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Marco Ercoles

Associate Professor

Department of Classical Philology and Italian Studies

Director of Second Cycle Degree in Philology, Literature and Classical Tradition


Keywords: Ancient Greek music Metrica classica Stesichorus Ancient exegesis on Aeschylus Ancient Greek lyric poetry

Lyric poetry of Archaic and Classical age, with particular reference to Alcman, Stesichorus, Melanippides, Timotheus of Miletus. Greek metrics and rhythmics and history of the ancient metrical theories. Ancient Greek music: kinds of performance of the melic poems; documents with musical scores; philosophical discussion about music (Damon, Plato, Aristotle, Diogenes of Babylonia, Philodemus).Ancient exegesis on Aeschyus, with a focus on the scholia to his tragedies.

The archaic and classical Greek melic is one of the main fields of investigation cultivated , with particular reference to Stesichorus: I have recently published an edition of the ancient testimonia on the poet, provided with a commentary that seeks to weigh the value of each historical information and to identify historical moments in which some biographical traditions grew up. Attention has been paid to some fragments of the poet, in particular PMGF 271 and PMGF S21 (Geryoneis). Other melic poets examined are Alcman (Louvre Partheneion) and Timotheus of Miletus (Persae), with a focus on metrical aspects. I am currently preparing an edition with commentary of the dithyrambographer Melanippides from Melus.

A second field of research is strongly linked with the previous one: that of Greek meter, addressed as much as possible with attention to the musical nature of Greek melic poetry and to Greek theories of musical rhythm (see the item “Ancient Metrics - Μέτρον” of the Greek metrical and rhythmical theories recently appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ancient Greek Language and Linguistics).

The study of ancient Greek music is approached according in two ways: the investigation of forms of musical performance is related to the music for kithara (kitharodic tradition) and to that for aulos (synaulia; aulodic nomoi), the examination of documents with music score. A third area of ​​interest is related to reflection on the ancient music (Damone , Plato, Aristotle , Diogenes of Babylon, Philodemus).

Ancient exegesis of Aeschylus is currently a privileged theme of research, within the project “FIRB 2012. Homer, Hesiod, Pindar, Aeschylus: ancient forms and transmission of ancient exegesis”. The survey focuses on the scholia transmitted by medieval MSS, on their tradition and on the ancient scraps of scholarship they convey.