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Geraldina Boni

Full Professor

Department of Legal Studies

Academic discipline: IUS/11 Ecclesiastical and Canon Law

Curriculum vitae

Academic education

After earning her high school diploma in classical studies in 1983, Professor Geraldina Boni graduated cum laude with a degree in Law from the University of Bologna on January 24, 1989, discussing a thesis in Ecclesiastical Law titled “Libertà religiosa, libertas Ecclesiae e limiti alla libertà di associazione. Il caso dell’Opus Dei” with Professor Giuseppe dalla Torre. From the moment of her graduation she cooperated actively with Prof. Giuseppe Dalla Torre in the teaching and academic activities of the Ecclesiastical Law Chair. Since the academic year 1991-1992 she has also cooperated with Prof. Andrea Zanotti in the activities of the Canon Law Chair of the University of Bologna. At the same University, since 1989-1990 she has been a member of the examination committee in Ecclesiastical Law, subsequently chaired by Prof. Giuseppe Dalla Torre, Prof. Raffaele Botta and Prof. Giovanni Cimbalo; since 1991-1992 she has also been a member of the examination committee in Canon Law chaired by Prof. Andrea Zanotti. She has chaired the examination committee in History of Canon Law since 2002-2003, the examination committee in Canon Law (University of Bologna – Campus of Ravenna) since 2004-2005 and the examination committee in Ecclesiastical Law since 2018-2019. On July 14, 1994, she obtained her PhD in Canon and Ecclesiastical Law at the Sapienza University of Rome, discussing a thesis titled “La condizione dell’Ordine di Malta in Italia. Con particolare riferimento al trattamento tributario”. On June 27, 1994, she earned her Licentiate in Canon Law at the Pontifical Lateran University – graduating summa cum laude with a 90/90 score – with a dissertation titled “La questione dell’inseparabilità tra contratto matrimoniale e sacramento nel matrimonio dei battezzati”. On February 14, 2000, she obtained a PhD in Canon Law at the Pontifical Lateran University – graduating summa cum laude with a 90/90 score – with a dissertation titled “La rilevanza del diritto secolare nella disciplina del matrimonio canonico”.

As Assistant Professor

In 1995 she succeeded in a public competition to become an assistant professor in Canon and Ecclesiastical Law at the University of Bologna. Three years later, she was confirmed in her role. In the academic years 2002-2003, 2003-2004 and 2004-2005 she was in charge of the teaching of History of Canon Law at the same University. In this period she took part in various academic conferences: in 2001 she presented the paper “Disciplina canonica universale circa il matrimonio tra cattolici e islamici” at the XXXIII National Conference of Canon Law (Terni, September 11-14, 2001); in 2002 she gave a lecture about “AIDS ed esclusione del bonum prolis” at the Cultural Meetings organized by the Arcisodalizio of the Roman Curia (Rome, October 10, 2002); in 2003 she presented the paper “Uguaglianza fondamentale dei fedeli nella dignità e nell’azione” at the XXXV National Congress of Canon Law (Ariccia, RM, September 8-11, 2003); in 2004, on behalf of the Rector of the University of Bologna and in collaboration with Prof. Andrea Zanotti, she organized the academic conference “Il Codice di Diritto Canonico e il nuovo Concordato vent’anni dopo” (Bologna, October 29-30, 2004); in 2004 she presented the paper “Povertà nella Chiesa cattolica” at the annual study conference of the Union of Italian Catholic Jurists (Rome, December 6-8, 2004). She’s a member of various associations dedicated to the study of Canon and Ecclesiastical Law: the Italian Canonists’ Association, the ADEC (Associazione dei Docenti delle Discipline Ecclesiasticistiche, Canonistiche e Confessionali nelle Università Italiane), the Consociatio internationalis studio iuris canonici promovendo.

