Foto del docente

Lorenzo Vigotti

Research fellow

Department of the Arts


Formal collaboration with:
University of Tehran
Iran, Islamic Republic Of
"DOMES-Architectural Technology Transfer on the Silk Road: Iranian Double-Shell Domes and the West: 14th to 20th" is an exploration of the shared architectural legacy of Europe and the Middle East. Specifically, my project details the transmission of architectural knowledge across the Silk Road from Persia to medieval Italy during the fourteenth century. Utilizing an innovative research methodology, DOMES aims to overcome traditional classification of architectural history based on the linear evolution and comparison of styles and forms, to promote a more comprehensive account of the history of construction, nourished by the material understanding of site-specific traditions. Utilizing structural building techniques as the basis for the project, DOMES focuses on the transmission of two types of architectural knowledge: technical knowledge and preservationist knowledge. This project proposes that the technological knowledge of building double-shell brick domes was originally transferred from Iran to Italy. Furthermore, DOMES investigates the historical exchange of Italian architectural restorers and Iranian preservationists through the study of the restorations of the same double-shell brick dome monuments during the 1960-70s. Through the combination of the study of unpublished archival documents in Tehran and the on-site analysis of the restorations carried out on monuments, DOMES will provide an innovative example of medieval global architectural history and will narrate the transfer of preservation knowledge from Italy to Iran (
Collaboration with:
University of Chicago
United States of America
Principal investigator of PUPILLI - Domestic Inventories of Early Modern Florence a project federated in the international research consortium “Florence Illuminated: Visualizing the History of Art and Society” together with the University of Chicago (CATASTO), Washington & Lee University (Florence As It Was) and University of Virginia (Digital Sepultuario). The project website is
Formal collaboration with:
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Formal collaboration with:
Medici Archive Project
Lorenzo oversees the virtual reconstruction of the now lost Florentine ghetto under the Jewish program at the Medici Archive Project, a model that will be used for the forthcoming exhibition at the Uffizi. []
Formal collaboration with:
GAHTC - Global Architectural History Teaching Collaborative
United States of America
The GAHTC’s mission is to provide cross-disciplinary, teacher-to-teacher exchanges of ideas and material, in order to energize and promote the teaching of all periods of global architectural history, especially at the survey level. Importantly, we support teachers in the classroom as an integral part of education [].
Formal collaboration with:
The Getty Research Institute
United States of America
I was in charge of the analysis of the technical vocabulary used in the manuscript on domestic architecture under the "Sebastiano Serlio Digital project" at Avery Library, Columbia University [].

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