Foto del docente

Giulia Lasagni

Senior assistant professor (fixed-term)

Department of Legal Studies

Academic discipline: GIUR-13/A Criminal Procedure Law

Curriculum vitae


Giulia Lasagni

PhD and Senior Assistant Professor in Criminal Procedure at the University of Bologna, Giulia Lasagni carries out researches in the field of criminal procedure in Italy, Europe (EU, ECHR) and in the US.

Deputy Director of Single Cycle Degree in Law, University of Bologna (January 2025 - ongoing)

Qualified, by unanimous decision of the selecting committee, for the post of Associate Professor in Criminal Procedure (April 2021)

Professional collaborator with the European Registry of Exonerations (2024-ongoing)

Member of the Directive Counsel of the Associazione Franco Bricola (January 2022-January 2025)

Coach in charge of the University of Bologna  the Nuremberg Moot Court competition organized by the International Nuremberg Principles Academy


Research topics:


Procedural safeguards and rights in criminal and punitive proceedings in Italy, EU, US

Banking and financial investigations in Italy, EU, and in the US

New forms of digital investigations and surveillance

Predictive justice, Algorithms and Criminal Proceedings

Cooperation models, Public-Private Partnerships: investigations on money laundering and financing of terrorism

Judicial cooperation in the criminal matter (EAW, EIO, Reg. 1805/2018)

Risks of money laundering and financing of terrorism in crowdfunding

Informants and collaborators with justice in Italy and in the US

False confession and miscarriages of justice

Law of Evidence (Forensic Evidence, Legal Reasoning)

Previous Working Experience in Italy

  • From December 2020 to July 2022: Junior Assistant Professor at the University of Bologna
  • From December 2019 to December 2020: Post doc Researcher in criminal procedure at the University of Bologna, research project fundedn by the European Commission/DG JUST - CROSSJUSTICE (Knowledge, Advisory and Capacity Building Information Tool for Criminal Procedural Rights in Judicial Cooperation)
  • Adjunct Professor in Financial and Cyber Crime at the Scuola Superiore per Mediatori Linguistici - CIELS, Bologna (Italy), A.Y. 2019/2020 - 2020/2021 (30 h, teaching in English)

  • From March 2019 to November 2019: Post doc Researcher in criminal procedure at the University of Bologna, research project fundedn by the European Anti Fraud Office, within the programme Hercule III - DEVICES (Digital forensic EVIdence: towards Common European Standards in antifraud administrative and criminal investigations)
  • From January 2017 to September 2018: Post doc Researcher in criminal procedure at the University of Bologna, research project funded by the European Commission - Inter Reg: CROWD-FUND-PORT - Central European Crowd-funding Support
  • From December 2016: lawyer professional legal qualification.


Previous Working Experience Abroad (Academia/EU institutions)

  • 1.7.2016 - 12.1.2017: Legal Department of the Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM/SLA), at the European Central Bank. Legal assistance for the cases pending before the Administrative Board of Review (ABoR) and the Court of Justice of the European Union.
  • 1.3.2015 – 30.4.2015: Legal Department of the European Anti-fraud Office (OLAF). Legal assistance and participation to on-going legislative negotiations (including in Council of the EU working groups) in the EPPO (European Public Prosecutor Office) draft regulation and PIF (protection of financial interests) draft directive.


Scientific activities: Participation to National and International Research Projects

  • 2023 – ongoing: PRIN 2022EPPITALY (Enforcing the EPPO in Italy: An empirical study). Principal Investigator
  • 2023 – ongoing:PRIN 2022 PNRRCRYPTOSAFE (Towards a safe seizure and confiscation of crypto-assets in criminal proceedings). Leader of the UNIBO Unit (UNIBO)
  • 2023 – ongoing: ELEVADMIN (Gathering electronic evidence for administrative investigations. Comparative study of law and practice). Research project funded by the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF). Participant as Italian expert in supervisory matters
  • 2022 – ongoing: FACILEX (Facilitating mutual recognition: Analytics and Capacity building Information LEgal eXplainable tool to strengthen cooperation in the criminal matter). Research project funded by the European Commission-DG JUST. Principal Investigator (

  • 2024 - ongoing: FULL-PROOF (Ensuring the due course of criminal proceedings by strengthening respect for the procedural rights of suspects and the accused). Research project funded by the European Commission-DG JUST. Member of the Italian research unit (University of Bologna)