As Associate Professor

In 2003, following a competitive evaluation procedure, she was declared qualified for a position as associate professor at the Libera Università Maria Santissima Assunta (LUMSA) in Rome (academic discipline: IUS/11 Ecclesiastical and Canon Law). On January 21, 2004, she was appointed as associate professor of History of Canon Law at the University of Bologna and started to serve in this role on January 20, 2005. In this period she was also entrusted with other courses: in the academic year 2004-2005 with the teaching of Canon Law at the University of Bologna - Ravenna Campus; from 2002-2003 to 2006-2007 with the teaching of Ecclesiastical Law at the Professional Master programme “Beni culturali ecclesiastici”; in 2004-2005 with the teaching “Legislazione canonica per gli edifici di culto” at the Post-graduate vocational training programme “Arte, Architettura e Liturgia. Il progetto degli edifici sacri”. On September 7, 2005, she was appointed by the Italian Conference of Bishops as member of the Bilateral Commission entrusted with the drawing up of the draft agreements for the definition of the legal status, the personnel and the procedures for the spiritual assistance of Catholics in the army or in the police, in hospitals or in houses of public assistance and in the institutes for prevention and punishment, according to art. 11 of the agreement between the Italian Republic and the Holy See signed on February 18, 1984. As for her participation to academic conferences, in 2005 she gave a lecture about “La sussidiarietà nell’ordinamento canonico” at the seminar organized by the Chair of Regional Law of the University of Bologna on the theme “La sussidiarietà nell’esperienza giuridica” (3 May 2005, Bologna) and in 2006 she presented the paper “Il diritto del fedele al giudizio” at the XXXVIII National Congress of Canon Law (Baia delle Zagare, FG, September 4-7, 2006).

As Full Professor

On January 30, 2006, she was declared qualified for a position as full professor at the University of Bologna (academic discipline: IUS/11 Ecclesiastical and Canon Law). On March 15, 2006, she was appointed as full professor of Canon Law at the University of Bologna - Campus of Ravenna and started to serve in this role on October 1, 2006. In this period she was also entrusted with other courses: in 2007 she was in charge of a learning module of the teaching “Diritto e legislazione” at the Professional Master’s programme “Conservazione, valorizzazione e fruizione dei beni archivistici e librari, pubblici ed ecclesiastici, della Sicilia occidentale” of the Faculty of Conservation of cultural heritage of the Campus of Ravenna in Trapani; in 2007-2008 she was entrusted with a teaching in the learning module “Legislazione civile e canonica” at the Post-graduate vocational training programme “Progettazione di Chiese” at the University of Bologna; in 2007-2008 she organized the seminar “Sangue e diritto in una visione religiosa del mondo” in collaboration with Prof. Andrea Zanotti and, given the great interest aroused by the theme, in 2008-2009 they also organized the seminar “Il corpo e il sangue: dall’antropologia al diritto negli ordinamenti religiosi”, on the basis of which they wrote the monograph “Sangue e diritto nella Chiesa. Contributo ad una lettura dell’Occidente cristiano”, which on December 13, 2010, was awarded as one of the “Juridical Science Books of the Year of 2009”; in 2008 she gave a lecture via video-conference about “Il diritto alla riservatezza tra ordinamento canonico e ordinamento dello Stato italiano” at the PhD programme “Diritti e libertà fondamentali negli ordinamenti giuridici contemporanei” (XXIII cycle) at the LUMSA in Palermo; in 2008-2009 she and Prof. Andrea Zanotti organized the seminar “La normativa relativa al matrimonio nel quadro delle problematiche derivanti dalle attuali evoluzioni tecnico-scientifiche” in cooperation with the Ecclesiastical Court Flaminio; in 2010-2011 she and Prof. Andrea Zanotti organized the seminar “La nullità del matrimonio religioso, in particolare di quello canonico, tra diritto sostanziale e diritto processuale”; in 