Foto del docente

Federico Laus

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

Department of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences

Academic discipline: GIUR-06/A Administrative and Public Law

Curriculum vitae

- Born in Bologna on 26 January 1986.

- Junior assistant professor , at the Department of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences, at the University of Bologna, Scientific disciplinary sector: IUS/ 10 ADMINISTRATIVELAW, PhD (with mention of Doctor Europaeus) and Research Fellow in the scientific-disciplinary sectors IUS 08 and IUS 10 at the University of Bologna, carries out his research in the field of administrative, constitutional and public law, with particular attention to health sector, sports sector, on the theme of public procurement, public-private partnership, administrative simplification, and market law, with focus on the comparative and European dimension.


- He graduated in scientific high school, with linguistic specialization, in 2005 at the Liceo Luigi Galvani in Bologna.

-She holds international degrees in English such as the Cambridge IGCSE and the First Certificate in English (FCE) and certificates in French such as the Diplôme d 'Etudes de Langue Française (DELF). You have also attended study courses in Spanish at the “La Regenta” language school in Bologna.

-She has stayed for periods of specialization and study in Spain, England and France.

- He graduated from the University of Bologna on 15.06.2010, with a thesis in Labor Law and correlation in Bankruptcy Law, with the title "Business transfer in crisis and job protection "(Supervisor Prof. Patrizia Tullini; Co-supervisor Prof. Elena Frascaroli Santi).

- He obtained the qualification to practice as a lawyer on 09.26.2013 at the Court of Appeal of Bologna and from 28.10.2013 he was enrolled in the Register of Lawyers at the Bologna Bar Association.

- He obtained the Research Doctorate, with mention of Doctor Europaeus, in Institutions and Markets, Rights and Protection (Administrative Law address) at the University of Bologna on 12.09.2016 with a thesis entitled "The collaborative relationship between public and private 'European Union to domestic law "(Supervisor Prof. Carlo Bottari).

- Foreign languages: English, Spanish, French.

Scientific and teaching activity

- From the 2010/2011 academic year he has collaborated in teaching activities in the fields of: Health Law of the School of Law of the University of Bologna, Master's Degree Course (Prof. Carlo Bottari); Public Law of the School of Pharmacy, Biotechnology and Motor Sciences, Degree Course in Motor and Sports Sciences of the University of Bologna (Prof. Carlo Bottari); Public Law of the School of Pharmacy, Biotechnology and Motor Sciences, Degree Course in Motor and Sports Sciences of the University of Bologna - Rimini Campus (Prof. Paco D’Onofrio); Economics and health management of the School of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Bologna, Degree Course in Nursing (Prof. Paco D’Onofrio); Public Law Institutions of the School of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Bologna, Master's Degree Course in Nursing and Midwifery Sciences (Prof. Carlo Bottari).

- Since 2011 he has participated and collaborated in educational and scientific activities, as well as in the scientific organization of conferences and seminars, at the School of Specialization in Administration Studies, SPISA, Bologna, including the initiatives promoted within the Master in Health Law and the Master in Lawyers, consultants and business professionals, based at SPISA.

- Since January 2012 he has collaborated with the research unit (Coordinators Prof. Carlo Bottari and Prof. Giusella Finocchiaro) at the FIRB 2008 entitled Enforce - Coordinator Prof. Carlo Bottari.

- Since the beginning of 2012 he has collaborated with the research unit (Coordinators Prof. Michele Sesta and Prof. Carlo Bottari) on the Research Project of National Interest 2009 (PRIN 2009) entitled Provision of medical services, including right to health, principle of self-determination and optimal management of health resources, in which he has been included as a participant since January 2013.

- From the 2012/2013 academic year he has collaborated in teaching activities in the context of the teaching of Constitutional Law at the School of Law of the University of Bologna, Master's Degree Course (Prof. Carlo Bottari).

- Since the academic year 2012/2013 he has participated in the scientific organization of a plurality of conferences in the context of the teaching of Constitutional Law and Health Law of the School of Law of the University of Bologna, Master's Degree Course.

- Since January 2013 he has been enrolled (with a scholarship) in the XXVIII PhD Cycle in Institutions and Markets, Rights and Protections (Administrative Law address), of the Department of Legal Sciences - University of Bologna, which ended with discussion of the thesis entitled “The collaborative relationship between public and private: from the European Union to internal law” (Supervisor Prof. Carlo Bottari), on 12.09.2016, with positive outcome and mention of Doctor Europaeus.