  • 2022 – ongoing: ECB Legal Research Programme 2022. Winner, after a selection procedure, of the academic financing scholarship issued by the European Central Bank ( ). Proposal of financing submitted together with Prof. S. Allegrezza

  • 2020 - 2022: CROSSJUSTICE (Knowledge, Advisory and Capacity Building Information Tool for Criminal Procedural Rights in Judicial Cooperation). Research project funded by the European Commission-DG JUST. Proposal, coordination unit, research group (University of Bologna)

  • 2019 - 2024: Public-Private Partnerships on Terrorism Financing (PartTFin) - ISFP-2017-AG-TERFIN. Research project funded by the European Commission. Invited to participate as Italian expert in supervisory matters by the leading institution (Max-Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law (Freiburg, Germany)

  • 2020 – 2023: PRIN 2017 “The essential, and competitive, role of specialised courts and alternative dispute resolution mechanisms in financial law as a precondition for the attainment of social desirable levels of public and private enforcement. Lessons from history in administrative and business law and the future of judicial review in European financial law in light of European and national fundamental rights”. P.I. Prof. Marco Lamandini. Member of the research group due to her specific expertise, starting from March 1, 2020

  • 2018 - ongoing: COST Action CA17102 - POLSTOP - police stop and frisks. - Italian substitute representative
  • 2019 - 2020: Research project funded by the European Commission-OLAF, Hercule III: “DEVICES (Digital forensic EVIdence: towards Common European Standards in antifraud administrative and criminal investigations)". Proposal and research unit (University of Bologna)

  • 2018-2019: “Toward an Integrated Enforcement of Banking Regulation” (EUBAR - ) Research project funded by the Fonds Nationale de la Recherche – FNR Luxembourg. Research staff member

  • 2019: Research project funded by the European Commission-OLAF, Hercule III: “ADCRIM - Admissibility of OLAF Final Reports as Evidence in Criminal Proceedings", University of Luxembourg - Italian representative

  • 2017 - 2018: “Central European Crowd-funding Support” – Research project funded by the European Commission. Università di Bologna, Centro interdipartimentale di ricerca in storia del diritto, filosofia e sociologia del diritto e informatica giuridica "A. Gaudenzi e G. Fassò" (CIRSFID)

  • 2015: “Criminal and Administrative Investigations in the Field of VAT and Customs Duties-From National Practices to an EU Integrated System of information and Evidence Exchange”. Research project funded by the European Commission-OLAF, Hercule III: Università di Bologna "Alma Mater Studiorum"


Editorial positions

  • Member of the scientific committee of Sistema penale (ISSN:2704-8098)
  • Member of the editorial committee of Review of European Studies (ISSN: 1918-7173; E-ISSN: 1918-7181- )
  • Reviewer for the Brasilian Journal of Criminal Procedure Law (RBDPP – ISSN: 2525-510X; DOI: 10.22197/rbdpp)
  • Reviewer for the Journal Archivio giuridico Filippo Serafini (ISSN: 0391-5646 | 2282-2828), issue 2/2021
  • Reviewer for the Questio Facti, published by Cátedra de Cultura Jurídica of Universitat de Girona & Marcial Pons (Sept 2023)

Education in Italy

  • 2012: LLM Master's degree in Law, 110/110 with honours at the University of Bologna, with a dissertation on the topic of informants and collaborators with justice in the U.S. criminal system – supervisor Prof. G. Illuminati;
  • 2016: PhD in Criminal Procedure at the University of Bologna, dissertation on the new frontiers of banking investigations (ECB - Single Supervisory Mechanism, and real-time monitoring of banking transactions) – supervisor: Prof. G. Illuminati;


Honours and Awards

Biannual Prize for the Most Outstanding Contribution to the Journal 2020–2021, European Journal of Crime, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice, for the paper When it is (also) algorithms and AI that decide on criminal matters: In search for an effective remedy, in European Journal of Crime, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice, 28, 3, 2020, pp. 280-304. Co-author: G. Contissa

Premio Jacchia, awarded by the Ordine degli Avvocati di Bologna (7 May 2018)