2012 she and Prof. Andrea Zanotti gave a lecture about “Sangue e diritto nella Chiesa. Contributo ad una lettura dell’Occidente cristiano” at the seminar “Corpi storia società” at the Department of History, Anthropology and Geography of the University of Bologna; in 2012 she and Prof. Andrea Zanotti gave a lecture about “La Chiesa tra nuovo paganesimo e oblio” at the PhD programme “Diritti e Libertà Fondamentali” at the LUMSA in Palermo; in 2014 she gave lectures about the theme “Diritto e storia sociale. Materiali per uno studio della storia della Chiesa” at the Winter School “Fidei Memoria. Metodologie di ricerca per la storia delle religioni” organized by the Higher Institute of Religious Studies “Santa Maria di Monte Berico” in Vicenza; in 2015 she gave a lecture about “La rinuncia di papa Benedetto XVI e il diritto canonico vigente” at the PhD programme “Diritti e libertà fondamentali negli ordinamenti giuridici contemporanei” at the LUMSA in Palermo; in 2015 she gave a lecture about “La rinuncia del pontefice, pastore dalla Chiesa universale e sovrano dello Stato della Città del Vaticano” at the “Scuola di Alta Formazione in Diritto Canonico, Ecclesiastico e Vaticano” at the LUMSA in Rome; since 2016-2017 she has been in charge of the teaching “Sicurezza alimentare e precetti religiosi” at the Professional Master programme in “Giurista e Consulente della sicurezza alimentare (Law and Food Safety)” at the University of Bologna; in 2017 she gave a lecture about “La riforma del processo di nullità matrimoniale: profili di legalità e giusto processo” at the seminar “Camminare insieme. Percorsi canonistici in prospettiva multidisciplinare” at the University of Genoa; since 2017-2018 she’s been in charge of the teaching “Mediazione culturale e fenomeno religioso” at the Post-graduate vocational training programme “Pratiche sociali e giuridiche nell’accoglienza ed integrazione dei migranti” at the University of Bologna; in 2018 she gave a lecture about “La riforma del processo di nullità matrimoniale, in particolare il processus brevior” at a seminar organized by Prof. Carlo Fantappiè at the Roma Tre University. She has also held various offices: on March 22, 2011, she was appointed as consultor to the Pontifical Council for the Interpretation of Legislative Texts by Pope Benedict XVI (the appointment was made public on April 14, 2011); on November 21, 2011, she was appointed as member of the Administrative Board of the Flemish College “Jean Jacobs” by the Board of Governors of the Faculty of Law of the University of Bologna; she was elected twice as member of the Governing Council of the Consociatio internationalis studio iuris canonici promovendo, the first time on September 19, 2014, and again on October 5, 2017, during the XVI International Congress of Canon Law (Rome, October 4-7, 2017); she’s also a member of the Academic Board of the PhD programme in Legal Studies at the University of Bologna. On November 26, 2010, she was asked by the Prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints to carry out a historical and juridical study about the canonization of ‘warrior’ saints: she has therefore published a monograph on this subject edited by Libreria Editrice Vaticana. She’s a member of the boards of many scholarly journals: since 2008 she’s been a member of the Editorial Board of “Quaderni di Diritto e Politica Ecclesiastica”; since 2012 she’s been a member of the Advisory Board of “Ius Ecclesiae”; since 2013 she’s been a member of the Advisory Board of “Ephemerides Iuris Canonici”; since 2014 she’s been co-editor of “Archivio Giuridico Filippo Serafini”. Since 2015 she’s also been a member of the Board of reviewers of the series “E-Reprint Nuovi studi di diritto ecclesiastico e canonico” (Libellula edizioni); in 2018 she was appointed as member of the Advisory Board of the series “Diritto Canonico, Comparazione Giuridica e Multiculturalità” (Cacucci editore); since 2019 she’s been a member of the Editorial Board of the series of the Department of Law of the University of Brescia. She’s a reviewer for the following scholarly journal: “Stato, Chiese e pluralismo