to be taken in the field of European Company Law.
He is a member of the Organo di Vigilanza (Monitoring Trustee) of Open Access (the Italian telco) designated by the Italian Communication Authority (AGCOM) (2012-2016).
In 2015 he delivered, with his department’s (SDEI) research team and in partnership with ECMI-CEPS (Brussels), an official study commissioned by the EC on “Exemptions for third-country central banks and other entities under the Market Abuse Regulation (MAR) and the Markets in Financial Instruments Regulation (MIFIR).
He is a member of ECMEG – the European Capital Markets Expert Group established by ECMI-CEPS in 2015 to prepare a study on the 2015 EC CMU initiative.
In 2015 he was called by the Bank of Italy as an academic advisor in the preparation of the BRRD (Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive) Italian implementation.
In 2014 he was an academic Member of the Commission established by the Italian Ministry of Justice to modernise bankruptcy proceedings (so called “Common Commission”).
In 2012 he was heard as an academic Expert by the EC in the preparation of the BRRD (Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive)
In 2010 he was called to deliver an Expert testimony before the Italian Parliament within the Lisbon process, to the works for the reform of the European banking and financial supervisory architecture.
He acted as Expert of the European Parliament on European Securities, Banking and Company Law from 2002 to 2014. He delivered the Expert Report to the European Parliament on the directive proposal on takeover bids in 2002-2003 and in the last ten years delivered several testimonies before the Legal Affairs Committee on regulatory actions to be taken in the field of Takeover Bids, European Company Law, Corporate Governance and Hedge Funds.
He was member, for two terms (2006-2009; 2009-2014) of the Panel of EP ECON Committee Experts on Financial Services advising on European regulatory actions in financial markets. In this capacity he rendered opinions to the European Parliament on Target2 Securities (November 2006); the Financial Crisis and the Regulatory Response (August 2007), Microcredit and European Action (September 2008); UCITs IV (September 2008); CRD and Liquidity management (December 2008), European Regulation of Credit Rating Agencies (December 2008), National Banking Rescue Packages and European Action (January 2009); Regulatory and Supervisory Competition in Laxity and its Effects in impeding Crisis Prevention (February 2010); Orderly Sovereign Default Procedures (August 2010); Sound Financing of Investors’ Compensation Schemes and the Commission’s Proposal amending Directive 97/9/EC on ICS (December 2010).
In 2008 he also acted as the Italian counsel of the Monitoring Trustee of Alitalia, appointed by the European Commission in the frame of the state aid review.
He acted in 2004 as counsel for the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affair and the Ministry of Economy of Argentina working on a major bank reform for the re-establishment of credit unions in Argentina. The project was then sponsored by the World Bank and the Banco Central Argentino, was successful in achieving the desired regulatory reform and was followed by a special program of education jointly sponsored by the Banca d’Italia, the Banco Central Argentino, Federcasse and the University of Bologna.