Foto del docente

Marco Abbiati

Full Professor

Department of Cultural Heritage

Academic discipline: BIOS-05/A Ecology

Curriculum vitae

Laurea cum laude in Biology, University of Pisa; Doctoral degree in Environmental Sciences (Science of the Sea), University of Genoa. 1991-1998 Research Manager at the Department of Human and Territorial Sciences of the University of Pisa, since 1998 Associate Professor in Ecology and since 2002 Professor in Ecology at the School of Environmental Sciences and Research Center for Environmental Sciences in Ravenna, of the University of Bologna in Ravenna. I have been teaching courses Applied Ecology, Marine Ecology, Ecological Approach to EIA e Interdisciplinary Marine  Laboratory; I have been Director of the Master course (II level) in Integrated Coastal Zone Management. I am member of the Committee for the PhD Course in Environmental Sciences: Conservation and management of the Natural Resources. I have participated to several national and international research projects, contributing to their management and co-ordination. These projects were dealing with the conservation and management of costal and transitional waters habitats and species assemblages and they have been carried out in the framework of UE projects (DELOS - “Environmental Design of Low Crested Coastal Defence Structures”, contract EVK3-CT-2000-00041, EUMAR - “European Marine Genetic Biodiversity”, contract EVK3-CT-2001-00048, “Management and sustainable development of protected transitional waters” (TWReferenceNet), INTEREG IIIB CADSES, etc.) national projects (Artificial Marine Structures –AMS- Multifunctional Tool for Research and Environmental Management in the Mediterranean and Red Sea” Ministry of Environment, PRIN f Ministry of Research and Univeristy, etc) and private company funded projects (BIOMARE - Sviluppo di una metodologia di monitoraggio delle strutture off-shore in alto Adriatico, BIODIVERSITÀ - Approccio metodologico alla caratterizzazione della biodiversità ad al monitoraggio del ruolo ecosistemico di piattaforme in ambiente offshore, etc.).

Author of over 70 scientific papers published on peer reviewed journals, I have presented my researches at numerous scientific conferences. My research deals with the ecology of coastal  habitats, focussing on processes affecting the spatial and temporal organisation of faunal assemblages and on the adaptive strategies of populations of benthic invertebrates to natural adn human environmental stressors. My research has been dealing with the impact of artificial costal defence structures on environmental quality. This research has a relevant applied aspect, considering the spread of artificial structures worldwide. Studies on estuarine and transitional habitats where dealing with the impact of anthropogenic disturbance on the organisation of the assemblages and genetic structuring of benthic invertebrates. Particularly interesting are the results of the studies on the impact of artificial structure as corridors for the spreading of local populations along the sandy shores following the stepping stone model. Molecular tools have been applied also to investigate connectivity, larval dispersal and phylogeographyc patterns in Hediste diversicolor and Corallium rubrum, the precious coral par excellence.

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