confessionale”, “Quaderni di diritto e politica ecclesiastica”, “Diritto e religioni”, “Il diritto ecclesiastico”, "Jus. Rivista di Scienze giuridiche", "Sapere giuridico", “Ius canonicum”. She has taken part in various academic conferences: in 2007 she presented the paper “La libertà di giurisdizione della Chiesa cattolica in materia matrimoniale e i poteri autoritativi della magistratura italiana” at the seminar “Sovranità della Chiesa e giurisdizione dello Stato” organized by the LUMSA (Rome, June 1, 2007); in 2007 she presented the paper “Sviluppi della canonistica al tempo di Matilde di Canossa” at the conference “Il contributo del monastero di S. Benedetto Polirone alla cultura giuridica italiana (secc. XI-XVI)” organized by the Faculty of Law of the University of Bologna (S. Benedetto Po, MN, September 29, 2007); in 2008 she gave a lecture at the congress “Salviamo un Codice 2008” - “Il restauro del manoscritto Decretum Gratiani (ms. Piana 3.207)” (Cesena, FC, April 16, 2008); in 2008 she chaired a session of the congress “Luoghi del giure. Prassi e dottrina giuridica tra politica, letteratura e religione” (Bologna, May 30, 2008); in 2009 she presented the paper “Il ruolo attivo dei laici nel munus docendi. I laici educatori nella Chiesa di oggi” at the seminar “Educazione e religione” organized by the LUMSA (Rome, June 5, 2009); in 2010 she presented the paper “Il principio di sussidiarietà nell’ordinamento canonico” at the II seminar of “Archivio giuridico” (Rome, April 23, 2010); she prepared the paper “Profili giuridici e urgenze pastorali del matrimonio tra cattolici e musulmani” for the inauguration of the Judicial Year 2011 of the Ecclesiastical Court Calabro (Reggio Calabria, February 8, 2011); in 2011 she presented the paper “I santi combattenti nella storia della Chiesa” at the Seminars for Professors of the School of Canon Law of the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross (Rome, December 15, 2011); on November 13, 2012, she and Prof. Andrea Zanotti presented their monograph “La Chiesa tra nuovo paganesimo e oblio. Un ritorno alle origini per il diritto canonico del terzo millennio?” at the University of Bologna - Campus of Ravenna with the participation of Alba Maria Orselli (full professor of History of Early Christianity), Paolo Pombeni (full professor of History of European Political Systems) and Giovanni Maria Vian (editor of L’Osservatore Romano); in 2013 she and Prof. Andrea Zanotti organized the National Congress of the ADEC “Per una disciplina che cambia. Il diritto canonico e il diritto ecclesiastico nel tempo presente” (Bologna, November 7-9, 2013); in 2014 she presented the paper “Il diritto penale nello Stato della Città del Vaticano: in particolare le applicazioni giurisprudenziali” at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Piacenza (Piacenza, May 13, 2014); in 2014 she gave a lecture about “L’astensione dal cibo nel diritto canonico” at the ent of Law “Cesare Beccaria” of the University of Milan (Milan, October 23, 2014); in 2014 she presented the paper “La canonizzazione dei santi combattenti: questioni giuridiche aperte” at the congress “Il martirio e la spada fra storia, diritto e religione” at the Department of Legal Studies of the University of Bologna (Bologna, December 19, 2014); in 2015 she and Prof. Alessia Legnani Annichini organized the congress “La rinuncia al trono di Pietro” at the School of Law of the University of Bologna, on the same occasion she also presented the paper “La rinuncia di papa Benedetto XVI e il diritto canonico vigente” (Bologna, March 20, 2015); in 2015 she gave a lecture about “La spiritualità di Matilde di Canossa nella temperie culturale del suo tempo” at the inauguration of the “Percorso Matildico” at the Polirone Abbey (San Benedetto Po, MN, April 11, 2015); in 2016 she gave the lecture “La rinuncia del Romano Pontefice: la causa e l’incidenza di un fatto giuridico straordinario” at the Academic Feast of St. Raymond of Peñafort, Patron of the Canon Law Faculty, at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross (Rome, January 14, 2016); in 2016 she presented the paper “La riforma