Foto del docente

Ilaria Braschi

Associate Professor

Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences

Academic discipline: AGRI-06/B Agricultural Chemistry


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Publications prior to 2004

Adsorption and desorption of triasulfuron by soils (2003).  Pusino A., Fiori M.G., Braschi I., and Gessa C.  J. Agric. Food Chem. 51, 18, 5350-5354.
Combined effect of water and organic matter on phosphorus availability in calcareous soils. (2003).  Braschi I., Ciavatta C., Giovannini C., and Gessa C.  Nutrient Cycling in Agoecosystems, 67: 67-74.
Behavior of four herbicides in a paddy field: Simulation by a laboratory microcosm (2003).  Flori P., Pancaldi D., Braschi I., and Gessa C:  XII Symposium Pesticide Chemistry, Piacenza, 4-6 Giugno 2003, 223-231.
Adsorption-desorption of pretilachlor and cinosulfuron on paddy field sediment (2003).  Braschi I., Pusino A., and Gessa C.  XII Symposium Pesticide Chemistry, Piacenza, 4-6 Giugno 2003, 161-167.
Adsorption of triasulfuron on soils and soil colloid components (2003).  Pusino A., Braschi I., Gessa C.  Unicum Colloquium. Group Francais des Pesticides and Mediterranean Group of pesticides research. Aix-en-Provence, France, 20-24 Maggio 2003. Comp.13.
Degradation of primisulfuron by a combination of chemical and microbiological processes (2000).  Braschi I., Pusino A., Gessa C., and Bollag J.–M.  J. Agric. Food Chem. 48, 6, 2565-2571.
Adsorption and degradation of triasulfuron on homoionic montmorillonites (2000).  Pusino A., Braschi I., and Gessa C.  Clays and Clay Minerals 48, 1, 19-25.
Photodegradation of herbicide triasulfuron (1999).  Pusino A., Braschi I., Petretto S., and Gessa C.  Pest. Sci. 55, 479-481.
Kinetics and hydrolysis mechanism of triasulfuron (1997).  Braschi I., Calamai L., Cremonini M. A., Fusi P., Gessa C., Pantani O., and Pusino A.  J. Agric. Food Chem. 45, 11, 4495-4499.
Preliminary FT-IR studies on interactions of triasulfuron with smectites at different charge localization (1997).  Pantani O., Calamai L., Braschi I., Pusino A., Fusi P., and Gessa C.  Agrochimica XLI, N. 3-4, Maggio-Agosto 1997.
Hyghly diastereoselective alkylation of perhydropyrimidin-4-ones directed toward the synthesis of a-substituted b-amino acids. 2 (1994).  Braschi I., Cardillo G., Tomasini C., and Venezia R.  J. Org. Chem. 59, 24, 7292-7298.
Synthesis and stereochemical bihaviour of 8-alkyl-3-(1-phenylethyl)-7-oxa-1,3-diazabicyclo-[3.2.1]-octane-4,6-diones directed towards the synthesis of a-substituited b-amino acids (1994).  Braschi I., Cardillo G., and Tomasini C.  Tetrahedron 50, 9, 2955-2964.