Lamandini, Marco; RAMOS MUÑOZ, David, 10 years of Banking Union’s case-law: How did European courts shape supervision and resolution practice in the Banking Union?, Brussels, European Parliament's Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs, 2024, pp. 51 . [Research monograph]Open Access
Lamandini, Marco; Ramos, David, Aquind and the standard of review of the ESAs Joint Board of Appeal and ot the SRB Appeal Panel, «RIVISTA DEL CONTENZIOSO EUROPEO», 2024, Special Volume Quo vadis, Boards of Appeal? The Evolution of EU Agencies’ Boards of Appeal and the Future of the EU System of Judicial Protection, pp. 261 - 274 [Scientific article]
Lamandini, Marco, La crescente consapevolezza delle nostre corti nel trattare questioni di diritto societario europeo, «LE SOCIETÀ», 2024, 8-9, pp. 1005 - 1006 [Scientific article]
Lamandini, Marco, La disciplina incompiuta di voto plurimo e voto maggiorato: legiferare per paura o con un disegno di politica industriale?, «LE SOCIETÀ», 2024, 7, pp. 835 - 842 [Scientific article]
Lamandini, Marco; Bertolissi, Mario; Nania, Roberto, La tutela giurisdizionale effettiva dei diritti, milano, franco angeli, 2024, pp. 661 . [Editorship]
Lamandini, Marco, Qualche spunto per il legislatore delegato in tema di voto plurimo e
voto maggiorato, «RIVISTA DELLE SOCIETÀ», 2024, 3, pp. 623 - 635 [Scientific article]
Lamandini, Marco, SSM ten years since. Where we are., «GIURISPRUDENZA COMMERCIALE», 2024, 3, pp. 526 - 531 [Scientific article]
Lamandini, Marco; Ramos, David; Siri, Michele, The current implementation of the Sustainability-related Financial Disclosure Regulation (SFDR), Luxembourg, Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs, Policy Department for Economic, Scientific and Quality of Life Policies, European Parliament, 2024, pp. 74 . [Research monograph]
Lamandini, Marco, interstate banks' consolidation and group wide capital and liquidity management to foster financial stability and deepen market integration, «GIURISPRUDENZA COMMERCIALE», 2024, 2, pp. 279 - 284 [Scientific article]
LAMANDINI, MARCO, Banking groups and their challenges in crisis management, «RIVISTA DI DIRITTO SOCIETARIO», 2023, 4, pp. 833 - 844 [Scientific article]
Marco Lamandini; David Ramos;, Finance, Law, and the Courts, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2023, pp. 592 . [Research monograph]Open Access
marco lamandini; david ramos; diego valiante;, The European Strategy on Digital Finance and Its Interplay with Capital Markets Integration in the EU, in: DARIUSZ ADAMSKI; FABIAN AMTENBRINK; JAKOB DE HAAN, The Cambridge Handbook of European Monetary, Economic and Financial Integration, cambridge, cambridge university press, 2023, pp. 519 - 538 [Chapter or essay]
marco lamandini; david ramos;, Two (provocative) ideas for a test-case:
An EU hybrid court for private-law disputes
in the law of finance, and how?, «RIVISTA DI DIRITTO SOCIETARIO», 2023, 1, pp. 173 - 182 [Scientific article]
marco lamandini; david ramos;, a promise kept? the first ears of experience of the appela panel of the SRB, «ZBB. ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR BANKRECHT UND BANKWIRTSCHAFT», 2023, 35, pp. 158 - 168 [Scientific article]
marco lamandini, divergenze tra diritto societario armonizzato e norme nazionali: fenomeni do "gold plating" e di "aggiramento" del diritto UE, in: il diritto societario europeo: quo vadis?, milano, giuffrè, 2023, pp. 153 - 160 [Chapter or essay]