del processo di nullità matrimoniale. Osservazioni critiche in vista di un’auspicabile emenda” at the meeting “Sveltire la fine? Il matrimonio tra riforme canonistiche e ricadute civilistiche” organized by the Association “Amici dei Quaderni di diritto e politica ecclesiastica” (Bologna, January 21, 2016); in 2016 she chaired a session of the seminar “Le parole nel diritto. Introduzione a un vocabolario delle scienze giuridiche” at the School of Law of the University of Bologna (Bologna, April 22, 2016); in 2016 she gave a lecture about “Il Cardinale Soglia Ceroni e il suo contributo al diritto canonico” at the conference “Il Card. Giovanni Soglia Ceroni servitore di cinque Papi” (Casola Valsenio, RA, September 19, 2016); in 2016 she presented the paper “Riforma del processo di nullità matrimoniale e questioni emergenti in tema di exequatur delle sentenze canoniche” at the congress III Giornata Canonistica Beneventana “Le sfide delle famiglie tra diritto e misericordia. Confronti ad un anno dalla riforma del processo di nullità matrimoniale nello spirito dell’Amoris laetitia” at the Università Giustino Fortunato (Benevento, November 25, 2016); in 2016 she gave the lecture “Nuovi problemi per l’exequatur delle sentenze canoniche di nullità matrimoniale dopo la riforma del processo di Papa Francesco?” at the Ambrosianeum (Milan, December 2, 2016); in 2017 she presented the paper “La riforma del processo matrimoniale canonico. Osservazioni e questioni aperte” at the congress XLIV Incontro di studio e approfondimento sul Codice di Diritto Canonico “La riforma del processo canonico per la dichiarazione di nullità del matrimonio” (Borca di Cadore, BL, July 5, 2017); in 2017 she chaired a session of the XVI International Congress of Canon Law (Rome, October 4-7, 2017); in 2018 she presented the paper “Diritto canonico e strutture pastorali di governo di una ‘Chiesa in uscita’” at the congress “‘Tanto lontano dalla vita?’. Il diritto canonico nel processo di formazione della professionalità del giurista” organized by the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (Modena, March 2, 2018); in 2018 she chaired a session of the congress “La trasparenza nella gestione dei beni ecclesiastici: dalla governance alla accountability. La sfida della rendicontazione tra pastoralità e contabilità” organized by the St Pius X Institute of Canon Law (Venice, May 4, 2018); in 2018 she organized the congress “150 anni della Rivista Archivio giuridico Filippo Serafini” and on the same occasion she also presented the paper “L’Archivio come ponte tra scienze giuridiche secolari e scienza canonistica” (Bologna, October 24, 2018); in 2018 she presented the paper “El derecho canónico a denunciar la falta de idoneidad de los titulares de oficios” at the XII Simposio Internacional del Instituto Martín de Azpilcueta “Las relaciones de servicio según el derecho canónico y estatal. Oficios, idoneidad, relaciones laborales” (Pamplona, November 9, 2018); in 2019 she presented the paper “Recenti evoluzioni dell’ordinamento giuridico vaticano: in particolare i rapporti con l’ordinamento canonico” at the congress “Santa Sede e Stato della Città del Vaticano nel nuovo contesto internazionale. 1929-2019” (Rome, February 7, 2019); in 2019 she took part in the seminar “La tutela di bambini e adolescenti vittime di abusi sessuali e la Chiesa cattolica: profili di diritto canonico e di diritto dello Stato” at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (Modena, February 14, 2019); in 2019 she chaired a session of the congress “Forme pacifiche di risoluzione delle controversie nel diritto canonico: principi ispiratori e possibili applicazioni pratiche” at the St Pius X Institute of Canon Law (Venice, March 29, 2019). In 2019 she chaired the morning session of the congress “Il patrimonio culturale di interesse religioso in Italia: religioni, diritto ed economia” at the Department of Legal Studies of the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore – Piacenza campus (Piacenza, September 6, 2019); in 2019 she gave the opening lecture of the academic year 2019-2020 “Sigillo sacramentale e segreto ministeriale: