Education and training
1) He earned a high school diploma at the Liceo Ginnasio Statale “Pasquale Galluppi” in Tropea (VV), with a vote of 60/60;
2) In the academic year 2001/2002 he graduated in Law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Bologna summa cum laude, discussing a thesis of Institutes in Roman Law entitled “La responsabilità contrattuale nel diritto romano” (supervisor Prof. Giovanni Luchetti);
3) In the academic year 2004/2005 he won the competitive examination for the admission to the Doctoral Program in Diritto romano e cultura giuridica europea at the University of Pavia (coordinator Prof. Dario Mantovani);
4) In October 2006 he passed the bar examination at the Court of Appeal of Catanzaro;
5) In March 2008 he discussed the PhD thesis entitled “De nautico fenore” (tutor Prof. Carlo Beduschi), before an examination board made up of Prof. Giovanni Negri, Prof. Lucetta Desanti and Prof. Patrizia Giunti;
6) In October 2014 he gained the national scientific qualification for the associate professorship (ASN 2013);
7) In November 2020 he gained the national scientific qualification for the full professorship (ASN 2018).
Research activity
1) Since 2005 he is part of RFO projects attended by the Department of Legal Studies of the University of Bologna;
2) He was a member of the Research Unit of the University of Bologna for the implementation of the PRIN 2008 Project – Revisione ed integrazione dei “Fontes Iuris Romani Antejustiniani – FIRA” (National coordinator Prof. Gianfranco Purpura);
3) Since September 30, 2011, he has been the holder of a twelve-month research grant at Ravenna's Scientific-Pedagogical Pole for the implementation of the project entitled “Ravenna Capitale. Le costituzioni imperiali emanate da Onorio a Ravenna (a. 402-423)”;
4) Since November 1, 2012 he has been the holder of a twelve-month research grant at the Department of Legal Studies of the University of Bologna for the implementation of the project entitled “La disciplina dei vizi del consenso dal diritto romano ai recenti sviluppi del diritto contrattuale europeo”;
5) Since June 1, 2014 he has been the holder of a twelve-month research grant at the Department of Legal Studies of the University of Bologna for the implementation of the project entitled “La disciplina delle clausole di esonero dalla responsabilità dal diritto romano ai recenti sviluppi del diritto contrattuale europeo”;
6) He is a member of an International Historical and Comparative Research Project on the Draft Common Frame of Reference, as part of a joint research activity with the University of Pisa and some Spanish Universities (Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas de Elche, Facultad de Derecho De Alicante, Facultad de Derecho de Granada);
7) He has been member of the Scriptores iuris Romani Project (ERC, Advanced Grant 2014), P.I. Aldo Schiavone, in which he deals with Palingenetic reconstruction and commentary on Paul's libri ad edictum;
8) From 2/11/2015 to 26/07/2017, he has been junior assistant professor (fixed-term), Academic discipline: IUS/18 Roman and Ancient Law, at the Department of Legal Studies of the University of Bologna;
9) From 27/07/2017 to 26/07/2020, he has been senior assistant professor (fixed-term), Academic discipline: IUS/18 Roman and Ancient Law, at the Department of Legal Studies of the University of Bologna;
10) He has been member of the research project “Destinazione patrimoniale e causa fiduciaria: un approccio interdisciplinare per una prospettiva ricostruttiva unitaria”, financed by the University of Bologna (Programma Alma Idea 2017);
11) He is member of the permanent Seminar Fortuna maris, established at the Section of History and Sciences of Antiquity of the Department of Humanities at the University of Ferrara;
12) He is the Principal Investigator of the University of Bologna Research Unit to implement the PRIN 2017 project "Italian Scholars in the face of the Race Laws (1938-1945): Ancient Historians and Jurists";
13) He is member of the scientific committee of the "Rhetoric and Psychology research group (Retorica e Psicologia - R.E.P.)” – Study Centre Piero Camporesi, at the Department of Classical and Italian Philology of the University of Bologna.
