Marco Lamandini was born in Bologna, the 3rd July 1966; he is happily married to Vesna, a musician who is currently studying musicology, and father of one fantastic child born in 2007. He lives in Bologna and Milan.
Since 2001 he is Full Professor (Chair) of Commercial Law at the University of Bologna, where he teaches at the School of Economics, Management and Statistics classes on: (a) European Capital Markets’ Regulation; (b) Financial Law; (c) International and European Company Law; (d) European and comparative Antitrust Law. He is affiliated to the Department of Sociology and Economic Law (SDEI) of the University of Bologna, with offices in via San Giacomo 3, 40126 Bologna (+39 051 2099973; ).
In the last ten years he also taught classes on: (a) Securities Law and Economics, at the Erasmus Mundus Doctorate and Erasmus Mundus Master in Law and Economics jointly offered by the Universities of Bologna, Hamburg and Rotterdam; (b) International and European Company Law, at the Master of European Law of the University of Bologna; (c) Multinationals and Law, at the Master of International Relations at the University of Bologna Center in Buenos Aires (Argentina); (d) Corporate Governance, at the LL.M program of the Loyola University (LA) (e) International and Comparative Company Law, at the University of Paris X; (f) European and comparative Takeover Law at CESL Beijing; (g) Business Law at the Executive MBA program of the Bologna Business School ( ).
He recently served: (a) as director of the Master program on International Relations between Europe and South America of the University of Bologna (Bologna and Buenos Aires) (2012-2015); (b) as a Member of the board of directors of the Bologna Center in Buenos Aires; (c) as chairman of Ce.U.B. – Centro residenziale universitario in Bertinoro (FC) ( ) (2011 to 2014)
He enjoyed rich classical studies at high school in Bologna at the local “Liceo Classico Luigi Galvani” (1980-1985); he attended then Law School at the University of Bologna (1985-1989), where he graduated with honour (110/110 with laude, ranking first in his class) in October 1989. Meanwhile he also served for one year in the Italian army as a military attendant to a very special person and friend, invalid of war (1987) and was a research student at the London School of Economics and Political Science (1988).
Admitted to the Ph.D. program in 1990 under the supervision of Renzo Costi, Vito Mangini and Paolo Auteri, he earned his Ph.D in Commercial Law in 1994. Assistant Professor (“ricercatore”) at the Catholic University in Milan from 1995 to 1998 with Sergio Scotti Camuzzi, Gaetano Presti (School of Banking, Finance and Insurance) and Giorgio Floridia (School of Economics). Associate Professor of Company Law at the University of Bologna from 1998 to 2001. For his education he owes very much to many (and in his heart no name is missing): but nothing he would have achieved without the extraordinary example, affectionate support and unvaluable guidance of his mentor and master Renzo Costi and the patient, affectionate support and great professional teachings of Giorgio Floridia.
Visiting Scholar at Boalt Law, the School of Law of the University of California, Berkeley (1995, 2000, 2014, 2015): Visiting Fellow and Stipendiat at the Max Plank Institut für ausländisches und internationales Wettbewerbsrecht in Munich (1997); Visiting Fellow at Magdalene College and at the Law Faculty of the University of Cambridge (1999), Visiting Fellow at LSE (2002), Visiting Fellow at the University of Oxford (2003).
He is the author or co-author of several law books and over 100 articles in the field of Company, Banking, Securities and Antitrust Law (see section “publications”). He is a regular speaker at national and international conferences in his field of expertise. In 2015 he was awarded, together with his co-authors David Ramos Munoz and Javier Solana, a research grant by the European Central Bank for the preparation of a study under the 2015 ECB Legal Research program. The study was presented at the ECB International Conference of 1-2 September 2015, was published by the Bank of Italy in its series of Legal Research Studies (Quaderno di Ricerca Giuridica no. 79/2015) and originated two additional and further developed articles, forthcoming in the ECB Legal Working Papers.
He is a co-founder and co-director of “RDS - Rivista di diritto societario interno, internazionale, comparato e comunitario” and a member of the editorial board of “ECL-European Company Law Review” and “Le Società”.
He is a Member of the Academic Board of ECMI – the European Capital Market Institute, based in Brussels.
He is a Member of EuBAR – a research group established by the University of Luxembourg to conduct a thorough review of sanctions in the European Banking Union and a Member of the Luxembourg MPI (Max Planck Institute) research group on boards of appeals and quasi-judicial review in the EU law.
Further information available at