Foto del docente

Fiammetta Sabba

Associate Professor

Department of Cultural Heritage

Academic discipline: HIST-04/C Archiving, Bibliography and Librarianship

Director of Second Cycle Degree in Library and Archive Science

Curriculum vitae

Actual career:

Fiammetta Sabba is Associate Professor Ph.D at the University of Bologna (Department of Cultural Heritage, Campus of Ravenna), President of Master degree in ‘Library and Archives Sciences’, President of the Scientific Committee of the Ravenna Campus Library and member of the Scientific Steering Committee of the libraries of the University Library System, Director of the Summer school 'Linked data for cultural heritage’ and Director of the scientific and international journal of bibliographic studies «».

Past Professional activity:

She was the supervising curator for the bibliographic and library science restoration of the ‘Bibliocentro’ of the Commerce’s Chamber of of Rome and she was the Coordinating Librarian for the development of resources and services in the Library of the Law Faculty of the University of Catania.

Academic training:

Fiammetta Sabba graduated with the highest of honours in "Cultural Heritage" at the Faculty of Philosophy and Literature (Campus of Arezzo) at the University of Siena in 2003 after a four year course with a thesis in Codicology and Paleography. In 2005, she gained a Master's degree in "Book-Scripture-Communication" (cl.5/S "Archival Studies and Librarianship") with a thesis in Bibliography.

PhD in Bibliographical, Documentary and Archival Sciences (University of Udine) with a Research entitled "The literary and bibliographic coordinates of the 'Bibliotheca Universalis' of Conrad Gesner” (2009).

Research fellow (2006-2008) in MSTO/08 Bibliography, Librarianship and Archival Studies at the 'Scuola Speciale per Archivisti e Bibliotecari' (SSAB) of the University "Sapienza" of Rome with the project "Building a bibliographic data base with reference to ‘Pandectae gessneriane’ ”.

Teaching activity:


She teaches at the University of Bologna: Management of Libraries, Digital Library, Theory of Information and Documentation, History of Libraries and of the Bibliography, History of Libraries, and History of Bibliography and Bibliology.

Past experiences:

Courtesy professor in librarianship and member of the exam and degree commission for the teaching of 'History of the Library' at the University "La Sapienza" of Rome (2003-2007); and courtesy professor of History of the Library at the Department of Liberal Arts Studies for language, mediation, history, literature and philosophy at the University of Macerata (2013/2014). Professor with a contract of “Bibliography and librarianship” at the Department of Arts, Literature and Society at the University of Studies of Parma (2013/2014).

She has held various lectures and seminars on Bibliography and History of libraries in many Italian, European and Brazilian Universities.

Scientific projects activity:

She has held scientific positions commissioned by MIBACT, Universities and cultural institutions and organizations, the most relevant roles are:

  • Editor of the Index of Latina manuscript authors of the 'Biblioteca Angelica' in Rome;
  • Project Manager of the scientific and editorial project "La Biblioteca di Francesco Maria II Della Rovere" published in 11 volumes (project partners: Regione Marche, Assessorato beni e attività culturali; Biblioteca comunale, Palazzo ducale, Urbania; Biblioteca universitaria Alessandrina, Roma);
  • Curator of the reconstructive project of the seventeenth century Library of San Francesco del Monte a Perugia (author of the Catalog “Libraria settecentesca di San Francesco del Monte a Perugia. Non oculis mentibus esca” - Fabbri Editore di Perugia, 2015);
  • Member of the scientific board of international scientific Project 'Bibliotheca Disciplinata' ( USP - Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil), partner: Universidade de São Paulo; Universidade Estradual de Londrina; Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia; Federal University of Santa Maria; Dipartimento Beni Culturali dell'Università di Bologna; Università degli Studi di Parma, (2015- )
  • Project Manager of the Scientific Unit of the Cultural Heritage Department (University of Bologna) for the “Digitalizzazione, indicizzazione, edizione critica predisposta per il web delle collane di atti dei congressi nazionali (italiani) e internazionali (ICOH) di medicina del lavoro”, in the Project “Il patrimonio di esperienze e conoscenze in materia di salute e sicurezza sul lavoro: documentazione e valorizzazione del caso italiano nel contesto internazionale dall’inizio del XX secolo ai nostri giorni” directed by Prof. Luigi Tomassini (national competitive research call INAIL, research ‘BRIC 2016 - ID 34’)
  • Member of the international Erasmus+ Project "Die Zukunft des Kulturellen Erbes im Modernen Europa” competitive call “Erasmus+ 2019 Strategic Partnership in Higher Education ‘Cultural Heritage in Modern Europe’ ” (with Universities of Potsdam, Bordeaux, Riga, Bologna, Copenaghen, Cracovia and Atene, 2019-2022).