Visiting Experiences abroad

  • March - April 2024. Visiting Professor at the University of Paris-Nanterre (France). Course of Droit processuel (pénale) italien approfondi (24 h)
  • March - April 2023. Visiting Professor at the University of Paris-Nanterre (France). Course of Droit processuel (pénale) italien approfondi (24 h)
  • 18-23 January 2022. Visiting Professor at the University of Wroclaw (Poland). Lectures on: Admissibility of Digital Evidence in the EU (19 January) and Artificial Intelligence and EU Criminal Justice: Challenges and Opportunities (20 January)

  • April - August 2014. Visiting researcher at Univeristy of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (USA). Research on: financial investigations and white collar crimes - Supervisor Prof. Richard E. Myers II;
  • August 2010- January 2011. Visiting student at University of California, Irvine (USA). Studying on: Miscarriages of Justice; Pychology and Law; Drugs and Social Control; Crime and Public Policy.

Conferences and seminars

  • Roma (online), 10 December 2024, Camera dei Deputati: Hearing before the Justice Committee about the legislative proposal T.U. C. 441 Faraone, C. 1657 Bisa e C. 1694 Pittalis, on the establishment of a national day in memory of the victims of miscarriages of justice

  • Padova, 4 December 2024, Conference organised by the Camera Penale di Padova: Il processo mediatico: tra presunzione di innocenza e prevenzione dell’errore giudiziario. Lecture: Errori giudiziari. Cause e prevenzione

  •  Parma (online), 4 December 2024, Conference: Prova penale e proporzionalità. Un dialogo italo-spagnolo. Lecture: Il principio di proporzionalità nell’operato della Procura europea

  •  Bologna, 29 November 2024, Conference: Facilitating Mutual Recognition through Algorithms and AI. The FACILEX final conference. Lecture: Presentation of the results of the FACILEX project (DG JUST)

  •  Bologna, 22 November 2024, Conference: Sustainability and the Law. Interdisciplinary Conference. Lecture: Investigating environmental crimes: what perspectives at the transnational level?

  •  Lisbon, 8-11 November 2024, Faculdade de Direito. Intensive Postgraduate Program “AI in Legal Practice and its Regulation”. Lectures: Predictive Algorithms for Judges; MultiAgent Systems for Deciding about the Relevance and Admissibility of Evidence; Application of LLM technology to judicial thinking (with Marcello Di Bello)

  • Santiago del Chile, 9 September 2024, Interview for Justicia, click derecho with Ricardo Lillo, director del Laboratorio de Justicia centrado en las personas de la Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez (UAI), about: aplicación de tecnología y tecnología digital a la justicia criminal, y cómo estas pueden desafiar o mejorar las salvaguardas procesales

  • Santiago del Chile, 6 September 2024, Conference: En Teoria Hay Mueres (en teoria). Ponencia: La toma de decisiones automatizada y los jueces humanos: repensando la noción de remedio efectivo

  •  Bardonecchia, 2 September 2024, Summer School: Artificial Intelligence Act and EU Criminal Justice. Lecture: Introduction to the AI Act

  • Messina, 10 July 2024, Corso di alta formazione: Giustizia Penale Contemporanea e Garanzie Processuali della Persona. Lecture: Public private partnerships en la lucha contra el blanqueo de capitales y el terrorismo: ¿Una nueva forma de externalización del proceso penal?.

  • Genova, 23 May 2024, Conference: Le complessità del diritto delle prove contemporaneo. Speech: Crypto-Assets e giustizia penale

  • Bologna, 21 May 2024, Doctoral lecture with presentation of the volume “Il pubblico ministero” with the author Bruti Liberati. Speech on the procedural criminal law perspective.

  • Napoli, 16 May 2024, Aiakos Exchange Programme For Judicial Trainees. Speech and working group coordination: AI and Judges (morning) and Freedom of expression of judges (afternoon)

  • ELSA Bologna and ELSA Brussels’ Webinar Academy, online, 7 May 2024. Lezione: Financial Crimes. An introduction.

  • Luxembourg, 6 May 2024, Project meeting: Elevadmin. Gathering Electronic Evidence For Administrative Investigations. Speech: Italian report.

  • Durham, DUKE University, School of Law, 3 May 2024. Conference: The Thirteenth Conference on the Future Of Adversarial And Inquisitorial Systems. Speech: Wiretapping and Wrongful Convictions. The Italian case

  • Milano, 23 April 2024, Doctoral Lecture: La collaborazione tra pubblico e privato nell’accertamento degli illeciti penali. Una nuova prospettiva nel panorama comparativo?