- Since January 2013 he has been appointed lecturer of the subject in the scientific-disciplinary sectors IUS 08, IUS 09 and IUS 10, as well as a member of the examination committees for the teaching of Constitutional Law and Health Law of the School of Law of the University of Bologna , Master's degree.

- Since March 2014 he has participated in research projects developed within the framework of the Convention between the School of Specialization in Public Administration Studies (SP.ISA), the "Bruno Ubertini" Experimental Zooprophylactic Institute of Lombardy and Emilia-Romagna, the Alma Mater Studiorum of Bologna - Department of Veterinary Medical Sciences and the University of Brescia - Department of Law, in particular on food safety issues.

- On 5.09.2014 he participated as a commission member in the admission test to the three-year Laura course in Sciences of motor and sports activities (University of Bologna, Bologna and Rimini campuses), held at the Bologna Fair.

- From 15.09.2014 to 15.12.2014 he carried out a research period abroad as part of the PhD course at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, focusing his research on the theme of public bargaining and collaboration between public and private in Spanish and EU law.

- From the 2015/2016 academic year he has collaborated in the teaching activity within the C.I. Law - Institutions of Public Law Module of the School of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Bologna, Master's Degree Course in Sciences of the health professions of prevention (Prof. Carlo Bottari).

- In the academic year 2017/2018 he was awarded a Tutoring Contract for IUS / 08 teaching support activities at the University of Bologna, School of Law.

- In the academic year 2017/2018 he was awarded a Tutoring Contract for IUS / 08 teaching support activities at the University of Bologna, School of Law.

- In the academic year 2017/2018 he was lecturer in module 2 of the Planning and public intervention in the lifestyle and health sector course at the University of Bologna, School of Pharmacy, Biotechnology and Motor Sciences - Rimini Campus, Master's Degree Course Wellness culture: sport, health and tourism.

- In the 2018/2019 academic year he was lecturer in Public Law of Economics at the University of Bologna, School of Law - Ravenna Campus, Degree Course in Law for business and public administration.

- In the 2018/2019 academic year he was awarded two Tutoring Contracts for support activities for the teaching of Administrative Law as part of the two-year course of the School of Specialization in Public Administration Studies (SPISA) at the University of Bologna.

- Since June 2018 he has participated in the Research Laboratory at the School of Specialization in Public Administration Studies (SPISA) at the University of Bologna.

- Since August 2018 he has been Assistant to the Management at the School of Specialization in Public Administration Studies (SPISA) at the University of Bologna.

- From the A.Y. 2018/2019 collaborates in teaching activities in the teaching of Administrative Law, at the University of Bologna, Master's Degree Course in Law (Prof. Nicola Aicardi).

- From 22.10.2018 he has been appointed lecturer of the subject for the SSD IUS / 10 in the Single-cycle Master's Degree Course in Law of the University of Bologna, on the proposal of Prof. Nicola Aicardi, holder of the subject of Administrative Law.

- He was in charge of the scientific coordination of the APOS training course "The procurement process of goods, services and works", organized by the School of Specialization in Public Administration Studies (SPISA) at the University of Bologna from February to November 2019.

- From 15 June 2019 to 14 June 2020 he was a research fellow in the project entitled "Private participation in the provision of public services: activities of general interest and private autonomy. Comparative analysis in the European Union "(Tutor Prof. Michele Belletti), at the Department of Sociology and Economic Law of the Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna.

- In the 2019/2020 academic year he was awarded a Tutoring Contract as part of the two-year course of the School of Specialization in Public Administration Studies at the University of Bologna.

- In the academic year 2019/2020 he is the titular professor of module 2 of the Sport and health protection teaching at the University of Bologna, School of Law - Ravenna Campus, Degree Course in Law for companies and public administration, collaborating with this AA to teaching activities.

- From March 2020 he participates in the research and coordination of activities within the Research Project of National Interest 2017 (PRIN 2017) entitled The essential, and competitive, role of specialized courts and alternative dispute resolution mechanisms in financial law as a precondition for the attainment of social desirable levels of public and private enforcement. Lessons from history in administrative and business law and the future of judicial review in European financial law in light of European and national fundamental rights (P.I. Prof. Marco Lamandini - Unibo).

- In the academic year 2020/2021 he is the lecturer in module 2 of the teaching Institutions of public law, component of the integrated law course, at the University of Bologna, Master's Degree Course in Sciences of the health professions of prevention.

