Foto del docente

Marco Cucco

Associate Professor

Department of the Arts

Academic discipline: PEMM-01/B Cinema, Photography, Radio, Television and Digital Media

Short Bio

Marco Cucco is Associate Professor and Head of the postgraduate Master in Film and Audiovisual Management at the Department of Arts, University of Bologna. He received his PhD in Communication Sciences at the University of Lugano (Switzerland), and he has been visiting scholar at several universities: City University of New York (USA), Université de Lorraine (France), University of Leeds (UK), and Universiteit Antwerpen (Belgium). His research interests concern mainly film industry and policy. He wrote three books and many articles published by international peer-reviewed journals like Studies in European Cinema, Film Studies, European Journal of CommunicationMedia, Culture & Society, Journal of Transcultural Communication, Journal of Italian Cinema & Media Studies. He is currently vice-chair of the Film Studies Section of ECREA (European Communication Research and Education Association), and member of the editorial board of the scientific journal Economia della cultura. In 2022, he received the National Scientific Qualification as Full Professor.

Go to the Curriculum vitae


0039 051 20 9 2004

Dipartimento delle Arti
Via Barberia 4, Bologna - Go to map

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Those who are interested into writing their thesis under the supervision of prof. Cucco are invited to consult and respect the guidelines for the thesis before taking contact with the lecturer.

A carefully written mail is always a good start.

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