Foto del docente

Giorgio Francesco Lesci

Research fellow

Department of Physics and Astronomy "Augusto Righi"

Academic discipline: FIS/05 Astronomy and Astrophysics

Curriculum vitae


Bachelor's degree in Astronomy in 2017 and Master's degree in Astrophysics and Cosmology in 2019 from the University of Bologna. Ph.D. in Astrophysics obtained in 2024 at the University of Bologna.


Academic Career

Since 2023, postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Physics and Astronomy "Augusto Righi" of the University of Bologna.


Scientific Activity

Since my Master's thesis, I have been studying the statistical properties of observed and simulated galaxy cluster samples to derive constraints on fundamental cosmological parameters, such as the matter density and the dark energy equation of state parameters. I also actively work on galaxy cluster weak-lensing measurements to measure the masses and investigate the structure of these cosmic objects.

I am a member of the Euclid Consortium: I have been participating in the internal challenges for likelihood code implementation in the Euclid Galaxy Cluster Science Working Group. Moreover, I am a devolper of the softwares CLOE (Cosmology Likelihood for Observables in Euclid) and COMB-CL, implementing in particular the likelihood functions describing the galaxy cluster counts, the cluster density profiles, and the mass-richness relation.

I am a member of the Kilo Degree Survey (KiDS) community. I actively participate in the internal telecons and collaborate with scientists involved in the cosmological analyses within this survey.

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