Teaching activity
1) Since the academic year 2003/2004 is a lecturer for SSD IUS/18 Roman Law and Antiquity Law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Bologna, and he has been able to collaborate in didactic and seminar activities related to the Roman teaching instituted at the faculty;
2) In the academic year 2008/2009 he carried out support teaching activities as tutor in the field of Institutes in Roman law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Bologna;
3) In the academic year 2009/2010 he carried out support teaching activities as tutor in the field of Institutes in Roman law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Bologna;
4) In the academic year 2010/2011 he carried out support teaching activities as tutor in the field of Institutes in Roman law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Bologna;
5) In the academic year 2011/2012 he carried out support teaching activities as tutor in the field of Roman Foundations of European Law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Bologna – Ravenna Campus;
6) In the academic year 2012/2013 he held a thirty hours teaching module in the field of Roman Foundations of European Law, Single cycle degree in Law – Ravenna Campus;
7) In the academic year 2013/2014 he held a twenty hours teaching module in the field of Institutes in Roman Law, First cycle degree in Business and Public Administration Consultant – Ravenna Campus;
8) In the academic year 2014/2015 he held a twenty hours teaching module in the field of Institutes in Roman Law (A-C), Single cycle degree in Law – Bologna Campus;
9) In the academic year 2015/2016, he held a thirty hours teaching module in the field of Roman Foundations of European Law, Single cycle degree in Law – Ravenna Campus;
10) From January 1, 2016 to June 17, 2017 he was a member of the Scientific Board of the PhD in Storia del pensiero e delle istituzioni giuridiche romane attended at the University of Reggio Calabria;
11) For the academic year 2016/2017, he held a sixty hours teaching module in the field of Roman Foundations of European Law, Single cycle degree in Law – Ravenna Campus and a thirty-five hours teaching module, a teaching module of twenty-five hours in the field of Institutes in Roman Law (A-C), Single cycle degree in Law – Bologna Campus;
12) For the academic year 2017/2018, he held a fifty-five hours teaching module in the field of Roman Foundations of European Law, Single cycle degree in Law – Ravenna Campus, a forty hours teaching module in the field of Roman Foundations of European Law, Single cycle degree in Law – Bologna Campus and a twenty hours teaching module in the field of Institutes in Roman Law (A-C), Single cycle degree in Law – Bologna Campus;
13) For the academic year 2018/2019, he held a sixty hours teaching module in the field of Roman Foundations of European Law, Single cycle degree in Law – Ravenna Campus, a thirty hours teaching module in the field of History of Commercial and Maritime Law (Roman Age), First cycle degreee in Legal Consultant in Businnes and Public Administration – Ravenna Campus and of a thirty hours teaching module in the field of Roman Foundations of European Law, Single cycle degree in Law – Bologna Campus;
14) For the academic year 2019/2020, he held a sixty hours teaching module in the field of Roman Foundations of European Law, Single cycle degree in Law - Ravenna Campus, a thirty hours teaching module in the field of History of Commercial and Maritime Law (Roman Age), First cycle degreee in Legal Consultant in Businnes and Public Administration – Ravenna Campus, a twenty hours teaching module in the field of Institutes in Roman Law (A-C), Single cycle degree in Law – Bologna Campus and of a thirty hours teaching module in the field of Roman Foundations of European Law, Single cycle degree in Law – Bologna Campus. From 27/01/2020 to 31/01/2020 he held a nine hours teaching module in the field of Roman Law and Roman Foundations of European Law at the University of Paris Nanterre;
15) For the academic year 2020/2021, he held a sixty hours teaching module in the field of Roman Foundations of European Law, Single cycle degree in Law - Ravenna Campus, a thirty hours teaching module in the field of History of Commercial and Maritime Law (Roman Age), First cycle degreee in Legal Consultant in Businnes and Public Administration – Ravenna Campus and a thirty hours teaching module in the field of Roman Foundations of European Law, Single cycle degree in Law – Bologna Campus;
16) For the academic year 2021/2022, he held the course of Institutes in Roman Law, Single cycle degree in Law (60 hours) - Ravenna Campus, a sixty hours teaching module in the field of Roman Foundations of European Law, Single cycle degree in Law - Ravenna Campus, a thirty hours teaching module in the field of History of Commercial and Maritime Law (Roman Age), First cycle degreee in Legal Consultant in Businnes and Public Administration – Ravenna Campus, a thirty hours teaching module in the field of Roman Foundations of European Law, Single cycle degree in Law – Bologna Campus and a eight hours teaching module (Notion, Formation and Interpretation of Law: Roman Age) within the Seminar "Legal method and Techniques of Interpretation", Integrated course (Academic disciplines: Constitutional Law, Roman and Ancient Law, History of Medieval and Modern Law, Single cycle degree in Law - Ravenna Campus;
17) For the academic year 2022/2023, he holds the course of of Institutes in Roman Law, Single cycle degree in Law (60 hours) - Ravenna Campus, a sixty hours teaching module in the field of Roman Foundations of European Law, Single cycle degree in Law - Ravenna Campus, a forty hours teaching module in the field of History of Roman Law, Single cycle degree in Law - Ravenna Campus, and a eight hours teaching module (Notion, Formation and Interpretation of Law: Roman Age) within the Seminar "Legal method and Techniques of Interpretation", Integrated course (Academic disciplines: Constitutional Law, Roman and Ancient Law; History of Medieval and Modern Law, Single cycle degree in Law - Ravenna Campus.
