Author Identifiers
SCOPUS Author ID 12239433000
Web of Science WOS ResearcherID C-4206-2012
2004 PhD in Earth Sciences, Università di Modena & Reggio Emilia, Italy.
2000 Undergraduate and Master degree (diploma) in Earth Sciences with a major in Engineering Geology, with honors, University of Modena & Reggio Emilia, Italy.
Present Position
Full professor of Engineering Geology Department of Civil, Chemical, Environmental and Materials Engineering DICAM, ALMA MATER STUDIORUM Università di Bologna, Italy. PROFESSORE ORDNARIO (L. 240/10).
DICAM - Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Chimica, Ambientale e dei Materiali
ALMA MATER STUDIORUM Università di Bologna
Viale Risorgimento, 2 40136 Bologna, Italia
tel. 051-2093608
fax 051-2093114
E-mail:, Personal URL:
Previous Positions
2014-Dec 2019 Tenured Associate professor of Engineering Geology, Department of Civil, Chemical, Environmental and Materials Engineering DICAM, ALMA MATER STUDIORUM Università di Bologna, Italy. PROFESSORE ASSOCIATO (L. 240/10).
2007–2014 Tenured assistant professor of Engineering Geology, School of Engineering and Architecture, University of Bologna, Italy.
2004–2007 Post-doc, University of Modena & Reggio Emilia, Italy.
Research Interests
The scientific research activity carried out since 2000 embraces several topics of engineering geology, focusing on natural and engineered slopes stability. Attention is paid to predisposing and triggering factors at different time scales, geological and geomorphological mapping, geological prospecting, in situ and remote sensing monitoring, numerical modeling, and design of mitigation measures, also in sites with high environmental and cultural value. The evaluation of groundwater resources under a changing climate and the study of the interactions between flood control reservoirs and porous aquifers in alluvial fans and plains are analysed, along with liquefaction phenomena, also in a palaeoseismological perspective. The research areas are located in the northern Apennines, in the eastern Alps and the Po River Valley.
Scientific Society Memberships
Associazione Italiana di Geologia Applicata e Ambientale (AIGA), Member of the Steering Committee.
Past Member of the Steering Committee of the Italian Section of the International Association of Engineering Geology (IAEG).
Editorial activity
Member of the Editorial Board of the journals Geomorphology and Geosciences.
Service as a Journal Peer Reviewer for several international leading journals in the fields of Engineering Geology and Geomorphology:
Service as Grant Peer Reviewer
Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and Research.
Honors and Awards
2015, Best Poster award at the V Convegno Nazionale di Geologia Applicata e Ambientale, Cagliari, Italy, 2015.
2014, Best Paper award at the 2014 Geosciences and Information Technologies meeting (Section of Società Geologica Italiana), Montefalco, 2014.
2014, ISA Fellowship granted to host Prof. Doug Stead (SFU, Canada) at DICAM, Bologna, Italy.
2014 Grant for Study Visits for Academics from Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD) to strengthen the collaboration with RUB Bochum, Germany.
2014 Grant from DIRI Università di Bologna to foster the collaboration with the University of British Columbia UBC, Vancouver, Canada.
2004 “Grant for Young Scientists” from the French Mountain Institute to participate in the workshop “Clim Alp’ Holocene climate in the Alps: toward a common framework?” held within the program “Climate variability in Mountainous regions”, Aix-Les-Bains, France.
2003 “Travel Fellowship for Young Scientists” from the International Association of Geomorphologists to present a paper at the IAG International conference in Mexico City, Mexico.
2001 “Travel Fellowship for Young Scientists” from the International Association of Geomorphologists for participating at the BGRG course for PhD students, Windsor, UK.
Research Projects
Since 2007 coordinator of research and technology transfer activities in five research contracts with public and private bodies. Since 2001, unit participant in international research projects and national projects part of competitive calls selected by peer review.
International Projects
- 2001-2004 ALARM "Assessment of Landslide Risk and Mitigation in Mountain Areas" (EVG1-2001-00018, Coordinator: Dr. S. Silvano, IRPI-CNR, Padova).
- 2002-2005 OASYS "Integrated Optimization of Landslide Alert Systems" (EVG1-2001-00061) (Coordinator Dr. E. Wenzel, Vienna, Austria).
- 2007-08 VIGONI Programme. Partners: Bauhaus-Universitaet Weimar (Coord. Prof. T. Schanz), Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia (Coord. Dr. A. Corsini).
