Francesco Vitucci is Associate Professor of Japanese
Language and Linguistics at Department of Languages and Literature and Modern Cultures of Alma Mater Studiorum Bologna
University and he has taught Japanese Language at the Department of
Asian and African Studies of Ca' Foscari University, Venice.
In the academical year 2010/2011 he already collaborated with
the Alma Mater Studiorum Faculty of Education Studies . He has also
taught Japanese Language at the Faculty of Foreign Languages and
Literatures of Catania University.
His research topics are focused on: Multimedia
teaching of Japanese language (with reference to the use of
audiovisual media and Internet in the Japanese
class); Audiovisual translation ; Language policies of Japanese government in the
twenty-first century on loanwords.
He received his bachelor degree in Japanese Language and
Literature at the Faculty of Literature and Philosophy of Alma
Mater Studiorum University of Bologna in the year 2000 with a
thesis about audio-visual teaching materials in Japanese Language
Learning. He obtained is M.A. at Soka University (Japan) and his
Ph.D at Hitotsubashi University (Tokyo, Japan) where he could study
with Prof. Jonathan R. Lewis, a Media
Studies specialist . At present, Francesco Vitucci is
carrying out his research in the field of Multimedia Language
Learning of Japanese thanks to which he could take part to national
and international symposiums.
From the year 2002 he was editor and announcer for the Japanese
national television broadcasting channel NHK and, in the same
period, he cooperated with the Italian Cultural Institute in Tokyo
as lecturer. In the same year, he worked for Hiroshima Atomic Bomb
Museum. In Japan, Francesco Vitucci taught as Italian Lecturer at
Keyo University Foreign Language Institute (Tokyo) and Seibi
University (Akabane) from the year 2004 to 2006. In Italy, he
founded in the year 2008 the Cultural Association Takamori
( which aims to spread the Japanese Language
Learning to Italian-speaking learners. In the same year, he is
coordinator of the Japanese language teaching for the city of San
Lazzaro di Savena, Bologna. At present, he coooperates with Grenoble-Alpes university for the development of multimedia projects on Japanese pragmatics.
2009: Speaker at the conference 'Etica del
Bushidō', Facoltà of Education, Alma Mater Studiorum Bologna
University , 15/11/2009.
2009: Speaker at the conference 'La didattica del
Giapponese Moderno tra aula e multimedialità', C.I.L.T.A
(Centro Interfacoltà di Linguistica Teorica e Applicata “Luigi
Heilmann”), Alma Mater Studiorum Bologna University,
2010: Speaker at the International Conference on
Japanese Didactics NIHON JP held by C.L.I.R.O., Alma Mater
Studiorum Bologna University with the paper 'La didattica del
Giapponese attraverso l'utilizzo di software per la
sottotitolatura', 10/06/ 2010.
2010: Speaker at the workshop 'Mimi wo sumaseba.
Workshop multimediale di Lingua Giapponese', at the Faculty
of Foreign Languages and Literatures, Alma Mater Studiorum Bologna
University, 25/10/2010, 15/11/2010.
2011: Speaker at the conference “Identità e Rottura nella
Società Contemporanea Giapponese”, organized by C.S.A.E.O.
(Centro Studi d'Arte Estremo Orientale), Bologna, Italy,
2011: Speaker at the conference 'Nippop: Parole e Forme
da Tokyo a Bologna' organized by the Faculty of Foreign
Languages and Literatures, Alma Mater Studiorum Bologna University
with the presentation “Immaginari Maschili nel Giappone
Contemporaneo”, 10/06/2011.
2011: Speaker at the workshop “ Studiare attraverso le
News. Workshop Multimediale di Lingua Giapponese”, hosted by the
Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, Alma Mater Studiorum
Bologna University, 12-13/12/2011.
2012: Speaker at the conference 'Plurilinguismo e Mondo
del Lavoro' organized by the Faculty of Foreign Languages
and Literatures, Catania University with the paper “Il mercato
della lingua giapponese in Italia”, 21/03/2012.
2012: Speaker at the international conference ADES 2
(International Symposium on Asian Languages and Literatures) held
by Erciyes University (Turkey) with the paper “Using Tv Streaming
News in the Japanese Language Classroom: How to build a Multimedia
Didactic Unit”, 3-4/05/2012.
2012: Speaker at 2012 Europe-Japan intellectual exchange
seminar about Taisho prewar period (2012 年アルザス日欧知的交流事業 ) held by
C.E.E.J.A. (Centre Europeen D'Études Japonaises D'Alsace) with the
paper entitled: 'Prewar Showa Short Documentary: a Multimedia
Didactic Module Proposal', 8-9/09/2012.