  • Genova, 17 April 2024, Conference: Il Pubblico ministero. Realtà e prospettive a tre anni dall’avvio. Speech: Presentazione del progetto di ricerca PRIN Eppitaly ai PED italiani

  • Genova/online, 12 April 2024. Conference: Causes and Remedies for Wrongful Conviction. A Comparative Symposium. Speech: Causes of Wrongful Conviction

  • Paris, 28 March 2024, University of Paris- Nanterre, Intervento: Présentation du project FACILEX

  • Trento, 28-29 February 2024. Doctoral Lectures: Intelligenza artificiale, giustizia penale e diritti fondamentali. Spunti dai casi Encrochat e SKY ECC (28 February) e Making Procedural Rights Computable (29 February)

  • Trento, 2 February 2024, Conference: 10 anni di Meccanismo Unico di Vigilanza: un primo bilancio. Speech: Vigilanza bancaria e attività sanzionatoria

  • Alessandria, 2 December 2023, Winter School: Digital Criminal Investigations and Evidence in EU Law. Lecture: EU Cross Border Cooperation, MLA & Institutional Framework

  • Roma, 23 November 2023, Aiakos Exchange Programme For Judicial Trainees. Speech: AI for judges. The case of judicial cooperation

  • Lisbona, 10-11 November 2023, Faculdade de Direito. Intensive Postgraduate Program “AI in Legal Practice and its Regulation”. Lectures: Predictive Algorithms for Judges; MultiAgent Systems for Deciding about the Relevance and Admissibility of Evidence; LLM technology for judges; Bayesian Network for Judges (with Marcello Di Bello)

  • Imperia/online, 2 November 2023. Conference: Il Pubblico ministero europeo. Speech: I primi rinvii pregiudiziali

  • Como, Villa Vigoni, 17 October 2023, Conference: The European Public Prosecutor‘s Office as Motor for Transformation in the European „Area of Freedom, Security and Justice“. Speech: The EPPO as a “guardian of the rule of law” and European values?

  • Milano, 13 October 2023, Conference ICON S Italian Chapter. Speech: Public-Private Partnerships e Cybersecurity

  • Scuola Superiore della Magistratura, 5 October 2023. Lecture: “Le indagini penali e l’intelligenza artificiale: riconoscimento facciale, predictive policing e nuove modalità di ricostruzione dei fatti tramite IA”

  • Luxembourg, 5 July 2023, Conference: “Private Actors as Judges and Enforcers in the Technology-Driven World”. Speech: Public-private partnerships in AML/CFT. A new form of outsourcing of criminal investigation

  • Girona, 30 June 2023. Universitat de Girona, Master en Razonamiento Probatorio (Prof. Jordi Ferrer Beltram). Lecture: Admisibilidad de las pruebas digitales

  • Genova, 15 June 2023, Conference: “La giustizia penale alla prova della transizione digitale: Italia e Spagna a confronto”. Speech: Digitalizzazione della giustizia penale: Quale ruolo per la difesa?

  • Göttingen/online, 13 June 2023, Forschungsstelle für lateinamerikanisches Straf- und Strafprozessrecht. Seminar „Fundamentos del derecho probatorio en materia penal - Segunda Parte. Tecnología y prueba en el proceso penal”. Discussant to the paper of Prof. Serena Quattrocolo “¿Es el razonamiento probatorio computable?”

  • Parma, 22 May 2023, Doctoral Lecture at Corso di dottorato di ricerca in Scienze giuridiche in convenzione fra le Università di Parma e di Modena-Reggio Emilia: “Intelligenza artificiale e processo penale”. Lecture: IA, algoritmi, automazione: Quale ruolo per la difesa?

  • Bologna, 18 May 2023, 12th Conference on the Future of Adversarial and Inquisitorial Systems “Bias and Criminal Justice”. Chair del Panel Politics and bias in criminal justice (Annalisa Mangiaracina, Brandon Garrett, Klaudia Lozyk)

  • Leuven/online, 16 May 2023, UNA EUROPA, Future Crime Webinar Series “AI and Criminal Law Enforcement”. Speech: The AI potential in defensive strategies

  • Roma, 12 May 2023, Closing Conference of the EU-funded Project “Public-Private Partnerships on Terrorism Financing” (ParTFin): “Developing Public-Private Information Sharing to Strengthen the Fight against Terrorism Financing, Money Laundering and Sanctions Evasion”. Speech: Providing financial institutions with investigative leads to monitor suspects and to analyse financial flows

  • Bologna, 19 April 2023, Seminar courses in digital forensics “Modalità di contrasto al riciclaggio per mezzo di criptovalute”. Speech: Public private partnerships nell’antiriciclaggio e antiterrorismo. Nuove forme di outsourcing del processo penale?