la tutela in Italia tra diritto canonico e diritto secolare” at the St Pius X Institute of Canon Law (Venice, October 2, 2019); in 2019 she chaired the opening session of the congress “Spazio pubblico per il fenomeno religioso” at the Department of Law of the University of Urbino “Carlo Bo” (Pesaro, October 10-11, 2019); in 2019 she chaired the congress “Enti religiosi e riforma del non profit” at the “Giovanni Spadolini” Library of the Senate of the Italian Republic (Rome, December 18, 2019). On April 21, 2020, she was confirmed by the University Senate of the Alma Mater Studiorum as a member of the University Research Evaluation Committee (VRA Committee) representing the Legal Studies discipline for the 2020-2023 term. Since September 2020 she has been appointed as a GEV member (Group of evaluation expert) for the Evaluation of Research Quality (VQR) 2015-2019 for Area 12 (Law) for the Italian National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes (ANVUR). From November 30 to December 8, 2020, she held a 12-hour Ecclesiastical Law course via distance learning (due to the Covid-19 pandemic) for students of the University Paris Nanterre within the Mobility project for teaching staff “Erasmus+”. Since January 2021 she has been Editor of the open access series “Un’anima per il diritto: andare più in alto”, published by Stem Mucchi Editore. On November 25, 2020, she was confirmed as Consultor of the Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts by Pope Francis. On May 7, 2021, she held a 2-hour lesson titled “Sigillo sacramentale, segreto ministeriale e obblighi di denuncia/segnalazione tra diritto canonico e diritto secolare, in particolare italiano” within the course “Corso di perfezionamento in diritto canonico minorile” promoted by the Postgraduate School in Canon, Ecclesiastical and Vatican Law of the LUMSA University (Libera Università Maria Santissima Assunta). She gave a lecture about “La tutela dei diritti e il giudizio penale nella Chiesa” at the congress “Diritto e processo nell’evoluzione del pensiero del Prof. Joaquín Llobell”, which was held in Rome, at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, on May 20, 2020. She is a member of the Scientific board of the X Simposio Internacional de Derecho Concordatario (SIMDECO) on the theme “El régimen jurídico de los ministros de culto” (Zaragoza, June 1-3, 2022). On October 14, 2021, she chaired the session “Commedia e ius divinum” of the congress “Dante e diritto. Un cammino tra storia e attualità” (Ravenna, October 14-16, 2021). Starting from 2022, she is a member of the Editorial Board of the Journal Quaderni di diritto e politica ecclesiastica, issue n. 2. On November 5, 2021, she gave a seminar lecture about “La proposta di legge sulla sede romana impedita e sulla rinuncia del papa” at the University of Milan. On November 10, 2021, she gave a lecture about “La recente attività normativa ecclesiale e il ruolo del Pontificio Consiglio per i Testi Legislativi” at the congress “Due Codici per la Chiesa. La codificazione del diritto canonico tra passato e futuro”, which was organized by the Department of Political Science of the University of Genoa. On December 3, 2021, she chaired and coordinated the morning session of the congress “Gli enti religiosi tra diritto speciale, diritto comune e mercati”, which was held in Caserta and Santa Maria Capua Vetere. In 2021 she presented the paper “Prospettive de iure condendo” at the congress “Papa, non più Papa. La rinuncia pontificia nella storia e nel diritto canonico”, which was held at the Department of Human Sciences of the University of L’Aquila (L’Aquila, December 11-12, 2021). On January 21, 2022, she chaired the session “Un pontefice legislatore” at the congress “Benedetto XV e il suo tempo”, which was organized by the Department of Political Sciences of the University of Genoa. Since 2020 she is a member of the research group that works on the project Valorizzare la cultura del sacro. Il patrimonio culturale di interesse religioso al servizio della comunità, that was funded by the Associazione di Fondazioni e di Casse di Risparmio S.p.a. (ACRI