Foto del docente

Lorenzo Vigotti

Research fellow

Department of the Arts

Curriculum vitae

Download Curriculum Vitae (.pdf 207KB )

MSCA Global Fellow at the Department of Arts of the University of Bologna since 2023, Lorenzo Vigotti conducts research in the fields of architectural and urban history. Research interests focus particularly on domestic space in the Middle Ages and Renaissance, medieval domed structures in Italy and Iran, and the Florentine ghetto during the Medici period.


Graduated in Architecture in 2008 from the University of Florence, he obtained a Ph.D. in Architectural History from Columbia University in New York in 2019.

Academic Career

As an adjunct professor, he has taught at Columbia University, New York University, the Pratt Institute School of Architecture, the University of Utah, and Union College.

Teaching Activities

Since 2010, he has consistently been engaged in teaching various courses for undergraduate and master’s degree programs. He has taught courses in the history of art and architecture, both Italian and global, the use of propaganda in architecture, and the urban history of New York City.
Since 2016, he has taught paleography seminars at the Medici Archive Project. From 2015 to 2018, he taught for the summer program aimed at high school students visiting Columbia University.

Scientific Activities

Participates in numerous international research programs including:

1. Responsible for the project DOMES - Architectural Technology Transfer on the Silk Road: Iranian Double-Shell Domes and the West: 14th to 20th Century (funded by the European Commission, no. 101111404), see

2. Responsible for the project PUPILLI - Domestic Inventories during Early Renaissance Florence, part of the international research consortium Florentia Illustrata Consortium: Spatializing History & Visualizing Experience in the Renaissance City in collaboration with the University of Chicago and University of Virginia. See

3. Responsible for the digital reconstruction of the Florentine ghetto from archival sources within The Ghetto Mapping Project at the Medici Archive Project for the exhibition at the Uffizi "Gli Ebrei, i Medici e il Ghetto" (

4. Member of the scientific committee of the project Flanders in Florence: Architectural Exchanges from North to South, 1400-1600, led by Pieter Martens, Gianluca Belli, and Caterina Cardamone of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, sponsored by the Research Foundation Flanders (Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek – Vlaanderen).

He participated in the Sebastiano Serlio Digital Project, promoted by The Getty Research Institute & Avery Library in 2016-2018 as the analyst of the technical vocabulary used in the manuscript on domestic architecture preserved at the Avery Library.

In 2015, he was part of PALATIUM – Court Residences as Places of Exchange in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe, 1400–1700, promoted by the LMU Institut für Kunstgeschichte of Munich.

During 2011, he collaborated on the EUPLOOS-Linesonline project at the Uffizi Gallery – Department of Prints and Drawings.

Membership in Scientific and Editorial Committees

Since 2018, he has participated in the GAHTC - Global Architectural History Teaching Collaborative, aiming to sensitize the teaching of architecture following a post-colonial and globalized approach.

Since 2024 is peer-reviewer for the scientific journals Mitteilungen des Kunsthistorischen Institutes in Florenz and Palladio. Rivista di Storia dell’architettura e restauro; since 2023 for Digital Applications in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage; and since 2020 for International Journal of Islamic Architecture.

Awards and Recognitions

2023-26 MSCA Fellowship at the University of Bologna and the University of Tehran
2022-23 National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship at the Medici Archive Project
2022 Italian Art Society Conference Travel Grant for Emerging Scholars
2022 Kress Foundation International Travel Grant
2020-22 Postdoctoral Fellowship, Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florence
2019-20 Visiting Fellowship, European Institute, Columbia University
2017-18 C. V. Starr Scholarship, Columbia University
2017-18 Samuel H. Kress Graduate Art History Fellowship, Medici Archive Project
2016-17 The Eugene Grant Research Program in Jewish History Fellowship, Medici Archive Project
2015-16 Rudolf Wittkower Finishing Grant, Columbia University
2014-15 Mellon International Travel Fellowship, Columbia University
2013-14 GSAS Excellence Dissertation Fellowship, Columbia University
2013 SAHARA Travel Fellowship, Society of Architectural Historians
2013, 2014 Summer Teaching Scholarship, GSAS, Columbia University
2012 Art Humanities Teaching Fellowship, Columbia University
2010 and 2012 CISA Summer Scholarship, Centro Internazionale di Studi di Architettura Palladio
2006-07 Thesis Research Fellowship, Magdalen College, Oxford University

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