Foto del docente

Marco Ercoles

Associate Professor

Department of Classical Philology and Italian Studies

Director of Second Cycle Degree in Philology, Literature and Classical Tradition


Ercoles, Marco, Mousike e paideia secondo Clemente Alessandrino, «ADAMANTIUS», 2023, 28, pp. 172 - 190 [Scientific article]

Ercoles, Marco, Review of: Rec. di Plutarchi Chaeronensis De musica Carolo Valgulio interprete, a c. di Angelo Meriani (Firenze 2021), «EIKASMOS», 2023, 34, pp. 431 - 436 [Review]

Ercoles, M., «An authentic Stesichorean curiosity»: la clausola dell’epodo nello Stesicoro di Lille, «EIKASMOS», 2022, 33, pp. 63 - 76 [Scientific article]Open Access

Ercoles, M, Colometria antica e musica: su uno scolio a Dionisio Trace, «INCONTRI DI FILOLOGIA CLASSICA», 2022, 21, pp. 303 - 313 [Scientific article]Open Access

Ercoles, Marco, A chair for singing: the imagery of the aoidos from Mycenaean to Classical Age, in: Thronos. Historical Grammar of Furniture in Mycenaean and Beyond, Bologna, Pàtron, 2021, pp. 155 - 170 (EIKASMOS. STUDI) [Chapter or essay]

Ercoles Marco, Ancient models for the new musicians, «GREEK AND ROMAN MUSICAL STUDIES», 2021, 9, pp. 258 - 270 [Scientific article]Open Access

Melanippidis Melii testimonia et fragmenta (ed. critica curata da: Ercoles, Marco), Pisa-Roma, Fabrizio Serra, 2021, pp. 206 (DITHYRAMBOGRAPHI GRAECI) [Critical edition]

Ercoles, Marco, Review of: Naomi A. Weiss, The Music of Tragedy. Performance and Imagination in Euripidean Theater, Oakland (University of California Press) 2018, XII, 284 S., ISBN 978-0-520-29590-2 (geb.), $ 95,–, «KLIO», 2021, 103, pp. 711 - 717 [Review]Open Access

Ercoles, Marco, On Aristophanes of Byzantium fr. 360 Slater, «MNEMOSYNE», 2021, 74, pp. 873 - 877 [Scientific article]Open Access

Pierini, Rachele; Bernabé, Alberto; Ercoles, Marco, Thronos. Historical Grammar of Furniture in Mycenaean and Beyond, Bologna, Pàtron, 2021, pp. 260 (EIKASMOS. STUDI). [Editorship]

Ercoles, Marco, Eros seminatore in Melanipp. PMG 762, «GIORNALE ITALIANO DI FILOLOGIA», 2020, 72, pp. 75 - 86 [Scientific article]

Ercoles, M, Invocazione al “signore dell’anima che sempre vive”: Melanipp. PMG 762, «PHILOLOGUS», 2020, 164, pp. 197 - 207 [Scientific article]Open Access

Ercoles, Marco, Music in Classical Greek Drama, in: A Companion to Ancient Greek and Roman Music, Hoboken, NJ, Wiley-Blackwell, 2020, pp. 131 - 144 (BLACKWELL COMPANIONS TO THE ANCIENT WORLD) [Chapter or essay]

Ercoles M., P.OXY. 2438 and the order of books in aristophanes byzantius' edition of pindar, «THE CLASSICAL QUARTERLY», 2020, 70, pp. 822 - 826 [Scientific article]Open Access

Ercoles, Marco, Una nuova edizione degli scolî all’Edipo a Colono di Sofocle, «RIVISTA DI FILOLOGIA E DI ISTRUZIONE CLASSICA», 2020, 148, pp. 204 - 216 [Scientific article]