  • Paris Nanterre, 3 April 2023, Journée d’études: “Principes et pratiques de l’enquête pénale à l’épreuve des nouvelles technologies (Projet NTIS). Réceptions comparées de la jurisprudence européenne sur la conservation et l’accès aux données en procédure pénale”. Speech: La réception en Italie (con Michele Caianiello)

  • Istanbul/online, 16 December 2022, 25th Bilgi Law Conference “Digitalisation of Criminal Justice”. Speech: Digitalisation of Criminal Justice in Italy

  • Lund/online, 15 November 2022, North Sea Group, On-line Seminars on Legal Evidence, Fall Programm 2022. Speech: Criteria for Admission of Digital Evidence

  • Lisbona, 11-12 November 2022, Faculdade de Direito. Intensive Postgraduate Program “AI in Legal Practice and its Regulation”. Lectures: Predictive Algorithms for Judges (11 November); MultiAgent Systems for Deciding about the Relevance and Admissibility of Evidence (12 November); Bayesian Network for Judges (12 November, with Marcello Di Bello)

  • Tübingen, 30 September 2022, Gesellschaft für Rechtsvergleichung, 39. Tagung für Rechtsverglaeichung „Digitalisierung“. Speech: The impact of digital technology in Italian criminal proceedings

  • Bologna, 16-17 September 2022, ICON-S Italy, Conference: Il futuro dello Stato. Panel 17 (16/09): Tecnologie del controllo, sorveglianza e diritti fondamentali. Speech: Tecnologie del controllo e sorveglianza: quale possibile uso a fini difensivi? Panel 114 (17/09): Giudizio penale, automazione e prevedibilità. Speech: Diritto al rimedio effettivo e decisione automatizzata

  • Wroclaw, 5 July 2022, ICON-S International Annual Conference: Global Problems and Prospects in Public Law. Panel: Digital Searches. In Quest for a New European Standard. Speech: Digital Searches in Italy

  • European Central Bank, Frankfurt Am Main, 21 June 2022. Invited to present and discuss the draft working paper entitled The Enforcement of ECB Sanctions in light of the Proportionality Principle: Is There a Need for a Guide to Define a Solid Legal Framework?, prepared as part of the financing granted by the ECB Legal Research Programme 2022. Co-author/presenter: S. Allegrezza

  • Girona, 23-27 May 2022, 1st Michele Taruffo Girona Evidence Week. Speaker of the plenary panel “Factual errors in evidential legal reasoning: identification and strategies of reduction”. Speech: Miscarriages of Justice, Forensic Evidence and Evidential Legal Reasoning: A Focus on False Confessions

  • Bologna, 30 March 2022, University of Bologna. Seminars: Sfide recenti e nuovi paradigmi dell’informatica forense. Speech: Policing via Multi-Agent Systems: un nuovo volto per la digital forensics (e non solo)?

  • Bologna, 25 February 2022, University of Bologna. Organization of the final conference of the CrossJustice Project ( ), entitled Empowering Defence Rights Through Algorithms and AI. Speech: Conclusive Remarks of the conference and the Project

  • Wroclaw, 20 January 2022, Digital Justice Center of the Faculty of Law, Administration and Economics of Wroclaw (Poland). Lecture on Artificial Intelligence and EU Criminal Justice: challenges and opportunities

  • Wroclaw, 19 January 2022, Digital Justice Center of the Faculty of Law, Administration and Economics of Wroclaw (Poland). Lecture on Admissibility of Digital Evidence in the EU

  • ERA, Academy of European Law, 10 December 2021. Conference: Criminal Law and Human Rights: Recent ECtHR Case Law. Improving Standards of the Defence in Criminal Proceedings through Recent ECtHR Case Law. Speech 1: Implications of “ne bis in idem” (Nodet v France; Velkov v Bulgaria; Mihalache v Romania). Speech 2: The relationship between the case law of the ECtHR and of the CJEU regarding “ne bis in idem”

