Foto del docente

Marco Cucco

Associate Professor

Department of the Arts

Academic discipline: PEMM-01/B Cinema, Photography, Radio, Television and Digital Media

Curriculum vitae

Education and Main Academic Standings

  • 2000: High school certificate in classical domain at Liceo Classico Raffaello, Urbino (Italy).
  • 2004: Degree in Communication Studies at the Università della Svizzera Italiana (Switzerland), with major in mass communication and new media. Thesis supervisor: prof. Giuseppe Richeri.
  • 2007-2008: Visiting PhD at the City University of New York (USA, 2007-08). Supervisor: prof. Frederick Wasser.
  • 2009: PhD in Communication Sciences at the Università della Svizzera Italiana (Switzerland). Thesis supervisor: prof. Giuseppe Richeri.
  • 2009-2018: Post-doc, Adjunct Professor and scientific collaborator at the Università della Svizzera Italiana (Switzerland); visiting scholar at: Université de Lorraine (France, May-June 2012), University of Leeds (UK, February 2015, Swiss-European Mobility Programme), University of Udine (Italy, November 2016, Swiss-European Mobility Programme).
  • 2018: Senior Assistant Professor at the Department of Arts, University of Bologna
  • 2021: Associate Professor, Department of Arts, University of Bologna.
  • 2021: Head of the Master in Film and Audiovisual Management, Department of Arts, University of Bologna.
  • 2022: National Scientific Qualification as Full Professor.
  • 2022: Vice-chair of the Film Studies Section of ECREA (European Communication Research and Education Association).
  • 2023: Member of the editorial board of the scientific journal "Economia della cultura" (Il Mulino).
  • 2024: Visiting professor at the Universiteit Antwerpen (Belgium).


Teaching Activities

Marco Cucco gives classes within first and second cycle degree programmes: “Cultures of Film Production” (Degree in Information, Cultures and Media Organization), “History of Cultural Policies” (Degree in Drama, Art, and Music Studies), “Documentary and Experimental Cinematography” (Degree in Drama, Art, and Music Studies) and “Valorization of Audiovisual Heritage” (Degree in Sciences of Performing Arts and Audiovisual Production). He serves as Head of the first level Master in Film and Audiovisual Management at the University of Bologna, where he teaches “Public Film and Television Financing”. Moreover, he is lecturer with other two first level Master programs: "Master in Journalism" (University of Bologna) and Master Fare TV - Broadcasting and Streaming Management" (Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Milan).

In the past, he has been Adjunct Professor at the Università della Svizzera italiana (Switzerland), at the Université de Strasbourg (France), at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan (Italy), and at Indiana University-BCSP (USA-Italy). He have classes within executive courses, winter & summer schools, and advanced training courses organized by several public and private bodies: Civica Scuola di Cinema Luchino Visconti, the Cineteca di Bologna, the Biografilm Festival, the Locarno Film Festival, and ANEC (National Association of Film Exhibitors). He also gave several lectures within B.A., M.A., and PhD seminars, both in Italy and abroad.

Within the initiative “The week of the Italian language in the world”, he gave special lectures at the Capital Normal University (Beijing, China), Shanghai Academy Theater (Shanghai, China), Hong Kong Baptist University (Hong Kong), and Ain Shams University (Cairo, Egypt).

For many years Marco Cucco coordinated the Master in Media Management at the University della Svizzera Italiana (2009-2018) and collaborated with the Master Réseau Cinéma Suisse (University of Zurich, University of Lausanne, Università della Svizzera Italiana, 2005-2018).


