Foto del docente

Manuela Mandrone

Associate Professor

Department of Pharmacy and Biotechnology

Academic discipline: BIOS-01/D Pharmaceutical Biology

Curriculum vitae

Senior Researcher (RTD b) at the University of Bologna, FaBit Department (Pharmacy and Biotechnology) since 2021. She carries out her research in the field of Plant Science. The research interests are mainly aimed at the identification of active ingredients from plants of interest in various systems of traditional medicine, quality control of botanicals, spices and herbs, and plant-environment relationships. These researches are carried out mainly through the innovative metabolomic approach, with the concomitant involvement of classic phytochemical approach.

Education and Academic career

• 2010: Degree in Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology (CTF) at the University of Bologna Thesis title: "Design and synthesis of multipontent ligands in Alzheimer's disease"

• 2010: Qualification to the profession of Pharmacist

• From 2011 to 2017: Research Fellow at the University of Bologna, FaBit Department within the project: Ethnobotanical and biotechnological study of medicinal plants in the hilly area of the province of Bologna

• From 2013 to 2016: PhD at the University of Bologna, FaBit Department. Thesis title: ‘Medicinal plants from ancient traditions as a source for matrix protease inhibitor. Study of correlation between biological activity and phytochemical profile.’

• From 2017 to 2019: RTD a (Junior Researcher) at the University of Bologna, FaBit Department

• From 2019 to 2020: Research fellow at the FaBiT

  • From 2029: RTD b - Senior Researcher at the University of Bologna, FaBit Department

Experiences abroad

From 2014 to 2016: Research period as part of the PhD project at the University of Leiden (NL), which was subsequently continued through a scholarship from the Erasmus plus Project.

It has ongoing collaborations with foreign universities in the Netherlands, Serbia, Brazil and China

Scientific projects and membership of editorial committees

She participated in a FARB project (2013) entitled: "Plants of traditional medicine as a source of molecules with antimicrobial and antiviral activity" and a Project funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 2019 in collaboration with the University of Belgrade (Serbia) as unit manager, entitled: 'Metabolomics approach for the detection of herbs and spices fraud'.

During 2012 and 2013 she was Tutor for the laboratory of prof. Stefano Del Duca: "Plants and man: advantages and risks", for the master's degree course in Biodiversity and Health Biology.

She is the subject editor of Plant Biosystems magazine and referee of international journals in the field of plant science, phytochemistry and pharmaceutical biology.