  • Bologna, 2 December 2021. Conference: German-Italian Dialogue on Smart Algorithms, Trust and (the Diffusion of) Power. Speech: Presentazione del Progetto di ricerca CrossJustice

  • Roma (online), 19 November 2021, University Sapienza. Conference: La valutazione della prova scientifica. Speech: Errore giudiziario e false confessioni. Spunti per una riflessione sulla valutazione della prova

  • Trento (online), 12 November 2021, University of Trento, Conference: Intelligenza artificiale e processo penale. Indagini, prove, giudizio. Speech: Difendersi dall’IA o difendersi con l’IA? Verso un cambio di paradigma

  • Bologna (online), 20 October 2021, Fondazione Forense Bolognese, Conference: Diritto al silenzio e presunzione d’innocenza tra prassi giudiziaria italiana e prospettive europee alla luce della direttiva 2016/343/EU. Speech: Il diritto al silenzio e a non autoincriminarsi nel dialogo fra Corte costituzionale e Corte di giustizia

  • Bologna/Leuven (online), 8 June 2021, Conference funded by the Research Project EmpRiSe: Il diritto al silenzio. Tra pratica giudiziaria e prospettive europee. Speech: Il dialogo fra Corte costituzionale e Corte di giustizia sul diritto a non autoincriminarsi
  • Bologna, 3 May 2021, Università di Bologna, Seminars of Digital Forensics: Deepfake: la nuova frontiera del falso d’autore. Speech at the roundtable: Quale dialettica tra intelligenza artificiale e informatica forense? on the application of AI technology to digital forensics in AML/CFT

  • Bologna, 22 April 2021, University of Bologna, Seminars of Digital Forensics: Verso standard comuni europei per lo scambio della Digital Evidence. Speech: Overview of the European legal framework

  • ERA, Academy of European Law, 15 April 2021. Conference: Procedural Rights in the Context of Evidence-Gathering. Speech: The admissibility of (electronic) evidence in the EU

  • Consob, Seminario Ufficio Sanzioni Amministrative, 31 March 2021. Conference: Prospettive europee di diritto sanzionatorio dei mercati finanziari. Prime esperienze. Speech: Il dialogo Corte Costituzionale/Corte di Giustizia sul privilegio contro la autoincriminazione e il diritto di rimanere in silenzio. Le garanzie di fair trial nei procedimenti sanzionatori: lezioni per la supervisione

  • Bologna, Scuola di specializzazione per le professioni legali E. Redenti, 29 March 2021. Seminar: Amending the charges and giudizio abbreviato (about Sez. un., n. 5788/2020)

  • Fiesole-European University Institute/online, 22-23 February 2021. Transnational Training and Conference, organized within the Research Project: CrossJustice (DG JUST). Speech: Presentation of the CrossJustice Project and of the Main Legal Challenges in the Implementation of the Criminal Procedure Directives

  • Torino/online, 26 January 2021. Final conference of the Project: InterLex (DG JUST). Speech: Presentation of the CrossJustice Project

  • Frankfurt Am Main, Goethe-Universität, 25 January 2021. Kolloquium Recent Developments in European Criminal Law. Seminar: The right to remain silent in the case law of the Court of Justice and the Court in Strasbourg

  • Siracusa, Conference of AIDP Young Penalist and X Corso di Formazione interdottorale di Diritto e Procedura Penale “Giuliano Vassalli”, 22- 24 October 2020. Conference: I nuovi volti del sistema penale fra cooperazione pubblico-privato e meccanismi di integrazione fra hard law e soft law. Speech: L’introduzione di meccanismi di Public Private Partnerships in materia di antiriclaggio e antiterrorismo: un'analisi comparata sulle nuove tendenze di outsourcing del processo penale

  • Alma AI- Centro di Intelligenza Artificiale, Università di Bologna, 1 July 2020. Seminar: AIs, lawyers, and judges. Speech: AI nel processo penale: la prospettiva del giurista

  • Banca d’Italia, Roma, 22 June 2020. Conference: Unione Bancaria e indagini penali. Speech: Ne bis in idem e procedimento amministrativo punitivo nell’ambito del MVU

  • European Central Bank, Frankfurt Am Main, 17 January 2020, Invited to present the monograph G. Lasagni, Banking Supervision and Criminal Investigation. Comparing the EU and US Experiences

  • Bologna, 22 October 2019, Kick off meeting: CROSSJUSTICE - Coordination and Speech on the main challenges in creating automated advisory modules in the field of criminal procedural defence rights