Research Activities

His research interests concern film economics and policy (main investigation areas: USA, European Union, Italy, and Switzerland). In particular, he works on public financing and film-friendly policies (at supra-national, national, and sub-national level), the production of high-budget movies (US blockbuster movies and European co-productions), the role of film commissions, the outsourcing of film shooting and the phenomenon of film-induced tourism. For consulting the research outcomes please click here

He collaborated in several research projects and networks financed by public and private bodies: Swiss University Conference, Italian Ministry for University and Research, Republic and Government of the Tessin Canton, TikTok, Sky Italy, Publitalia '80 - Mediaset Group, Foundation for Subsidiarity. Among the most recent researches there are:

  • Film and Law, financed by the University of Bologna (public engagement call), 2024.
  • WokeIt - Investigating Representation, Inclusivity and Social Responsability in RAI's Fictional Audiovisual Productions (2025-2022), (PRIN-PNRR 2022), a two year competitive research project financed by the Italian Ministry for University and Research. Partners: University of Bologna, Link Campus University, University of Urbino;
  • Let's Develop Active Models of Territorial Resilience in Emilia-Romagna!, financed by the University of Bologna (Alma CaReS Call, 2023); 
  • Fammi spazio! (Gime Me Some Room!), research financed by Unipolis (2023-2024);
  • TikTok Made Me Watch IT, research financed by TikTok Italy (2023);
  • Artists' Lifes: Documentary as Tool for Investigating and Promoting Contemporary Arts, financed by the University of Bologna (AlmaIdea Call, 2023);
  • Exploring the Media and Politics Landscape in Europe, East Asia and the U.S. (2022-2023), Alma Strutture Call 2022. Partners: University of Bologna (Italy), Toyo University (Japan), University of California Los Angeles - UCLA (USA);
  • Sustainability and the Arts: Between Collective Actions and Cultural Industries (2022), MOOC developed by the University of Bologna for the Una Europa alliance (Social Pillar, Micro-qualification in Sustainability);
  • Communication, Media, and Tourism. Development of Notoriety and Attractiveness of Italian Touristic Destinations, research financed by Publitalia '80 - Mediaset Group to Ce.R.T.A. (2021);
  • The Cultural Dimension of Community Welfare (2020), Achille Ardigò School, Department of Arts (University of Bologna), Foundation for the Urban Development, Navile District;
  • The International Circulation of Italian Cinema (PRIN 2015), a three-year competitive research project financed by the Italian Ministry for Education, University and Research. Partners: Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan, Sapienza University of Rome, University of Bologna.
He regularly participates to initiatives organized by national and international research networks like CoRN (Co-production Research Network), CinEcoSa (Cinéma, Économie & Sociétés Anglophone), NECS (European Network for Cinema and Media Studies), ECREA (European Communication Research and Education Association), CUC (Consulta Universitaria del Cinema), Media Mutations and the Association for Cultural Economics. In 2020, Marco Cucco started to serve as “experienced scholar” for emmaConnect (European Media Management Association’s programme that supports junior researchers during the COVID-19 pandemic). In October 2022, he was elected vice-chair of the Film Studies Section of ECREA (European Communication Research and Education Association).



Marco Cucco published three books: Economia del film. Industria, politiche, mercati/Film Economics. Industry, Policy, Markets (Carocci 2020, fourth reprint in February 2024), Il mercato delle location cinematografiche/The Film Location Market (Marsilio 2013, with Giuseppe Richeri), and Il film blockbuster. Storia e caratteristiche delle grandi produzioni hollywoodiane/Blockbuster Movies: History and Features of High-budget Hollywood Films (Carocci 2010), and he edited three volumes: Le industrie del cinema. Un confronto internazionale/Film Industries. An International Comparison (Mimesis 2022, with Giuseppe Richeri), Il cinema di Stato. Finanziamento pubblico ed economia simbolica nel cinema italiano contemporaneo/Cinema of the State. Public Financing and Symbolic Economy in Contemporary Italian Cinema (Il Mulino 2017, with Giacomo Manzoli) and La trama dei media. Stato, imprese, pubblico nella società dell’informazione/The Media Plot: State, Companies and Audience in the Information Society (Carocci 2014).

He also wrote:

  • articles published by peer-reviewed journals: Studies in European Cinema, Film Studies, Media, Culture and Society, European Journal of Communication, Journal of Italian Cinema and Media Studies, Journal of Transcultural Communication, Studi culturali, L'Avventura, Comunicazioni sociali, Economia della cultura, Bianco e nero, MediAzioniIl capitale culturaleObservatorio (OBS*);
  •  book reviews for academic journals: Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television, International Journal on Media ManagementStudies in Communication Sciences;
  •  book chapters (main publishers: Routledge, Palgrave, Springer, Sage, Intellect, Schüren, Silex, Carocci, Marsilio, Mimesis, Franco Angeli, Vita e Pensiero, Kaplan, Aracne).

