Foto del docente

Giovanni Tallini

Full Professor

Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences

Academic discipline: MEDS-04/A Pathology

Head of Scuola di Specializzazzione Anatomia Patologica (DI 68/2015)

Curriculum vitae


Professor of Pathology, Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences (DIMEC), University of Bologna Medical Center, Bologna, Italy

Telephone: ++39 051-214 4717/5208; Fax: ++39 051-636 3682




Full Professor in Anatomic Pathology, University of Bologna School of Medicine since 2002; Anatomic Pathology Attending and Director of the Molecular Pathology service, Azienda USL di Bologna, (2003-2022); Anatomic Pathology Attending, Director of the Endocrine Pathology Program and Director of the Solid Tumor Molecular Pathology Laboratory, IRCCS Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria di Bologna, Bologna, Italy

Associate Professor of Pathology and Surgical Pathology Attending , Director of the Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory, Department of Pathology, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, USA (1999 – 2002).

Assistant Professor of Pathology and Surgical Pathology Attending, Department of Pathology, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, USA (1993 – 1999).


Oncologic Pathology Fellow, Department of Pathology, Memorial-Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY, USA (July 1991 – June 1993).

Chief Resident in Pathology, Department of Pathology, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, Connecticut, USA (July 1990 – June 1991).
Resident in Pathology, Department of Pathology, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, Connecticut, USA (July 1988 – June 1990).
Specializzando, Scuola di Specializzazione in Anatomia Patologica, Facolta' di Medicina e Chirurgia, Universita' Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Policlinico “ A. Gemelli”, Roma (November 1985 – June 1988).


Molecular Genetic Pathology, USA (November 2001).
American board of pathology, USA (November, 1993).
Specializazione in Anatomia Patologica (Italian Board of Pathology) (October, 1989).

MEDICAL SCHOOL DIPLOMA (with Honors) conferred, July 23, 1985.


Gruppo Italiano di Patologia Endocrina-SIAPEC (GIPE, Italian Endocrine Pathology Group, founding member and coordinator for thyroid pathology, 2014); Gruppo di studio Patologia Molecolare e Medicina Predittiva-SIAPEC (PMMP, Italian molecular pathology study group, founding member 2013); European Society of Pathology (since 2005); National Academy of Medicine (Italy) (since 2004); Società Italiana di Anatomia Patologica e Citologia (SIAPEC) (since 2004); International Society of Bone and Soft Tissue Pathology (Founding member, 2001); Endocrine Pathology Society (since 1998, president of the Society for the year 2014); Association for Molecular Pathology (1996-2003); Yale Cancer Center (USA) (1995-2002); Chromosome and Morphology (CHAMP) international collaborative study group (1994-2002); Memorial Hospital Alumni Society (since 1993); American Medical Association (1988-2003); Italian Medical Association (since 1985).

President of the Endocrine Pathology Society (2014).

World Health Organization (WHO) working group member for endocrine pathology (since 2004)

The Averill A. Liebow Award for Excellence in the Teaching of Pathology Residents, Yale University School of Medicine (USA) (1997).


Prof. Tallini’s research activities are documented by over 250 publications in international journals with Impact Factor. Scientific interests revolve around the mechanisms that control tumor development and progression, the integration of molecular and pathologic data to identify clinically useful molecular markers, cancer epidemiology and the identification of cancer risk factors. The main areas of research include:

Thyroid tumors: pathology and biology of the thyroid; molecular mechanisms that control tumor development and progression. Dr. Tallini is World Health Organization working group member and chapter responsible author for the book Classification of Tumors-Pathology and Genetics-Tumors of Endocrine Organs (since 2004); co-editor of the book Tumors of the thyroid and Parathyroid Glands-AFIP Atlas of Tumor pathology (American registry of Pathology 2014-Fourth series); co-author of the Thyroid Gland chapter in Rosai and Ackerman’s Surgical Pathology textbook.

Diagnostic molecular pathology: the application of innovative technologies to the practice of pathology with special reference to the molecular diagnosis of solid tumors. The Solid Tumor Molecular Pathology Laboratory, IRCCS Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria di Bologna directed by Prof. Tallini performs diagnostic, prognostic and predictive molecular analysis of solid tumors in the greater metropolitan Bologna area for the Italian national health system.

Soft tissue tumors: analysis of mesenchymal tissue tumorigenesis. Dr. Tallini has been one of the members of the international study group Chromosome and Morphology (CHAMP). This collaborative effort between leading American and European institutions was set up to integrate molecular biology and cytogenetic information with pathology and clinical data. Its work (1994-2002) has provided the basis for the current classification of soft tissue tumors.

Oncologic neuropathology: the study and molecular analysis of brain tumors.

Urogenital pathology: molecular mechanisms of prostate tumor development with special reference to the role of cell adhesion molecules.


Editorial Boards (past and present): Endocrine Pathology, Journal of Thyroid Research, Case Reports in Oncological Medicine, Journal of Molecular Diagnostics, Tumori, Advances In Anatomic Pathology, Pathologica, Journal of Molecular Diagnostics.

Ad Hoc Reviewer: American Journal of Pathology, Laboratory Investigation, Nature Medicine, Nature Reviews Cancer, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, Endocrine Related Cancer, Thyroid, Cancer, Clinical Cancer Research, Journal of Clinical Oncology, Human Pathology, Analytical Biochemistry, Nucleic Acid Research, Oncology Research, Cancer Investigation, British Journal of Cancer, In Vitro-Cellular and Developmental Biology, Diagnostic Molecular Pathology, International Journal of Cancer, International Journal of Surgical Pathology, Journal of Clinical Pathology, Journal of Pathology, Oncogene, Virchows Archiv, referee for scientific projects submitted to the Italian Cancer Society and the Dutch Cancer Society, Agenzia Nazionale di Valutazione del Sistema Universitario e della Ricerca (ANVUR) of the Italian government.


Principal investigator/Co-investigator (since 2003): Programmi di Ricerca Scientifica di Rilevante Interesse Nazionale (PRIN)-MIUR, Ricerca Fondamentale Orientata (RFO)-MIUR, A.I.R.C., Ministry of Health - Ministero della Salute of the Italian government.

Principal investigator (2001): Thyroid Research Advisory Council-Knoll Pharmaceutical Company.

Co-investigator (1995-2003): NCI-National Cancer Institute/NIH-National Institutes of Health (USA).