Reports and speeches at seminars and conferences
1) On June 22, 2006 he held a report at the Faculty of Law of the University of Parma entitled “Notazioni esegetiche sulla legislazione giustinianea in materia di interessi marittimi” (Seminar on Roman law organized on the occasion of the PhD in Diritto romano e cultura giuridica europea);
2) He participated at the Congress on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the Unification of Italy “Almae Matris Rectores. I rettori dell'Università di Bologna dal 1860 al 1960” (Bologna, 20 November 2010), giving, together with Prof. Roberto Finzi, a report on the rectorate of Edoardo Volterra;
3) On February 3, 2016, at the Italian-Brazilian Congress on Contemporary Law, organized in Fortaleza by the Escola da Magistratura Federal da 5ª Região – Núcleo Seccional do Ceará (ESMAFE), by the Justiça Federal no Ceará and by the Centro de Estudos Judiciários do Conselho da Justiça Federal (CEJ), he held at the Auditório da Justiça Federal no Ceará a report entitled “I criteri di imputazione della responsabilità civile nella prospettiva storica e nel panorama contemporaneo”;
4) On May 27, 2016, at the seminar Prolegomena per una Palingenesi dei libri di Paolo ad Vitellium (Bologna-Ponte Ronca, 26-29 May 2016), he held a report entitled “L’uso delle opere di Sabino nella giurisprudenza antoniniana”;
5) On December 16, 2017, within the Encontros jurisromanísticos de Lisboa “O Mar no Direito Romano” (Lisbon, 15-16 Dicember 2017), he held, at the School of Law of the University of Lisbon, a report entitled Periculum quod ex navigatione maris metui solet;
6) He partecipated, as a speaker, at the Seminar “Palingenesi dei libri di Paolo ad Vitellium” (University of Bergamo, 18-20 May 2018);
7) He held a report entitled “L'Archivio giuridico e il diritto romano: figure e itinerari di ricerca”, at the Congress “150 anni della rivista Archivio Giuridico Filippo Serafini (1868-2018)” (Bologna, 24 October 2018);
8) On March 14, 2019, at the Congress “Il tempo nel diritto, il diritto nel tempo”, organised by the Department of Legal Studies of the University of Bologna (Ravenna Campus), he held a report entitled “Profili storici della prescrizione estintiva”;
9) On May 30, 2019, within the Seminar “Forme e problemi della letteratura giuridica nell’età dei Severi” (Per la storia del pensiero giuridico romano. Quinto seminario), organised by University of Rome "La Sapienza", he held a report entitled “I libri ad edictum di Paolo”;
10) From 26 to 28 July 2019, he participated, as a speaker, at a Seminar on Paul's libri ad Vitellium, by invitation of Prof. Christian Baldus (University of Heidelberg);
11) On December 11, 2020, at the Congress “Ordinamento giuridico, mondo universitario e scienza antichistica di fronte alla legislazione razziale (1938-1945)”, organised by the Department of Humanities of the University of Bari, he held a report entitled “Edoardo Volterra ‘Rettore della Liberazione’ a Bologna”;
12) On June 8, 2021, he participated as a speaker at the discussion of the book I vizi del consenso nella tradizione romanistica, Torino, 2020 (PhD lecture held by Prof. L. Solidoro, within the PhD in Private and Comparative Law, Labour Law, and European Legal Tradition, Department of Law, University of Pisa);
13) On November 3, 2021, at the Department of Law of the University of Urbino, he held a Seminar entitled “Aspetti giuridici delle attività delle imprese di navigazione: il fenus nauticum”, by invitation of Prof. Maria Luisa Biccari.
14) On December 2, 2022, within the International Congress “«E sarai meco sanza fine cive». Temi, personaggi e fortuna della cultura politica e giuridica di Dante” (Bologna, 30 November-2 December 2021), organised by the departments of Classic and Italian Philology (FICLIT), Legal Studies (DSG), and History and Cultures (DISCI), he held a report entitled “Dante e il diritto romano”;
15) On May 3, 2022, within the didactic Seminar "Fondamenti romanistici del diritto europeo", organised by the Department of Law of the University of Macerata, he held a lecture entitled “I vizi del consenso nella tradizione romanistica”.
Other institutional activities
1) Since 19 October 2018 he is the coordinator for the Erasmus agreement with the University of Split;
2) Since 18 June 2019 he is member of the Scientific Committee of the "Antonio Cicu" Law Library;
3) Since A.A. 2019/2020, is the unique referent of the Internship Commission within the Single cycle degree in Law and the First cycle degreee in Legal Consultant in Businnes and Public Administration at the Ravenna Campus.
Participation in editorial boards of journals
Member of the Scientific Committee of the Journal Bibliomanie.
Member of the editorial board of the Journal Specula iuris.
Member of the Consilium redactionis of Studia et documenta historiae et iuris.
Member of the editorial board of the Revista da Justiça Federal (RJFCE).
Permanent collaborator of the Revista Lex Mercatoria.