For the full list of publications, please click here.


Service Activities for the Department of Arts and the University of Bologna

  • Member of the Scientific Board of the Research Center for Creative and Cultural Industries (since 2024).
  • Member of the Joint Committee of the Department (2018-2020).
  • Member of the departmental Committee that grants scholarships for writing the thesis abroad (since February 2019).
  • Member of the Scientific Committee of the cultural center “La Soffitta” (July 2019-September 2021).
  • Responsible person for the ERAMSUM+ international mobility agreements with: Freie Universität Berlin (Germany); University of Copenhagen (Denmark); Université de Picardie Jules Verne (France); University of the Aegean (Greece); Universiteit Utrecht (Netherlands); Universität Trier (Germany); Université Bordeaux Montaigne (France); Università della Svizzera Italiana (Switzerland); Universiteit Antwerpen (Belgium).
  • Member of the departmental working group for the VQR 2015-2019 (Evaluation of the Research Quality).
  • Member of the Area 10 Panel for the Research Evaluation within the University of Bologna (VRA 2022). 
  • Member of the Scientific Committee of the Library of the Department of the Arts. 
  • Member of the Committee for the Internationalization of the second cycle degree in Information, Cultures and Media Organization (INCOM).
  • Member of the responsible team for the second cycle degree in Sciences of Performing Arts and Audiovisual Production.
  • Member of the Scientific Committee for the initiative “Il Nastro Verde. Rassegna di cinema sostenibile” (editions 2020, 2021 and 2022): projections of films and documentaries on sustainability, organized in collaboration with the Sustainability Office of the University of Bologna.


Other Activities

  • Member of the editorial board of the scientific journal "Economia della cultura" (Il Mulino).
  • Associate editor of the scientific journal "Humanities and Social Sciences Communications" (Springer).
  • Representative of the Italian assistant professors within the council of the CUC – Consulta Universitaria del Cinema (Italian association of film and television scholars) (2019-2022).
  • Commissioner for granting public financing to films, audiovisual contents, and video-games by: Apulia Film Commission (2021), Emilia-Romagna Film Commission (2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024), Lombardia Film Commission (2024) and Sardinia Film Commission (2015, 2022).


Organized Conferences

  • International conference "The Matter of Property: Studying the Economic, Political and Cultural Nodes of the Contemporary Media Industries", (15th edition of the annual conference Media Mutations), University of Bologna, May 23-24, 2023.
  • Workshop "Sustainability Among Arts: Industries, Imaginary, Good Practices" (University of Bologna, October 18, 2023.
  • International conference "Reframing Postcolonialism and Cinema", bi-annual conference of the ECREA Film Studies Section, University of Nicosia (Cyprus), September 14-15, 2023.
  • International conference "Creative Korea: Exploring Contemporary Korean Cultural Industries and Cultural Production", University of Bologna, May 4-5, 2023.
  • Webinar "Film Distribution in Italy: On Alert", University of Salento and University of Bologna, June 15, 2022.
  • Annual Conference of the American Association for Italian Studies (AAIS), University of Bologna, May 29 – June 1, 2022.
  • International conference "Open Arts. New Audiovisual Scenarios for the Circulation of the Arts”, University of Bologna, April 20-21, 2021, in collaboration with IULM University and University of Murcia (Spain).
  • International conference “Media, Diplomacy and Soft Power. Exploring the Relations Between Emerging Markets and Western Countries” (XI edition of the annual conference Media Mutations), University of Bologna, May 20-21, 2019.
  • National conference “Public Financing and Italian Cinema”, University of Bologna, February 3-4, 2015.
  • International conference “Heard-Seen: The Audiovisual Heritage and the Sciences”, Università della Svizzera Italiana, October 27-28, 2006.