Editorial activity in scientific journals:

• Director: « Rivista di studi semestrale» open access Class A journal of the Università of Bologna

• Member of Scientific Board: «Open Information Science» by De Gruyter Open (Warsaw, Poland)

• Member of Scientific Board: «Perspectivas em Ciência da Informação», rivista trimestrale della Escola de Ciência da Informação da UFMG Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (Belo Horizonte, Brazil)

• Member of Scientific Board: «InCID: Revista de Ciência da Informação e Documentação» (Ribeirão, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil)

  • Member of Scientific Board: «Bibliologia, An International Journal of Bibliography, Library Science, History of Typography and the Book» (Fabrizio Serra editore, Pisa - Roma)
  • Member of Scientific Board: «Perspectivas em Ciência da Informação», rivista trimestrale della Escola de Ciência da Informação da UFMG Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (Belo Horizonte, Brazil)
  • Member of Scientific Board: Collection 'Libricolae', directed by Giorgio Montecchi and Fabio Venuda, Mimemis edizioni
  • Member of Scientific Board: collection "Ante Litteram. Collana di documentazione” edited by Istituto Storico Lucchese - sezione di Montecatini e Monsummano
  • Member of Scientific Board: "Information-documentation-communication (IDC)" collection dirigée par Cécile Gardiès Professeure en Sciences de l’information et de la communication UMR EFTS, ENSFEA, Toulouse, France (Éditions Cépaduès, Toulouse, France)
  • Member of Scientific Board: “Viaggiatori. Circolazioni scambi ed esilio” diretta da Fabio D’angelo
  • Director (with Roberta Cesana and Marta Sironi) of the collection "Civiltà del libro" Biblion Editions, Milano
  • Member of Scientific Board: collection "Storia delle Biblioteche e Biblioteche nella Storia”, published by ISMA - CNR (Istituto per lo studio del Mediterraneo Antico-Consiglio Nazionale elle ricerche) directed by Diego Baldi.
  • Member of Scientific Board: “Annuario dell’Accademia Etrusca di Cortona. Nuova serie”
  • Member of Scientific Board: «AIB Studi»

Other Past positons: Supervising Editor of the scientific Journal "Bibliotheca", Curator/editor of "Il Bibliotecario" and Co-director of “”.

Membership of cultural associations and scientific societies:

Bibliographical Society - London - (2018- )

Directive board of 'Società Italiana di Scienze Bibliografiche e Biblioteconomiche’ (2018-) and member of Society (2014-2024) 

Memebro fo AIB: with specific role in Study group 'Libro Antico' AIB (2011-2014); ‘Commissione nazionale biblioteche speciali, archivi e biblioteche d’autore’, AIB Association (2014-2017; 2017-2020)

Directive board of 'Società Bibliografica Toscana' (2013- ) 

Società Italiana di Studi sul Secolo XVIII (2020- )



Bibliography - Libraries Cultural Heritage - Library Science - Digital Library - Information Science - History of Libraries


- History of Bibliography

- Library Science

- History of Libraries

- Digital Library

- Information Science


- Evolution of the practices and theories of indexing and cataloging

- Renaissance Collections Catalogues

- Conrad Gesner and his bibliographical project of 'Bibliotheca Universalis' (1545, 1548-49)

- The origin of Modern Biblioteconomy

- Bibliographical Travels, Journey of Librarians

- Bibliographical Scientific Journals of the ancient and contemporary age

- The history of institutional, private, ecclesiastical libraries of modern and contemporary age

- Architecture of ancient library halls (by Borromini in particular)

- Bibliographical and bibliotheconomical Projects for contemporary libraries and documentation centres.

Invited speaker at conferences in Italy, Europe and Brasil.

Some principal monographs:

Angelo Maria Bandini in viaggio a Roma (1780-1781), FUP, 2019; Viaggi tra i libri, Serra, 2018; La Bibliotheca universalis di Conrad Gesner, monumento della cultura europea, Bulzoni, 2012; Indice degli autori dei manoscritti in scrittura Latina della Biblioteca Angelica di Roma, PZS, 2009; Profilo di Storia della Bibliografia, con Alfredo Serrai, Sylvestre Bonnard, 2005.

International Congresses organized with publication of the Proceedings:

‘Noetica versus informatica’ (2013); ‘Periodici bibliografici tra passato e futuro’ (2018); ‘Patrimonio culturale condiviso: viaggiatori prima e dopo il Grand Tour’ (2018); ‘Il privilegio della parola scritta: gestione, conservazione, e valorizzazione di carte e libri di persona’ (2019).

ORCID: 0000-0002-9786-6825