Foundation). Following a study on the regulatory, institutional and organizational profiles of cultural heritage of religious interest on a national level, such project focuses on the analysis of the experiences regarding its valorization and reuse in order to outline the possibilities of its enhancement, refinement and development. The group is coordinated by Prof. A.G. Chizzoniti, Full Professor of Ecclesiastical and Canon Law at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart - Piacenza campus, with the collaboration of the University of Bologna and the University of Milan. A first result of the project consists in the publishing of the volume Beni ecclesiastici di interesse culturale. Ordinamento, conservazione, valorizzazione, edited by Acri Commissione per le Attività e i Beni Culturali, il Mulino, Bologna, 2021. On February 3, 2022, from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m., she held a lesson on Arturo Carlo Jemolo and his work together with Prof. Beatrice Serra within a cycle of lectures on the “Masters of Law”, organized by the PhD programme in Legal Studies of the University of Bologna. She organized the presentation of the volume Giuseppe Dalla Torre, Scritti su Avvenire. La laicità serena di un cattolico gentile, edited by Geraldina Boni, Edizioni Studium, Collana Cultura n. 266, Rome, 2021, pp. 1-568, which was held on March 29, 2022, in Bologna (Palazzo Malvezzi, Sala Armi), with the participation of the colleagues of the Department of Legal Studies, of Prof. Jorge Otaduy Guerín from the University of Navarra, of the Editor of Avvenire Marco Tarquinio and of His Eminence Cardinal Matteo Maria Zuppi. The volume was also presented at the LUMSA University of Rome on May 12, 2022, in a meeting that was titled “Prendere la parola da cattolici”, with the participation of many protagonists of Italian journalism: the scientific editor of the School of Journalism of the LUMSA University Fabio Zavattaro, the editor of Avvenire Marco Tarquinio, the editor of Rai TG2 Gennaro Sangiuliano, the columnist of La Stampa Marcello Sorgi, and the well-known journalist and writer Luigi Accattoli. On May 2022 she was appointed as a member of the Advisory Board of the Spanish Class A Journal Ius canonicum. On September 20, 2022, she gave a lecture about “La corresponsabilità dei fedeli: diritto di denuncia versus obbligo di denuncia” in the context of the Panel “Quale autonomia in un contesto teonomo? I diritti di libertà nella Chiesa cattolica” at the sixth ICLARS Conference (Cordova, Spain, September 19-21, 2022). She chaired the session about “La sinodalità in atto: il contributo alla formazione di proposte di legge” at the ADEC National Conference on the theme “La sinodalità nell’attività normativa della Chiesa. Il contributo della scienza canonistica alla formazione delle proposte di legge” (Turin, October 3-5, 2022). On October 5, 2022, she organized a Lectio Magistralis given by the Primate of Hungary, Cardinal Péter Erdő, about “La sinodalità come elemento di diritto divino nella costituzione della Chiesa” at the University of Bologna. On October 20, 2022, she gave a lecture about “L’attualità dell’‘ordinamento canonico’ come primo criterio di riferimento interpretativo” at the Conference “Il diritto vaticano. Convegno nel decennale della fondazione della Scuola di Alta Formazione in Diritto Canonico, Ecclesiastico e Vaticano”, which was held at the Libera Università Maria Santissima Assunta in Rome. On November 14, 2022, she organized the Lectio Magistralis of Mons. Massimo Mingardi, President of the Flaminio interdiocesan ecclesiastical tribunal, on the theme Il processo di nullità matrimoniale e la sua riforma del 2015. She coordinated the Presentation of the book Dante e Diritto. Un cammino tra storia e attualità, edited by Federico Casolari, Alessia Legnani Annichini, Giorgio Spedicato, Mucchi Editore, Modena, 2022 (series Un’anima per il diritto: andare più in alto), which took place at the University of Bologna on November 15, 2022. She chaired the second session of the Congress Lex generalis omnium. Un diritto del passato nel presente, which took place