- The role of tyrosine kinase receptors in animal oncology
- Molecular cancerogenesis linked to pollution
- Histological prognosticators in animal oncology
- gastrointestinal pathology
- viral cancerogenesis
The role of tyrosine kinase receptors in animal
oncology, particularly KIT, EGFR, PDGFR, VEGFR, ERB2, ALK
in canine and feline mast cell tumors, GIST, and in lung,
bladder, gastric, and nasal carcinoma
Molecular cancerogenesis linked to pollution.
The role of inhaled air dusts in lung carcinogenesis and
diagnostic and prognostic evaluation of TTF1 and EGFR
Histological prognosticators in animal
oncology. (a) Histological evaluation of surgical margins
following the excision of malignant skin tumors in dogs and
cats: wide surgery represents the best therapy for skin
tumors, although hampered by local recurrences after incomplete
removal. As the clinical assessment of tumor size rarely
corresponds to its actual extension, the completeness of surgery
can be effectively determined only by the histological evaluation
of excision margins. (b) Cytological and histological grading of
canine mast cell tumor
Gastrointestinal pathology. LPE/IBD and
alimentary lymphoma in cats and dogs. Gastric helibacteriosis in
Viral cancerogenesis. Equine sarcoid