1) Title of Doctor in Classical Literature (four-year degree) awarded on 28 October 2004, after discussing a thesis at the University of Bologna entitled Stesichori testifies vetera ad artem pertinentia (supervisor C. Neri, co-supervisor R. Tosi) with top marks , praise and dignity of the press. PhD in Greek and Latin Philology awarded on 5 June 2008, after discussing a dissertation entitled Stesicoro: testimonianze. Edizione critica, traduzione e commento with E. Cingano and P.J. Finglass. Subject Expert for the courses of Metrics and Greek music and History of Greek music (courses for which he has carried out and holds seminars), since the academic year 2008/2009. Research fellow at the Department of Classical and Medieval Philology of the University of Bologna, then Department of Classical and Italian Philology, in the context of projects relating to the lyrical fragments of the adherent lyric fragments ("Frammenti lirici greci adespoti: fra tradizione e innovazione", 2009/2010 ) and the evolution of melic forms in ancient Greece ("Tra metrica e musica: aspetti dello sviluppo delle forme meliche greche tra età arcaica ed età ellenistica", 2010/2011; " ra metrica e musica: aspetti dello sviluppo delle forme meliche greche tra età arcaica ed età classica», 2011/2013). He is currently fixed-term Researcher in Greek Language and Literature, as of 6 May 2013.
2) Head of the Bologna unit for the FIRB 2012 Project Omero, Esiodo, Pindaro, Eschilo: forme e trasmissione dell'esegesi antica.
3) Member of the editorial board of “Eikasmós. Quaderni Bolognesi di Filologia Classica”(since 2009) and of the Bolognese section of the Italian Center for the Année Philologique (since 2005). Between 2005 and 2007 he collaborated with the journal "Poiesis".
4) In the period 12-22/09/2005 he participated in the Third Florentine papyrological seminar, organized by Profs. G. Bastianini, G. Messeri and R. Pintaudi at the «G. Calves ». Between September 2006 and July 2007 he spent two study stays in Oxford (at the Classics Center and St. John's College), under the supervision of Dr. M. Davies, Fellow of St. John's College.
5) He has participated as a speaker at various national and international conferences: Ravenna 25/10/2005 (6th seminar «Le musiche dei Greci: passato e presente. Valorizzazione di un patrimonio culturale»); Cremona, 31/10/2008 (2nd Annual Meeting of MOISA); Bologna, 20/11/2008 (counter-presentation to the paper by Krzysztof Bielawski within the 7th Europaeum Classics Colloqium); Ravenna, 01/10/2009 (3r d Annual Meeting of MOISA, within the international conference Moisa Epikhorios: Regional Music and Musical Regions in Ancient Greece . Ravenna 1-3/10/2009); Fermo, 23/02/2013 (speaker invited by the Delegazione locale dell'AICC); Agrigento, 14/05/2013 (6th Annual Meeting of MOISA); Termini Imerese, 11-12/6/2014 (conference Stesicoro e Himera. Poeti e atleti nell'antica Grecia); Genova, 2/5/2014 ( study day Omero, Esiodo, Pindaro, Eschilo: forme e trasmissione dell'esegesi antica); Bologna, 5-6/6/2014 (conference Thronos. Grammatica storica degli oggetti di arredo. Prototipi, funzioni, materiali).