Foto del docente

Marcello Trevisani

Associate Professor

Department of Veterinary Medical Sciences

Academic discipline: MVET-02/B Inspection of Foods of Animal Origin


1) Quantitative risk assessment for aflatoxins, PCBs, IPA, PFOS in milk and products thereof. 2) Development and validation of Voltametric methods for analysis of toxic heavy metals and metalloids in food. 3) Risk assessment for verotoxigenic Escherichia coli in milk and meat production. 4) Development of electrochemical biosensor for histamine in fish and products thereof.  5) Validation of cleaning and disinfection the food industry.

1) The research aims to develop and refine models that allow to analyze the relative risk to carcinogens present in milk and dairy products, such as aflatoxins, PCBs, PAHs and PFOS. Are analyzed and qualitatively assessed the data on the contamination detected by the industry under monitoring plans and self-control together with the analytical uncertainty, the data on consumption at the various consumer groups and the effect of production processes. 2) The research aims to develop electrochemical methods for the determination of trace levels of Lead, Cadmium and Arsenic in meat and milk. Are in place validation tests designed to assess whether the characteristics of these methods, which are beneficial in terms of cost, the quality characteristics required by EU regulations for methods of food analysis. 3) The biomolecular methods have opened new perspectives in the field of microbiological control of food and epidemiological surveys useful to manage food safety. Research is currently underway aimed at the development of cost-effective methods and procedures to be used reliably in field investigations for the detection of Escherichia coli VTEC atypical, whose research with traditional methods is particularly laborious and inefficient. 4) the definition of the shelf-life of fish products must take account of contamination with microbial species capable of producing histamine. The development of an electrochemical biosensor can allow rapid analysis and cost content useful for the analysis of the products and for the study of microorganisms producers of histamine.