- In the academic year 2020/2021 he is the lecturer in modules 1 and 2A of teaching Institutions of public law (A-E), at the University of Bologna, Degree Course in Political, Social and International Sciences.

- In the A.Y.2020 / 2021 he is lecturer in module 2C of teaching Institutions of public law (F-N), at the University of Bologna, Degree Course in Political, Social and International Sciences.

- From 1 January 2021 to 21 November 2021 he was a research fellow in the project entitled "Homecare technology and digitalization in healthcare: a new challenge for decision-making processes? Comparative analysis "(Tutor Prof. Nicola Aicardi), at the Department of Legal Sciences of the Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna.

- He teaches in Masters organized at the University of Bologna (Masters in Lawyers, consultants and business professionals, now Masters in Business and Market Law; Masters in Forensic Nursing; Masters in Nursing in Primary Care and Public Health).

- In the academic year 2021/2022 he is professor of the crash course in law at the University of Bologna, Degree Course in Political, Social and International Sciences.

- From 22 November 2021 he is a fixed-term researcher type a) (junior), at the Department of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences, at the University of Bologna, Scientific disciplinary sector: IUS / 10 ADMINISTRATIVE LAW..


- “L’azienda sanitaria privata tra etica e mercato” - Convegno “La tutela della salute tra garanzie degli utenti ed esigenze di bilancio”, Scuola di specializzazione in studi sull’amministrazione pubblica (SPISA), Bologna, 30.05.2011;

- “Protezione dei dati in ambito sanitario” meeting 2012 project FIRB Enforce, Università di Bologna, Bologna, 13.07.2012;

- “La gestione delle risorse sanitarie” - Convegno “Erogazione della prestazione medica, tra diritto alla salute, principio di autodeterminazione e gestione ottimale delle risorse sanitarie”, Università di Bologna, Bologna, 18.05.2013;

- “I soggetti preposti all’erogazione delle prestazioni sanitarie” - Convegno “Erogazione della prestazione medica tra diritto alla salute, principio di autodeterminazione e gestione ottimale delle risorse sanitarie”, Scuola di Specializzazione per le Professioni Legali “E. Redenti”, Bologna, 22.11.2013;

- “La collaborazione pubblico privata secondo l’impostazione dell’Unione Europea” - Congreso Internacional “La nueva contratacion publica”, Universidad de Castilla La Mancha, Toledo, 13-14.11.2014;

- “L’impulso dell’Unione Europea nella riorganizzazione dell’agire amministrativo nazionale: gli strumenti di collaborazione tra pubblico e privato” - II Congreso Internacional “Sfide del costituzionalismo di fronte al processo di integrazione europea”, Seminario Italo-Spagnolo di Studi Costituzionali, Universidad Pontificia Comillas, ICADE, Madrid, 25-26-27.11.2014;

- “EU health law” - Seminario “Il sistema sanitario italiano in prospettiva comparata”, Università di Bologna, Bologna, 16.5.2017;

- “La recente normativa lombarda”, - “Forum della non autosufficienza (e dell’autonomia possibile)”, promosso da Maggioli Editore, Bologna, 29.11.2018;

- “Anticorruzione e trasparenza: introduzione al tema – ruolo e funzioni dell’ANAC”, - Corso di formazione sul processo di approvvigionamento di beni, servizi e lavori, per il personale RUP Unibo, SPISA, Università di Bologna, Bologna, 27.3.2019;

- “La fase di esecuzione”, - Corso di formazione sul processo di approvvigionamento di beni, servizi e lavori, per il personale RUP Unibo, SPISA, Università di Bologna, Bologna, 5.3.2019 - 9.4.2019;

- “Il privato cittadino ai tempi del Covid” - convegno “Lo sport oggi: dall’emergenza alla ripartenza”, webinar, Università di Bologna, 28.5.2020

- "Narcolessia e rapporto di lavoro" - VIII SEMINARIO MULTIDISCIPLINARE SULLA NARCOLESSIA "Biomarcatori nella Diagnosi e Terapia delle Ipersonnie del Sistema Nervoso Centrale", Alma Mater Studiorum - Università degli Studi di Bologna, Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche e Neuromotorie, Bologna, in data 20 novembre 2021

Editorial roles

- Since June 2018, member of the Editorial Board in the journal Sanità Pubblica e Privata.

- Since June 2018, member of the Steering and Editorial Board in the journal Diritto dello Sport.

- Since April 2019, member of the Editorial Board in The International Journal of Risk & Safety in Medicine.