2012: Speaker at the Workshop 'Sottotitolare dal
Giapponese. Workshop Multimediale Teorico e Pratico sulla
sottotitolatura dei lungometraggi nipponici ', hosted by the
Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures Alma Mater Studiorum
Bologna University , 22-29/10/2012.
2013: Speaker at the 3rd International Symposium on
Japanese Studies 'The Quest for Modernity' hosted by Bucharest
University (Romania) with the paper 'Gairaigo within Japanese
Language: language suicide or casual culture?' ,
2013: Speaker at the 4th International Conference of the
Italian Association for Japanese Language Teaching with the paper
entitled 'Audiovisual translation from Japanese as a Language
Teaching Research ', 21-23/03/2013.
2013: Speaker at the 37th National Conference of the
Italian Association of Japanese Studies (AISTUGIA) with the paper
entitled 'Chi ha paura dei gairaigo? Politiche
linguistiche del governo giapponese agli albori del ventunesimo
secolo' , Rome, 17-21/09/2013.
2014: Speaker at the Conference “Progetti per
l'apprendimento linguistico: pluralità di obiettivi, metodologie e
strumenti”hosted by the School of Foreign Languages and
Literatures, Interpreting and Translation of Alma Mater Studiorum
Bologna University with the paper entitled “La traduzione
audiovisiva dei lungometraggi giapponesi come proposta
didattica , Bologna, 3-4/02/2014.
2014: Speaker at the international conference
ADES 3 (International Symposium on Asian Languages and
Literatures) held by Erciyes University (Turkey) with the
paper: ‘Sociopragmatic Competence through AVT in the Japanese
Language Classroom ' , 8-9/05/2014 hosted by Erciyes University
2015: Speaker at the workshop 'Interviewing Japanese
pop singers: an analysis of pragmatic components of
communication', hosted by Stendhal-Grenoble 3 University,
Formation des Enseignants -Département de Langues pour Spécialistes d'Autres Disciplines
(LANSAD), Grenoble, 16/06/2015.
2015: Invited speaker at the 8th Annual International Conference
Language & Linguistics with the paper: 'Tracking the main
features of Japanese dialogue through audiovisual
materials', 6-9/07/2015 hosted by Athens Institute
for Education and Research (Athens, Greece).
2015: Speaker at the workshop "Construction of digital resources for learning Japanese" with the paper “The issue of lexicon in audiovisual translation from Japanese to Italian”, hosted by the School of Foreign Languages and Literatures, Interpreting and Translation of Alma Mater Studiorum Bologna University (Forlì campus), 23-24/11/2015.
2016: Speaker at the workshop ‘Interacting with audiovisual translation for teaching Japanese’ hosted by Stendhal-Grenoble 3 University, Formation des Enseignants -Département de Langues pour Spécialistes d'Autres Disciplines (LANSAD), Grenoble, 22/01/2016.
2016: “Interagire con gli audiovisivi: un’indagine pilota tra Bologna, Venezia e Grenoble per l’inserimento di videoclip in lingua giapponese all’interno di percorsi di apprendimento in autonomia e nei dispositivi formativi”, Convegno Aistugia 2016, Università di Torino (22-24/09/2016).
2016: “Cross-cultural osmosis in AVT: diageneric variation and gayspeak translation in Japanese-Italian subtitles”, Convegno Internazionale “Lost in Translation", Università Ca’ Foscari, Venezia (14/10/2016).
2017: “Identità mutanti: assicurare la diversità nella sottotitolazione Giapponese-Italiano”, Università di Torino, Dipartimento di Lingue e Letterature Straniere (20/04/2017).
2017: “Shifting Identities: the rendering of diageneric variation in Japanese-Italian subtitling", Points of view in Translation and Interpreting 2017, Jagellonian University - Krakow (22-23/06/2017).
2017: "Un'alfabetizzazione che muta: le sfide didattiche nell'insegnamento della scrittura giapponese", Seminario nazionale LEND 2017: L'apprendimento delle lingue straniere: cultura? strumento?, Milano lingue, Milano (20-21/10/2017).
2017: "The semiotic cohesion of audiovisual texts: types of intersemiotic explications in the Italian subtitles of Japanese full-length films", Università di Vilnius, Lituania (13-16/11/2017).