- 2007-10 MOUNTAIN-RISKS: from prediction to management and governance. MARIE CURIE ACTION. Cluster Partnership Università di Firenze (Coord. Prof. N. Casagli), Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia (Coord.: Prof. D. Castaldini, Dr. A. Corsini, Prof. M. Soldati).
- 2006-08 MONITOR: Hazard Monitoring for Risk Assessment and Risk Comunication. INTERREG IIIB Cadses project supported by the European Regional Development Fund ERDF (Coord. Dr. A. Corsini, Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia).
- 2009-11 MONITOR II: Practical use of Monitoring in natural disaster management. SEE - South East Europe Transnational Cooperation Programme supported by the European Regional Development Fund ERDF (Coord. Dr. A. Corsini, Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia).
National Projects
- COFIN 1999 "Landslides as indicators of climate changes since the Lateglacial”, 24 months. (PI Prof. M. Panizza, Università di Modena & Reggio Emilia).
- COFIN 2002 "Geomorphological evolution of slopes and climate changes: landslides and paleoclimate”, 24 months. (PI Prof. M. Soldati, Università di Modena & Reggio Emilia).
- PRIN-COFIN 2005 Integrated use of monitoring systems for large slow-moving landslides in northern Apennines”, 24 months. (PI Prof. P. Canuti, Università di Firenze).
- PRIN 2007 (2008-2010) "Analysis and control of landslides through wireless and airborne monitoring systems” 24 months. (PI Dr. M. Berti, Università di Bologna).
- PRIN 2010-2011 "Geomorphological evolution of morphoclimatic systems under climate changes and induced risks”, 36 months. (PI Prof. C. Baroni, Università di Pisa).
- PRIN 2022 Surface-subsurface flow modeling of leveed river systems affected by mammal bioerosion. Short title: Rivers Affected by Mammal Bioerosion – RAMB (Local Unit responsible)
- Return (Multi-Risk sciEnce for resilienT commUnities undeR a changiNg climate).
Professional Visits
2014 Visiting Scientist, Simon Fraser University, Department of Earth Sciences, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. July and August 2014.
2013 Visiting Scientist, Rühr Universität Bochum, Lehrstuhl für Grundbau, Boden und Felsmechanik, Germany. June 2014
2010 Visiting Scientist, University of British Columbia UBC, Department of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. July and August 2010.
2007 Visiting Post-Doc researcher, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Grundbau, Germany. June 2007.
2002 Visiting PhD Student, Durham University, Department of Geography, Durham, UK. June 2002.
Since 2012 advisor and co-advisor of 8 PhD students and 4 research fellows at DICAM.
Since 2008, Professor of Engineering Geology T in the undergraduate course in environmental engineering (3 ECTS) and civil engineering (2 ECTS) and of Engineering Geology M (6 ECTS) for the master degree at the University of Bologna. Supervisor and co-supervisor of more than 20 graduation and master theses.
2010. European and Canadian Summer Schools and Field Courses 2010 in the frame of geoNatHaz Enhancing International Earth Science Competence In Natural Hazards Research.
2010. Master class for Latin American engineers “Design of river engineering works and structural/non-structural measures for the prevention of hydro-geological disasters” sponsored by IILA - Italo-Latin American Institute, through the Italian Department of Foreign Affairs.
Publications and Congresses
Author and co-author of more than 90 original scientific papers, 70 of which are indexed in Scopus on engineering geological and geomorphological applications.
Organized and convened numerous sessions in the frame of national and international conferences:
- Session Landslide monitoring VI Convegno nazionale AIGA (2018, Courmayeur).
- Session 2 of V Convegno nazionale AIGA (2015, Cagliari).
- Session 2.33 - Slope stabilization and protection measures: concepts and methods, XII IAEG International Congress (2014, Torino).
- Session A1 Pericolosità e rischio da frana within IX Convegno Giovani Ricercatori di Geologia Applicata (2013, Napoli).
- Session organized by the divisions Natural Hazards e Hydrological Sciences of European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2010 (Vienna, Austria): HS13.13/NH3.16 Hydrological processes in landslide research: analysis and quantification.
- Session organized by the divisions Natural Hazards e Hydrological Sciences of European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2009 (Vienna, Austria): NH4.2/HS11.7 Hydrological processes in landslide research: analysis and quantification.
- Session B8 Consolidamento dei versanti naturali: concetti e metodi, Convegno nazionale Geoitalia 2009, Settimo Forum Italiano di Scienze della Terra (Rimini, 2009).