  • Luzern, 11 July 2019, IVR International Conference. Speech "The Role of Predictive Systems in Criminal Investigations: Accountability, Discriminatory Effects and Fair Trial Guarantees" - with G. Contissa

  • Bologna, 31 May 2019, Kick off meeting: DEVICES Hercule III Project - Coordination and Speech on the "legal state of play of digital investigation at the supranational level

  • Bologna, 10 May 2019, Conference: "L'intelligenza artificiale nell'orizzonte del diritto". Speech: "L’intelligenza artificiale al servizio della giustizia"

  • Bologna, 1 April 2019, Seminar: "Algoritmi predittivi e indagini penali: responsabilità, effetti discriminatori e giusto processo"
  • Champaign, University of Illinois (USA), 23 January 2019, Speech: "Ne bis in idem and banking supervision. Testing the scope of criminal law procedural safeguards"
  • Luxembourg, 30 November 2018, EUBAR Final Conference: “Toward an Integrated Enforcement of Banking Regulations: The case of the Single Supervisory Mechanism”. Speech: “Two Enforcement Systems and Two Sets of Procedural Safeguards?”
  • Basel, 25 April 2018, Early Career Scholars' Session of the 10th Conference on the Future of Adversarial and Inquisitorial Systems 2018. Speech:The Role of Predictive Algorithmic Systems in Criminal Investigations:Accountability, Discriminatory Effects and Fair Trial Guarantees
  • Luxembourg,30 November 2017, EUBAR Project – IV Working Group Meeting. Speech:The hybrid nature of financial and banking investigations
  • Cadiz, 16-17 November 2017, IV Processulus. Encuentro de Jóvenes Investigatores en Derecho Procesal. Hacia un proceso eficaz. Speech:Re-thinking personal search in the digital era: How smart phones (should) change a traditional investigative measure in Italy and in the US.
  • Wroclaw, 9-10 October 2017, Conference on the Limitations of Individual's Rights in Criminal Proceedings. Speech: Using Drone Technology in Criminal Investigation
  • Bologna, September-December 2017: Lectures on the institutions and the legal basis of the EU criminal law and procedure, within the course of EU and International Procedural Law, Prof. M.Caianiello
  • Pisa, March 2017, Lecture held on a professional training for lawyers on the use of digital technology
  • Bologna, March 2017: lectures on the institutions and the legal basis of the EU criminal law and procedure, within the course of EU and International Procedural Law, Prof. M. Caianiello;
  • Bologna, 20 February 2017, Scuola di Specializzazione per le Professioni Legali E. Redenti, Lecture on Wire-tapping through Trojan viruses (Cass. pen., Sez. un., 28 aprile 2016, Scurato);
  • Roma, 6 June 2016, Università LUISS G. Carli, Jurisprudence Symposium. Speaking discussant on the paper by J. Edwards "Standing in criminal law";
  • Bologna, 12-14 May 2016, 8th Conference on the Future of Adversarial and Inquisitorial System Criminal Investigations in the Age of Smart Data A Transatlantic Perspective. Speech: "The new frontiers of online investigations in Italy";
  • Bologna, 12 March 2016, Corso di Alta Formazione in Diritto Penale Europeo. Lecture held on The new Directive 343/2016 on the strengthening of certain aspects of the presumption of innocence and of the right to be present at the trial in criminal proceedings;
  • Bologna, 28 October 2015, Lecture held on The liability of legal entities in the EU and in the US - Course of advanced criminal procedure (University of Bologna, Prof. M. Caianiello);
  • Bologna, 5 October 2015, Scuola di Specializzazione per le Professioni Legali E. Redenti, Lecture held on The Falciani's list and the critical issues concerning the use of evidence illicitly obtained (Cass. pen., sez. III, ord. 17 aprile 2013, n. 29433);
  • Siracusa/Noto, 18-20 September 2015, ISISC-AIDP Sesto corso di formazione interdottorale di Diritto e Procedura Penale "Giuliano Vassalli". Speech on the issue of the development of judicial and administrative cooperation in the EU;
  • Moscow, 22-23 June 2015, Center for International andComparative Criminal Law, Faculty of Law, Lomonosov Moscow State University. Conference “Criminal Law and Business Affairs", organised by the International Association of Penal Law; speech on the issue of bank supervision in the EU and in the US.