2018: "Tipologie di esplicitazione intersemiotica nella sottotitolazione dal giapponese", IDEAR conferences 2017-18 (Incontri Dipartimentali su Esperienze e Attività di Ricerca) hosted by the Department of Languages, Literatures and Modern Cultures - Alma Mater Studiorum University di Bologna (25/01/2018).
2018: "Inventarsi il genere: la traduzione dell’idioletto onē kotoba nel sottotitolaggio giapponese-italiano", 2nd Valencia/Napoli Colloquium on gender and translation, Università degli Studi di Napoli "L'Orientale", Napoli (8-9/02/2018).
2018: Organizer and coordinator of the seminar "Nuove Latitudini della Scrittura – Seminario di studio sull’insegnamento della scrittura tra l’italiano e le lingue straniere" hosted by the Department of Languages, Literatures and Modern Cultures (Lilec) – Bologna Università . Sponsored by Lilec and Lend (Linguistica e Nuova Didattica)(12/11/2018).
2019: "Gender translation in Japanese-Italian subtitles: how can we keep identities untouched?", ADES 5 - INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON ASIAN LANGUAGES AND LITERATURES, Nazarbayev University, Kazakhstan, (20-22/06/2019).
2019: "Rinko: trangender and mother. Can we really subtitle her/him in Italian?", The 3rd East Asian Translation Studies Conference (EATS3), Università Ca' Foscari, Venezia (28-30/06/2019).
2021: “La manipolazione ideologica nella sottotitolazione interlinguistica. Risvolti etici e sociali”, Seminario Dottorato del 36esimo ciclo - LINGMOD - Modern Languages Studies, Dipartimento di Lingue, Letterature e Culture Moderne, Università di Bologna (16/04/2021)
2021: “Ideological manipulation in interlingual subtitling: the translation of gay speech in the feature film Hush! by Hashiguchi Ryōsuke”, MultiMeDialecTranslation 8 -, Vilnius University, Lithuania (6-7/05/2021).
2022: "Borōnyadaigaku deno nihon'eiga jimaku katsudō", Japan Foundation Nihongo Network 2021 (Sakura Network) Nihongokyōiku to gakushūsha Online Seminar, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (28/02/2022).
2022: "La progettazione europea nel Programma Erasmus Plus 2021-2027" - Coordinamento nazionale LEND 2022, Referente Gruppo Lingua Giapponese - Firenze (26-27/02/2022)
2022: "Catherine Earnshaw in Japan: an analysis of women’s language in the subtitled and dubbed versions of William Wyler's and Mary Soan - Peter Kosminsky’s feature films", Shakespeare, Austen and audiovisual translation: The classics translated on screen, Università Roma - La Sapienza (30/6 - 02/07/2022).
2022: "Wuthering Heights in Japan: Catherine Earnshaw in the subtitled and dubbed versions of William Wyler's feature film", Translationfest II- European Colloquium on Gender & Translation (5th edition) Gendering Agency and Activism in Translation and Interpreting, Università di Ferrara (6-7/06/2022).
2022: "Tradurre il poliziesco giapponese di Yokomizo Seishi", Tullio Dobner Day 2022, Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo (18/11/2022).
2023: “Problematiche identitarie e di genere nella traduzione audiovisiva dalle lingue asiatiche”, Laboratorio sulla traduzione delle lingue orientale, Università Ca’ Foscari – Campus Treviso (5 maggio 2023).
2023: "Problematiche identitarie e di genere nella sottotitolazione interlinguistica dal giapponese", Asian Community and Europe, Università per Stranieri di Siena - Eurasia Foundation (from Asia) (12 maggio 2023).
2024: “Controfigura: Alterità, differenza, discriminazione - Corpi e voci di donne contronormative nel Giappone contemporaneo”, Seminario di studi, Università di Bologna – (19 marzo 2024).
2024: Language ideology and gender stereotypes: Representation of adult masculine speech in the Japanese dub of the American series Never Have I Ever. MultiMeDialectTranslation9 Conference 2024, Adam Mickiewicz University, Institute of Applied Linguistics, Poznań, Poland (17-18/05/2024).
Member of the Italian Association for Japanese Studies
Member of the European Association for Japanese Studies
Member of the Italian Association of Japanese Language
Teachers (AIDLG).
Member of the European Association of Japanese Language
Teachers (AJE)
Member of the Japanese Linguistics Association (
日本語学学会 )
Member of the LEND Association.
Member of the Japan Association for Interpreting and Translation Studies (JAITS).