Speaker in conferences

  1. CUCCO M. (2024) A Record that Nobody Wanted: How the Overproduction of Italian Films Questions Film Policy's Milestones. Titolo della conferenza: "Media Industries 2024" (King's College London, UK, April 16-19).
  2. CUCCO M., SCAGLIONI M. (2023) Relocating Indian Audiovisual Production in Italy: Trends, Practices, and Policies. Conference title: "Locating Media Industries: Cities, Spaces, Places" (King's College London, UK, June 19-21).
  3. CUCCO M. (2023) Don Camillo, Peppone e l'ascesa turistica di Brescello. Conference title: "Boom. Il cinema e il miracolo economico italiano" (Università di Messina, Noto, June 7-8).
  4. CUCCO M., D’URSO F. (2023) Defining Models of Public Strategy to Implement Eco-sustainable Behaviors in Audiovisual Production: The Italian Case Study. Conference title: "Sustainable Futures: Ethics, Responsibility and care in Film, Television, Screen Studies and Practices" (BAFTSS Annual Conference) (University of Lincoln, UK, April 3-5)
  5. CUCCO M. (2022) Discussant del keynote speech "Produzioni cinematografiche fuori dalla regola: tre tipologie" di Stephen Gundle. Conference title: “Italian Film Production Practices 1949-1976. The Exception and the Rule” (XXVII International Conference of Film Studies) (Università Roma Tre, November 28-29).
  6. CUCCO M. (2021) L’economia diffusa del film: una riflessione critica sugli ultimi vent’anni. Conference title: Giornate di studi OSCAU – Osservatorio sardo per il cinema e l’audiovisivo (Università degli Studi di Cagliari, Cagliari, 2-3 dicembre).
  7. CUCCO M. (2021) L’economia diffusa del film: una riflessione critica sugli ultimi vent’anni. Conference title: Giornate di studi OSCAU – Osservatorio sardo per il cinema e l’audiovisivo (Università degli Studi di Cagliari, Cagliari, 2-3 dicembre).
  8. CUCCO M. (2021) The Other Animation Industries: Production and Circulation of “My Life as a Zucchini”. Conference title: Animation in the 21st Century. Rethinking Images and Technologies (XXVII International Conference of Film Studies) (Università Roma Tre, November 24-26).
  9. CUCCO M. (2021) La circolazione del documentario d’arte: cinema, piattaforme on-demand, pay tv e broadcaster televisivi. Conference title: El documentario de arte. I congreso international (Universidad de Murcia, Murcia, Spagna, 22-24 settembre.
  10. CUCCO M. (2021) I Media Industry Studies nel contesto post-pandemico. Il caso degli studi sul cinema. Conference title: Lo stato e il futuro della ricerca. Aree, direzioni, metodologie (Conferenza CUC, Università Roma Tre, 13-14 settembre).
  11. CUCCO M., SCAGLIONI M. (2021) The Great Auteur: Paolo Sorrentino Between Film and Television Industry. Conference title: Transitions: Moving Images and Bodies (NECS Conference, Palermo, 16-18 giugno).
  12. CUCCO M. (2019) Studiare il mercato on-demand: sfide e ostacoli. Conference title: L’economia del produttore audiovisivo ai tempi dello streaming (Università di Bologna, Bologna, 5 dicembre).
  13. CUCCO M. (2019) Studying Film Export: Relevance, Methodologies, Problems. Conference title: Research Methods in Film Studies: Challenges and Opportunities (ECREA Film Studies Section Conference) (University of Ghent, Belgio, 18-19 ottobre).
  14. CUCCO M., SCAGLIONI M. (2019) Selling and Adapting “Film Formats”. Successful Transnational Storytelling in the Fragmented Global Film Market. Conference title: Structures and Voices. Storytelling in the Post-Digital Times (NECS Conference, Danzig, Polonia, 13-15 giugno).
  15. CUCCO M. (2019) Italian Co-productions With Foreign Countries: A Critical Analysis of Contemporary Trends. Conference title: Italian Cinema(s) Abroad (The Ohio State University, Columbus, USA, 22-23 marzo).
  16. CUCCO M. (2019) Visual Tools and Data Analysis: Mapping Italian Cinema Abroad. Conference title: American Association for Italian Studies Annual Conference (Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, USA, 14-16 marzo).
  17. CUCCO M., HOLDAWAY D. (2018) The Many Faces of Public Film Financing: A New Quali-Quantitative Approach to Studying Film Policy. Conference title: Media Industries Conference: Current Debates and Future Directions. (King's College London, UK, 18-20 aprile).