in Bologna on December 1-2, 2022. She opened the Congress Un manuale vivo: le Lezioni di diritto canonico di Giuseppe Dalla Torre e l’insegnamento del diritto canonico nelle Università italiane, Presentation of the volume by Giuseppe Dalla Torre “Lezioni di diritto canonico”, Fifth updated edition edited by Geraldina Boni and Paolo Cavana, Giappichelli, 2022, which took place at the LUMSA University in Rome on December 5, 2022. On January 2023, 12, she held a three-hours lesson on the theme La promulgazione del Libro VI del Codice di Diritto Canonico. Antecedenti, novità, problemi aperti e prospettive future in the context of the PhD Programme Chiesa e abusi: la riforma del diritto penale canonico in dialogo con l’ordinamento secolare at the University of Milan (Department of Legal Studies "Cesare Beccaria"). On January 2023, 18, she held a lecture about the theme Matrimonio concordatario: istituto attuale o anacronistico? at the Apostolic Palace of the Lateran, as the first gathering of the cycle Il matrimonio tra diritto canonico e diritto italiano that was organized by the Vicariate of Rome, Tribunal of First Instance and Coetus Advocatorum. In the context of the Conference Certezza e incertezza delle regole: un dialogo interdisciplinare, which was held at the Department of Legal Studies of the University of Bergamo, she gave a lecture about the theme La certezza del diritto nell’ordinamento canonico tra straordinaria plasticità e rischio di abusi: considerazioni alla luce delle recenti evoluzioni della normativa ecclesiale on February 2023, 11. Since April 2023 she is a member of the Editorial Board of the Journal Ius missionale. By Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers of 10 August 2023, she was appointed as President of the Commission for the agreements with religious denominations and for religious freedom. On November 7, 2023, she organized the Conference “I 40 anni del Codex Iuris Canonici”: its speakers included, among others, the Prefect of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura, the Cardinal Secretary of State, the Secretary of the Dicastery for Legislative Texts. On 23 November, in the context of the International Symposium of the Martín de Azpilcueta Institute about “Principios jurídicos universales y derecho canónico. ¿Es el derecho canónico un sistema jurídico reconocible en el mundo contemporáneo?” (Pamplona, November 22-24), she held a lecture on the theme “La certeza del derecho en el ordenamiento canónico: una lectura diacrónica entre doctrina y normativa vigente”. On December 4, 2023, she held an online lesson on “Il matrimonio canonico: un istituto antico alla prova delle dinamiche della contemporaneità” as part of the module “Logica e argomentazione giuridica nel processo canonico matrimoniale” of the post-graduate course in Eloquenza giuridico-forense organized by the “Salvatori Pugliatti” Department of Law of the University of Messina. On December 14, 2023, she gave a lecture on “La canonizzazione dei santi combattenti nella storia della Chiesa” at the Conference held in the monumental Library of the Monastery of St John in Parma entitled “Ricordo del comandante sommergibilista Salvatore Todaro”. In January 2024 she was appointed to the Panel for Area 12 (Legal Studies) of the University Research Evaluation Committee. On February 29, 2024, she chaired and moderated the Round Table on the theme “Il dovere di denunciare i delitti di abusi” at the Faculty of Canon Law of the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome. She was awarded the Vox canonica 2024 Award, delivered to her in an official ceremony on April 4, 2024, at the University of Macerata. In the context of the Conference Chiesa e beni culturali. Tutela e valorizzazione, held at the St Pius X Faculty of Canon Law in Venice on March 6, 2024, she chaired a section of the afternoon session. She participated in the Round Table on the topic “La pena nel diritto penale canonico e nel diritto della Chiesa” with Professors Luciano Eusebi, Désirée Fondaroli and Antonello De Oto, in the Don Minzoni Room of the Archbishop’s Seminary of Ravenna on March 19, 2024.