Foto del docente

Marco Abbiati

Full Professor

Department of Cultural Heritage

Academic discipline: BIOS-05/A Ecology

Short Bio

Associate Professor at the University of Bologna in 1998, Full Professor since 2002. I have carried out teaching and research activities in the Ravenna Campus, founded the Experimental Ecology Laboratory and CIRSA (Interdepartmental Research Center for Environmental Sciences). I have organized and directed the first Masters in Integrated Coastal Management in 2002-2005, and, from 2008, the Master Degree in Marine Biology.

With my colleagues ecologists, within a network of international collaborations, I have worked in the fields of basic and applied marine ecology, environmental management and conservation. I coordinated research projects funded by the EU, Ministries and private companies in order to promote knowledge of marine ecosystems, their functioning and protection from the impacts of anthropogenic activities.

I am currently on leave from the University of Bologna for having held the position of Science Attaché at the Italian Embassy in Hanoi, Vietnam.

Go to the Curriculum vitae



Other contacts


Dipartimento di Beni Culturali
Via degli Ariani 1, Ravenna - Go to map

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Being abroad, I can only receive students virtually by making an appointment via email:

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