  18. CUCCO M., MANZOLI G. (2018) National, World, Global: sempre lo stesso cinema?. Conference title: Global F(r)ictions (Università di Bologna, Bologna, 6-7 dicembre).
  19. CUCCO M. (2018) Le co-produzioni internazionali. Prassi e immagini del cinema italiano che dialoga con l'estero. Conference title: Made in Italy. La circolazione internazionale dell'audiovisivo italiano come prodotto culturale. (Università di Bologna, Bologna, 19-20 giugno).
  20. CUCCO M., SCAGLIONI M. (2018) Strategies for Promoting and Exporting Luca Guadagnino’s Films. Conference title: American Association for Italian Studies Annual Conference (Sant'Anna Institute, Sorrento, 14-17 giugno).
  21. CUCCO M. (2017) Le istituzioni e le politiche a sostegno della circolazione internazionale del cinema italiano. Conference title: Cinema e identità italiana. Cultura visuale e immaginario nazionale fra tradizione e contemporaneità (Università degli Studi Roma Tre, Roma, 28-29 novembre).
  22. CUCCO M. (2017) Learning from Switzerland in the Time of Brexit. Conference title: SCMS Conference, Chicago, USA, 22-26 marzo).
  23. CUCCO M. (2017) I Want to Study It But I cannot! Problems With Quantitative Approach In the Digital Film Market. Conference title: Digital and Quantitative Methods for the Study of Screen Culture (University of Leeds, Leeds, UK, 5 maggio).
  24. CUCCO M. (2016) Blockbuster Franchises: Are They Proofs of a Creativity Crisis in Hollywood? An Economic Investigation. Conference title: Franchise hollywoodiennes: innovations artistique, technologiques et industrielles, 1975-2015 (Institut National de l'Histoire de l'Art - INHA, Paris, Francia, 8-9 dicembre).
  25. CUCCO M. (2016) Small, Rich and Fragmented Switzerland, It’s Time For a New “Youth”? Conference title: European Co-production Symposium: A Multi-disciplinary Conference of Scholars, Practioners and Policy Professionals (University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Danimarca, 23-24 novembre).
  26. CUCCO M. (2016) Le film commission e il mercato delle location cinematografiche. Conference title: This Must Be The Place. Media, territorio, promozione (Università degli Studi di Udine, Gorizia, 10 novembre) .
  27. CUCCO M. (2016) OTT e ISP nel mercato cinematografico italiano: speranze, timori e forse leggi. Conference title: Streaming media e cultura on-demand: dalla distribuzione alla circolazione? (Università Ca’ Foscari, Venezia, 6-7 giugno).
  28. CUCCO M., HOLDAWAY D. (2016) The Shapes of State-Funded Cinema: Researching Italian Film Policy. Conference title: SCMS Conference (Atlanta, USA, 30 marzo – 3 aprile).
  29. CUCCO M. (2016) Doing Historical Research in Film Economics. Conference title: Italian Cinemas/Italian Histories (University of Leeds, Leeds, UK, 22-23 marzo).
  30. CUCCO M. (2016) Il film d’impegno e i beni meritori. Una riflessione sul finanziamento pubblico al cinema in Italia. Conference title: Il sistema dell’impegno nel cinema italiano contemporaneo (Università di Bologna, Bologna, 15-16 febbraio).
  31. CUCCO M., SCAGLIONI M. (2015) Europe Meets India: An In-depth Analysis of the Outsourcing of Indian Films in Western Countries. Conference title: European Cinemas, Intercultural Meetings: Aesthetics, Politics, Industry, History (ECREA Film Studies Section) (University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Danimarca, 13-14 novembre).
  32. CUCCO M. (2015) Unusual Locations: How Small Regions Are Entering the Film Business. Conference title: Filming Locations: The Fabric of Culture, Myth & Identity in Small Cinema (Small Cinemas Conference, Valletta, Malta, 24-26 settembre).
  33. CUCCO M. (2015) Blockbuster Franchises: Creative Works or Creativity Crisis? Conference title: MediaChange - Serialization Landscapes: Series and Serialization from Literature to the Web (Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo, Urbino, 7-9 luglio).
  34. CUCCO M. (2015) What Is Film (By A Film Policy Perspective)? “The Great Beauty” Case Study. Conference title: Archives of/for the Future (NECS Conference, University of Lodz, Lodz, Polonia, 18-20 giugno).
