Foto del docente

Giulia Lasagni

Senior assistant professor (fixed-term)

Department of Legal Studies

Academic discipline: GIUR-13/A Criminal Procedure Law

Short Bio

Giulia Lasagni has a Ph.D. in Criminal Procedure Law, was Post-doc Researcher at the University of Luxembourg and Visiting Researcher at the University of North Carolina, Wroclaw and Paris-Nanterre.

She has worked in the legal department of the Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM) of the European Central Bank and at the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF).

Her main research topics include: the application of algorithmic and AI technologies to the criminal justice matter; procedural safeguards in criminal proceedings in Italy and in the case-law of the European Courts, new forms of digital investigations and surveillance; banking and financial investigation; miscarriages of justice; information flows in AML/CFT investigations.

She is part of several European and international research projects (among which FACILEX, ECB Legal Research Programme, ParTFin, CROSSJUSTICE, DEVICES, EUBAR) and the author of the monograph Banking Supervision and Criminal Investigation. Comparing the EU and US Experiences (Springer/Giappichelli, 2019)

Go to the Curriculum vitae



Dipartimento di Scienze Giuridiche
Via Zamboni 27/29, Bologna - Go to map

Online Resources

Office hours

Wednesday, h 5 pm, at Palazzo Malvezzi, first floor, Criminal Procedure Room

It is kindly requested to send an e-mail in advance to check for potential changes of the schedule or to ask for a meeting at different timetable.



Dissertations are awarded after submission of a proposed written thesis (1 page max.). In the proposal, the candidate must illustrate the research topic, its relevance, the research question(s) and the methodology to be applied to the research. Following the positive evaluation of the proposal, the final thesis topic will be assigned (which may also be different from the proposal submitted by the student)