Foto del docente

Lorenzo Vigotti

Adjunct professor

Department of Mathematics

Research fellow

Department of the Arts

Short Bio

Lorenzo is a trained architect with a M.Arch. from the University of Florence and a Ph.D. in architectural history from Columbia University with a dissertation on the origin of the Renaissance palace. As a post-doc fellow at the Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz, he studies the shift in spatial organization in domestic residences between the 14th and the 15th century, with an emphasis on early collecting practices and the birth of the studiolo as a manifestation of power by the urban oligarchy. He initiated the Pupilli Project.

Lorenzo is the recipient of a €268,000 grant from the European Union to finance his project DOMES-Architectural Technology Transfer on the Silk Road, in partnership with the University of Tehran and Shahid Beheshti University in Tehran. This project focuses on the circulation of architectural knowledge between medieval Persia and Italy, specifically the materiality and the problems of preservation of brick-dome structures.

Lorenzo has been the recipient of numerous fellowships and grants. He taught courses on Western architecture and urban planning at Columbia, NYU, Pratt Institute, University of Utah, and Union College.

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