  35. CUCCO M. (2015) The Complex Machine Behind a Popular Success: the U.S. Blockbuster Movies. Conference title: Situating the Popular in World Cinemas (University of Leeds, Leeds, UK, 17 febbraio).
  36. CUCCO M., SCAGLIONI M. (2015) Cinema indiano e location italiane: nuove opportunità per il cineturismo in Italia. Conference title: La città di celluloide tra vocazione turistica ed esperienze creative (Università di Macerata, Macerata, 26 marzo).
  37. CUCCO M., NICOSIA E. (2014) Film Festivals, Film Business and Territorial Development: An Economic Analysis. Conference title: Film Festival Cartographies Symposium (Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Modena, 20-21 novembre) .
  38. CUCCO M. (2014) Towards a Federal Cinema? New Trends in Regulating and Supporting Italian Film Production. Conference title: Communication for Empowerment: Citizens, Markets, Innovations (ECREA Conference, Lisbon, Portogallo, 12-15 novembre).
  39. CUCCO M. (2014) Regions, State and European Union: Conflicts and New Assets in Supporting the Audiovisual Production. The Italian Case Study. Conference title: Screen Policies in the 21st century (CinEcoSA conference, Paris, Francia, 17-18 novembre).
  40. CUCCO M. (2014) Understanding Fiction by Looking at Its Business: The Sky Italy Case Study. Conference title: Modes of Production and Narrative Forms in the Contemporary TV Series (Media Mutations 6, Università di Bologna, Bologna, 27-28 maggio).
  41. CUCCO M. (2014) Will We Regret the cinepanettoni? Conference title: Creative Energies, Creative Industries (NECS Conference, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milano, 22-26 giugno).
  42. CUCCO M. (2014) Il mercato delle location, tra amministrazioni locali, imprese cinematografiche e pubblico. Conference title: Cinema, cineturismo e alimentazione (XII Convegno Internazionale sul Cineturismo, Ischia, 1-2 luglio).
  43. GIMELLO-MESPLOMB F., CUCCO M. (2014) Le bonheur est dans le prêt ou la territorialisation des politiques du cinéma: une analyse comparée des «commissions locales du film» en France et en Italie. Conference title: Les territoires du Cinéma (ESSCA Conference, Université d’Angers, Angers, Francia, 21-24 gennaio).
  44. CUCCO M. (2013) Locations on Sale! How Local Public Administrations Are Entering the Film Business. Conference title: Media Politics – Political Media (NECS Conference, Prague, Repubblica Ceca, 20-22 giugno).
  45. CUCCO M. (2013) The European Way Towards the Production of Blockbusters Movies. Conference title: Bestseller and Blockbuster Culture – Books, Cinema and Television (Aalborg University, Aalborg, Danimarca, 21-22 marzo).
  46. CUCCO M. (2013) The Film Location Market. Towards a New Geography in Film Production. Conference title: Spaces and Places of Culture (MeCCSA Conference, Derry, UK, 9-11 gennaio).
  47. CUCCO M., RICHERI G. (2011) Film Commission As Driver for Economic and Cultural Development. Conference title: Governance, Culture and Territorial Development (Fourth Euro-Mediterranean Dialogue on Public Management, Rabat, Marocco, 12-14 ottobre).
  48. CUCCO M., PRARIO B., RICHERI G. (2010) Product Placement and Broadcasters: A New Strategic Approach. Conference title: The Changing Ecology of the Media (EMMA Conference, London, UK, 5-6 febbraio).
  49. CUCCO M. (2010) Spectacular Movies for a Global Audience: The Avatar Case Study. Conference title: Urban Mediations (NECS Conference, Kadir Has University, Istanbul, Turchia, 24-27 giugno).
  50. BENECCHI E., CUCCO M. (2009) Relocating Hollywood Advertising. Conference title: Locating Media (NECS Conference, University of Lund, Lund, Svezia, 25-28 giugno).
  51. CANDELORO J., CUCCO M. (2008) Cinema, Television and the Medea’s Myth. European Trends and Italian Anomalies in Feature Film Broadcasting. Conference title: The Media in Italy: Historical Perspectives and Future Challenges (ASMI Conference, Edinburgh, UK, 21-22 novembre).
  52. CUCCO M. (2006) Co-productions as New Form of Negotiation. Conference title: Shifting Landscapes: Film and Media in European Context (First International Film and Media Conference, Bilgi University, Istanbul, Turchia, 16-18 giugno).


Speaker in roundtables

  • Making Movies. Risultati e obiettivi dell'audiovisivo in Emilia-Romagna 2021-2023 (MIA - Mercato Internazionale dell'Audiovisivo, Roma, 12.10.2023).
  • "Dal Trentino all'Europa: il protocollo Green Film per una produzione audiovisiva sostenibile", intervento all'interno del workshop "La sostenibilità e le arti. Industrie, immaginari, buone pratiche" (Università di Bologna, 18.10.2023).
  • Il ruolo dell'audiovisivo nello sviluppo di una cultura sostenibile: l'esempio del Nastro Verde dell'Università di Bologna", intervento all'interno del workshop "Arti e sostenibilità: immagini, industrie e buone pratiche" (Università di Bologna, 24.05.2023).
  • Le audience tra didattica e ricerca (Conference “Storia sociale/Storia dei media. Fonti, metodologie, ricerche per la storia del cinema e della televisione in Italia”, La Sapienza Università di Roma, Roma, 11.05.2023).
  • Il valore sociale della cultura per il benessere delle comunità (Eufonica, Bologna, 14.04.2023).
  • Il sistema delle film commission in Italia (L'Aquila Film Festival & Osservatorio interuniversitario sul cinema e sugli audiovisivi in Abruzzo, 23.11.2022).
  • On location and beyond: the invisible benefits of film commissions and film offices (Thessaloniki International Film Festival, 08.11.2022).
  • La riscoperta dell’Italia. Ricerche e metriche sul rapporto fra territorio, cinema e audiovisivo (Venice Film Festival, 02.09.2022).
  • Ripensare il valore culturale ed economico del film, fra sala cinematografica e piattaforme di streaming (Venice Film Festival, 03.09.2022).
  • Politiche culturali e scenari economici per il futuro del cinema italiano (Workshop at Castiglione Cinema 2022 organized by Fondazione Ente dello Spettacolo, Castiglione del Lago, 10-12.06.2022).
  • Le tendenze del mercato del cinema e il ruolo delle Regioni (Corto Dorico Film Festival, Ancona, 05.12.2021).
  • Le nuove professioni umanistiche: spettacolo e comunicazione (Celebrations for the 400th anniversary of the University of Cagliari establishment, 10.12.2021).
  • Territori mediali: come la comunicazione, il cinema e la televisione raccontano e rappresentano i luoghi e quali opportunità per le destinazioni nazionali (Venice Film Festival, 07.09.2021).
  • Audiovisivo – Nuove forme di fruizione e modelli di sostenibilità. Quali nuove prospettive per il futuro? (ART-ER – Attrattività, Ricerca, Territorio – Emilia-Romagna, webinar, 18.12.2020).
  • Eppur si muove. Il settore dell’audiovisivo tra Stato e Regioni (Corto Dorico Film Festival, Università Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona, 11.12.2015).
  • Il ruolo dei territori a sostegno del cinema e dell’audiovisivo. Il senso del cinema e dell'audiovisivo per i territori (Italian Ministry of Culture, Roma, 25.03.2014).


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